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My Favorite Pub on the W.W.W.

My pub as I have known it has past into the age of memories .. if you have a chat your particularily fond of please send me the URL and I will visit.

Please enjoy this art and I hope you find a piece of yourself inside each one

"Dragon" by Awesome1

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

"The Stallion" by Suzanne Jessup

"Fire Goddess" by Ravon

"AngelsHome" by Angela

"Pyramide on another Planet" by Kortan

"Gaia's Cure" by Angela

"NightVision" by Lora Craig-Gaddis

"Nighttime Rejuvination" by Joe Trimarchi

The Tor

I bid you to wander the halls of my Castle freely

My Courtyard

A Dream, Into the Dark, My Garden, Voices
Aranos, Caresses, Sand, Love Set Free
My Knight, My Lady
Yeshua's Dream
A Seed, A Dish, Poetry Pie, Bubbly Love
It was once said..., Pearls of Wisdom, Haiku
The Jewels of My Life,
Other Courts I Visit

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