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"Night Comes" by Callista Gaeriel Haas

Into the Dark

The darkness comes, surrounds. For some it brings fear. To others, it comforts.

It's fingers can be cold as steel, icy, unforgiving. It's arms can be soothing, engulfing in their warm embrace.

Which are you?

Do you cower in a moonless night, or do you gaze with wonder at a starlit sky? Would you beg for mercy in a dark room thinking you had gone blind; or would you welcome the moment of quietness, of being alone and use it to meditate and reflect?

For some, the dark is an age of hatred. To others it is an age of rest.

I am of the latter. I relish a walk in the night. My eyes sparkle as a thousand stars as I gaze with wonderment at the world around me.

Such as it is with the quiet hours of the early morn.

LadyRhi 10-98

My Castle Halls

My Courtyard

A Dream, My Garden, Voices
Aranos, Caresses, Sand, Love Set Free
My Knight, My Lady
Yeshua's Dream
A Seed, A Dish, Poetry Pie, Bubbly Love
It was once said..., Pearls of Wisdom
Natural High, Haiku
My Pub, The Jewels of My Life
Other Courts I Visit

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