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T H E   R O B I N   H O O D   B U G L E
April '98  Volume 1   Number 5
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***1 - Cooperation***

Last month, we ended
"<Phase 2>. We must walk before we can run. We hope through these pages to make some contribution to that effort by increasing the levels of awareness and co-operation

We have received a plan for the planet for the new age:-


This document has been produced as a result of a desire to help the people.
The evolution of the planet is finely balanced at a critical point, and could move in either a positive or a negative direction.
The object of this document is to show the two opposed directions, and to assist in the selection of one of the directions as a basis of long term planning.
The two divisions of direction can be named, for ease of terminology,
as material and spiritual.
The planet is at a point where it can choose to follow its traditional cultures of religion and agriculture, or continue to move into the culture of finance, and manufacturing.
We openly admit to a bias towards the former path. However we have attempted to be as objective and accurate as possible with any of the words used in this document.
We freely admit that there are other alternatives, and that these concepts are far from perfect.
However, they do represent a possible point of view, and as such we would be grateful if the words could be considered as possibly having some significance.
The author's also confirm that there is no financial or other motive behind the words, except to make an attempt to offer assistance to the people of the planet.

  *  *  *


There are numerous predictions relating to problems of the planet, and they all occur in the next two decades . The Mayan calendar, Nostradamus, Edward Cayce, and many others, including ancient religious works all have the same thing in common. But we must remember that they are predictions of what will happen if nobody does anything about it.
This document has been produced as a result of much research and careful thought. Having looked at the evolution of the planet, and the people on it, we can begin to draw a picture of the power centres of the world, from Babylon, thought Greece and Rome, to England, and then to America.
But through all of this history, and control situations, the east is little mentioned.
Eastern nations are in the process of evolving, and as this happens the world will reach a higher level of understanding as the glorious old cultures from the east begin to mingle at faster rates with the more recent cultures of the west.
We are of the belief that this mingling will lead to a new revised culture, which is far more suitable for the occupation of this planet.

In terms of the way in which the territories and the people are governed or led, probably the most significant recent inovation is democracy.
Democracy is based on the original work of a Greek gentleman called Democritus, whose ideas were of a government for the people by the people. This is a far cry from today's so called democratic governments, which appear to be leaning towards a government OF the people. And this is one of the main points of this document. If we were able to mould our new democracy in the direction indicated by Democritus, we would in fact have a more advanced nation than most of today's. The planet is in a unique position, and if this is truly recognised, then we can utilise our strengths to counteract our weaknesses, and grow rapidly in stature as a result.
As such, any group of people adopting these policies would be a front runner in the big league, and would be in a position to spread the culture of the new people around the world, in the same way that Buddha spread his culture around the world.
In fact it is the first time the planet has had the opportunity to choose. When a planet is rich, the governments becomes involved in so many long term and expensive projects that a change of direction is virtually impossible. However, after a period of being poor, there are fewer long term projects, and therefore the change of direction can occur more quickly. It is this fact alone, just the pure possibility, which presents an interesting point around which this document is written.
It really comes down to an answer to the following question.

"Is any body ready to become a world power?"

But before we answer the question, let's try to clarify the word  "power".
And before we do that, let's remember that we are trying to represent the two viewpoints of spiritualism and materialism.

In the material world, power means the level of control over other people.
In the spiritual world, power means the level of control over the self (atman).

Both viewpoints are valid, it just depends on your personal preferences.

We therefore make a poor attempt at expressing the viewpoints of both the material and spiritual worlds.
We hope that by clarifying the two alternatives, we can possibly assist some people in determining their own future.

  *  *  *

In the near past, the planet was mainly agricultural in terms of labour and land usage.
As we have developed and evolved, we have gradually moved from the countryside in to towns, and have now changed the balance of the way in which the planet is used.
And the latest power centre, in a long line, is America. America was comparatively recently occupied by Europeans, and a new culture was born. These people were considered to be escaping from the oppression of the controlling influences in Europe, with the desire to start a free new nation.

The words on the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, read

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstance, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilised society to remain ever under the regimen of its barbarous ancestors."

This is a statement on which the American culture was founded.

The population of the countries which evolved around towns was subject to dramatic increases, resulting in the size of each town also rapidly increasing. This changed the balance of country folk to townsfolk, and a step in the evolutionary process was taken.
Once the balance changed, the culture took on different aspects, as banking, government, law, transport, and religion all increased in importance.

