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My Motto


If we all didn't have a little insanity we'd all go insane
Lady Rhi

To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are..

Life goes on...with or without us
Lady Rhi

The purpose of life is life.
Karl Lagerfeld

"If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got.

There will come a time, when the world will be filled with one science, one truth, one industry, one brotherhood, one friendship with nature ... this is my belief, it progresses, it grows stronger, this is worth living for, this is worth waiting for
Dmitri Mendeleyev

Everybody has something in common with everybody else, we just don't always take the time to find it.
Lady Rhi

Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them..
-- Dion Boucicalt

Life is worth being lived, but not worth being discussed all the time..
Isabelle Adfani

"For too long we have let others define who we are"
Steven C. Parrish

Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.
. Lady Bird Johnson

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.
Frederick Douglass

This teardrop is for all our innocent children who have shed silent, lonely tears from abuse!

"A child is born to win, but too many have been conditioned to lose."
Zig Ziglar

We the Unwilling
Lead by the Unknowing
Are doing the Impossible
For the Ungrateful
Author Unknown

Most of us miss out on life's big prizes. The Pulitzer. The Nobel. Oscars. Tonys. Emmys. But we're all eligible for life's small pleasures. A pat on the back. A kiss behind the ear. A four-pound bass. A full moon. An empty parking space. A crackling fire. A great meal. A glorious sunset. Hot soup. Cold beer. Don't fret about copping life's grand rewards. Enjoy its tiny delights. There are plenty for all of us.
Author Unknown

All roads lead to a destiny as yet to be determined by the fates, but only one road leads to an uncertainty that will release us from all we hold most treasured.
Lady Rhi

All answers are to be found in time, its just that we as humans, often run out of patience long before, for which, the price paid is even greater.
Lady Rhi

I tell you I love you and you say "I can't", they don't belong here. My soul is content for it knows you'll forever be. My heart is breaking. My tears fall for the loss of my Knight. Why does a princess long for a champion on a white steed? Someone to love her and cherish her and care for her every need? My heart cries out to hold you. To wrap my arms around you and lavish you with passionate kisses. Is it better to have loved and lost then to have never loved? I do not know. Someday, I am hoping for Ladyfate and the Man in the Moon to smile down on me and give me the desires of my heart.
Lady Rhi

Just to let you know that
when your heart is broken
I'll be there
When your will is lost you'll find me here
When you feel you can't go on
look to me
in good times and bad I'll be what you need
And I'll be there whenever
Author Unknown

To My Riches

From thoughts of you my creativity flows
stemming from a sadness in your silence
a hope to once again share with you the thoughts of my mind
a knowing that the Shade of my Soul is you
may you find comfort in the Shade of my Soul in you
Lady Rhi

Reality is Ever Bitter Sweet

Light a candle against violence to women

Hope is a waking dream..

Beloved Midnight Lord

Everything except you is but a mere afterthought
You are all my thoughts
only you
The Universe around me remains
just you
Cöµñ† ßrá†övh™

Nagging is the repetition of unpalatable truths
Baroness Edith Summerskill

My Castle Halls

My Courtyard

A Dream, Into the Dark, My Garden, Voices
Aranos, Caresses, Sand, Love Set Free
My Knight, My Lady
Yeshua's Dream
A Seed, A Dish, Poetry Pie, Bubbly Love
Pearls of Wisdom, Haiku
The Jewels of My Life,
Other Courts I Visit

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