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Love Set Free

Where does your future lie
What path do you choose
I cannot see your soul today
Your eyes are pained
Your heart is heavy
It weighs down on me
How I wish I could heal your hurt
All I can do is love you
Hold you
Need you
Want you
And hope with my every soulstring
That it is enough to keep you
I cannot see a future without you
It does not exist
What was it that was told to me
Do not loose the beauty in the simplest things
How can I not
All I am allowed to do
Is love you enough
To set you free

LadyRhi 9-2001

My Castle Halls

My Courtyard

A Dream, Into the Dark, My Garden, Voices
Aranos, Caresses, Sand, Love Set Free
My Knight, My Lady
Yeshua's Dream
A Seed, A Dish, Poetry Pie, Bubbly Love
It was once said..., Pearls of Wisdom
Natural High, Haiku
My Pub, The Jewels of My Life
Other Courts I Visit

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