  *  *  *


For our picture of the future we attempt to provide two view points. Firstly, we approach the material viewpoint, as this is probably the most documented. We can therefore be brief.
The material culture is based on the control of people by others.
This results in powerful governments, large corporations, and large prisons.
This is an easy path to choose, but it does not appear to represent the words of Democritus - "government for the people".
Our view of the future of a spiritually cultured nation presents a very different picture. If we were to attempt to convey that picture in one word, we would say  -  "Buddha".
We see a Buddhist culture as a positive culture.
We are not religios people, and we do not see Buddhism as a religion. We see it as it was intended by The Buddha - a way of life.
Our picture of the future in the planet presents a more humble view than many scenarios..
The people are far more advanced in their spiritualism, and as a result they have no concern for the "rat race" of materialism.
There has never been, and probably never will be, another opportunity like this one to change the course of history.

Never before have we as a planet had:-

 - Weather so unpredictable.
 - Holes in the ozone layer.
 - A period of peace between nations.
 - Advanced communications
 - UFOs
 - Unhealthy pollution
 - A need for change

  *  *  *


There are natural borders inside any geographical region. They are represented by the differnt "local"customs. Each locality has its own customs needs and desires which are unique to any other locality.
If we choose to follow Democritus, and provide government for the people, then we must also provide for the differences between people.
And that is where we have to answer our question. Do we believe in the free will of the people , or do we believe that we have to control the will of the people.
If we believe in the former, then we arrange for the different communities to arrange for their own local government, which would take away most of the responsibility for central government.
This would leave the central government to work on the large projects of a national nature, but only when agreed and ratified by all the area representatives.
This would enable most of the tax money from a locality  to be spent in that locality, therefore enabling the people to see the fruits of their labours, and reducing the power over freedom currently demonstrated by our central governments.
We would also expect that they would like to see a smaller armed forces, and a smaller police forces, as neither would be deemed to have the same importance as at present.
Of course if we follow the path of controlling the will of the people, then we would expect to see the armed forces and the police force grow in size and stature. We cover these points in more detail in a later paragraph.
As a point of interest, we also have a detailed plan along these lines of how to start the change over, with minimal interference with the every day lives of the people, based on any locality which has agreement from its residents.

  *  *  *


If we decide to take more control of the will of the people, then of course we have to take more control of the environment.
If we decide to take less control of the will of the people, then we can expect the people to take more control of the environment themselves.
However, it is apparent that we need to finalise our control decision in the very near future, and this is one of the reasons for the timing of this document.
If we were to set the world lead in taking care of our environment, our respect factor throughout the world would increase in manifold proportions, and along with it the fortunes of the planet.
This applies to each individual reading these words.

  *  *  *

Armed forces.

If we work on the basis of taking more control of the people, then it is fair to assume that other nations are thinking likewise. It therefore becomes important for the armed forces to be well capable of the protection from attack by other nations.
However, if we adopt the viewpoint of less control over the people, then we have less need to protect the nation from other nations. And also, with this different viewpoint, we would need to apply a very different approach to the new style armed forces.
These forces would not be trained to protect against another nation, but they would be trained to protect against invasion by other planetary forces or spirits.
This would entail a close study of interplanetary forces and spirits, in order to ascertain and differentiate between friendly forces and unfriendly forces. We are fortunate at this time as information which was previously hidden from us is slowly being discovered and publicised on the World Wide Web. So opinions are beginning to change. The facts regarding the presence or otherwise of interplanetary entities does not change as a result of our control decision.
But with the one viewpoint we would attempt to deny the existence of interplanetary entities, and attempt to obliterate any such beings and their materials, and on the other viewpoint we would readily accept aid from more knowledgeable entities.
The armed forces must be aware of the two possibilities, even if we do choose to take more control of people.

  *  *  *


In a similar way, the duties of the police force could be subject to significant change, along with the true Democratic method.
The main task of the police would be understood by all people to be a role of assisting the people of the nation.
Police forces would be available within each cultural area, and would not be subject to any national control, except for situations of national importance. This does not mean governmental importance, it means important to the vast majority of the people of the nation.
The police would be trained in compassionate methods of dealing with local situations, and would help in cases of emergency or dire distress.
The use of guns would be prohibited. There would be no guns allowed in any country, and anyone possessing a gun would be advised to export it, or to have its firing mechanism debilitated.
Anyone known to be using a gun for any purpose would be imprisoned for life, in the local community.
The prison service would be upgraded so that the inmates have conditions suitable for a normal human being. It would be expected that far fewer people would be in prisons, as the available help for straying citizens would help to maintain social order.

