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I can feel your soul caressing mine
touching me leading me
in your arms and in your love
reaching out with the fingers of my mind
I grasp you and hold on tight
do not ask me to let you go
for you have become a part of my soul
my being would die to loose you now
I want you in my life forever
I may not be able to hold you and gently touch you
but I'd be lost without your love
and life without you would have no meaning
the thoughts of your mind
and the words of your lips
are my cherished treasures
not kept in a golden chest
but set out for display so all can see
what you have done for me
Oh my love
my cherished love
the riches you have given me
far outweigh the gold in the largest mine
the caresses of my soul
are reaching out to you
tell me that you feel me loving you
and in all thats unknown
and in all that is new
my love will ever hold you
lay your head on my breast
and I will give you the hope in a promise
of a dream come true

LadyRhi Aug 98

My Castle Halls

My Courtyard

A Dream, Into the Dark, My Garden, Voices
Alanos, Caresses, Sand, Love Set Free
My Knight, My Lady
Yeshua's Dream
A Seed, A Dish, Poetry Pie, Bubbly Love
It was once said..., Pearls of Wisdom, Haiku
My Pub, The Jewels of My Life,

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