Oh speak to me spirits of the earth, wind, fire and water. Teach me your ways. The ways of my forefathers. The ways of the children of the earth. Teach me your songs. Give me wisdom and guide me on my path.
Give to me the knowledge of ages past and guidance to lead others. Lend me your strength. Make me strong as an oak. Tall as a pine. Give me the gentle nature of a willow tree. Make the fruits of my efforts as sweet as an apple. May the blood of my soul be as the maple. Give me the patience to nurture those who nest beneath my leaves.
Waken me with the song of the morning dove. Lull me to sleep with the harmony of the night creatures. May the moon be my nightlite and the stars my guardians. Let me see the glory of the sunrise and the splendor of the sunset.
I proclaim myself a part of you, Earth Goddess. From out of you I was born, and unto you I shall return. To become the dust of you, giving you myself, to nurture those who feed off your bounty.
I shall watch the seasons as a stoic statue, where with, you mark the passage of time.
I will join my song with yours at the coming of spring, the Age of New Birth. A renewal of Spirit, a refreshening. My shown joy will be cultivated by my new leaves, my branches becoming a welcome refuge to many.
A sheer enjoyment of summer. To watch the creatures of your soil as they love, learn, work and play. The birds of the skies. The squirrels in my arms. The children beneath my shade.
I lift my face to the gentleness of your spirit and tempests of your fury. The Sun beats down upon me and warms me. I watch the clouds as they pass over me on their journey. My eyes reflecting the blue of your skies.
I am refreshed when the spring showers come to wash me of winters weariness.
When you are angry I stand in awe. Your eyes flash with the lightening. Your voice roaring with the thunder.
I can feel your pain as we, the children of your womb, use and abuse you.
Mother of the Earth, I can hear your cries for peace, and your moans enter my ears as daggers to a bledding soul.
So long have you cried out, and no one has heard you. You say to us, "Look at me! See what you have done to me!" And we heed you not. We take from you our sustenance and return to you our filth. We have corrupted the skin of your body, and wonder why, when you crumble beneath the weight of it.
I lay myself prone upon you, with my ear to your body.
Teach me to listen. Teach to me your ways Earth Goddess.
My Courtyard
A Dream,
Into the Dark,
Love Set Free
My Knight,
My Lady
Yeshua's Dream
A Seed,
A Dish,
Poetry Pie,
Bubbly Love
It was once said...,
Pearls of Wisdom
Natural High,
My Pub,
The Jewels of My Life
Other Courts I Visit