  *  *  *


If we choose the path of more control, then it is inevitable that we will require more laws, and more lawyers. Also we will need larger prisons, as inevitably more laws means more criminals.
If we choose the path of less control, then inevitably we need fewer laws.
We would therefore be able to set the lawyers to work in simplifying the current laws, and by simplifying the law we have fewer criminals, assisting the prison service in its aims to help reduce criminal behaviour.
A recognition would be made in that crime increases in direct proportion to the increase in the law, due to the infringement on the free will of the people by any law.

  *  *  *


If we adopt the principal of more control, then we will have fixed and controlled curricula in the schools, and we will refine these curricula as new inventions are discovered, and we will apply this resulting global  curriculum to all schools.
If we adopt the principal of less control, we will make available a selection of courses, and the students will be free to choose their education from a variety of offerings, each of which is unique.
Students will be provided with opportunities to receive education in spiritual, permaculture, martial arts, and also an increase in the experience of the practical applications of technology. More people will be encouraged to become "handy-men", or DIY people, and education will be provided.
There will be an increased slant towards learning how to be independent and self-sufficient.

  *  *  *


As we have already learned from the West, it is now the time to reapply the knowledge of the East. There are few hospitals currently offering eastern solutions to eastern dis-ease-s, as we continue to further apply western solutions.
If we choose a path of less control, we will have more and smaller hospitals, each one specialising in its own unique methods. An introduction to these methods will be available for students of all ages.
By maintaining the control option, we will continue to import and manufacture more drugs with unknown side-effects, and potentially harm the health of the nation.

  *  *  *


Business will be run on the understanding of providing a service to the community, the labour content of which would normally expect to be recompensed. There would be no expectations of hoarding wealth, or of controlling large work forces and facilities. Businesses would be run more on a family or group of friends basis.
And these families and group of friends would be running this business because they had detected a need among the people for an item which was available.
Of course the item would fit within the code of ethics which had been drawn up by that particular community, dependent on their spiritual and material requirements.

  *  *  *


The crowning benefit which the world has along with all the other features, are the places of worship.
Few religions in the world have benefitted no-one, and we feel that anyone wishing to follow a religious path should be encouraged to do so.
However we would also encourage every religious leader to redily recognise and understend the existence of other religious, and we would ask them to devise the most suitrable method they know of introducing into yheir program an introductory education on alternetive religions. Of course, when we truly recognise the One Infinite Creator, any religious differences become dissolved.
And that is why we say that Buddhism is not a religion, but a way of life.
And this is because of the Buddhist "be and let be " approach to life.

But it is sometimes becomes difficult to see through the veil of illusion which is promulgated by the material approach to life.
And this veil can easily become more dense, and include all nations. And maybe the only people who can detect it are Wanderers, like ex-patriots.
But it certainly exists, and if more people are able to detect it, then the spiritual boost which the planet needs will be actioned.

  *  *  *


More and more people around the world are now able to detect the veil of illusion.
But there are few places they can go to discuss their knowledge without being considered abnormal.
Fortunately again, the web is one of the places where so called abnormal people can discuss absolutely anything they want to, with nobody interfering or censoring.
And when one person opens up with a secret truth, so do many others. As a result of this, many secret truths are being revealed.
If one nation was to specifically welcome all "spiritual pilgrims", the timing is perfect for a flood tide change in  tourism.
Not only would all of the many millions of spiritual people around the world consider visiting,  but all tourists would raise the nation higher on their list because of the association with respectability, which has been so tarnished in the past.

  *  *  *

Wild Life.

Along with our new approach to life, it would be a simple procedure to promote vast wild life reserves.
We would stop cutting down old trees completely, and we start to grow wood for local use on a 20 year plan.
This plan would include serious considerations for the habitat of one of the planet's wonders - its enormous variety of animals, insects, plants, and fruits. Along with this protection would come true respect for the 2000 plus year old cultures of the aboriginal people, another of planet's gems.

  *  *  *


There would be regulations on international shipping in order to avoid the movement of the planets resources. They are where they are for a reason, even if we do not know what it is, we should try to allow them to stay there. Each locality would be encouraged to become self sufficient, therefore avoiding the necessity for the movement of large volumes of resources.

  *  *  *


The media would be encouraged to be less sensationalist, and to present an acurately rounded view of the planet and how each locality relates to the rest of the planet, and infinity.
We would have less use for newspapers and more use for wordly knowledge.

  *  *  *


As a result of the rapid cut-back in the need for transportation, which results in the cut-back in manufacture, and allows more time for self sufficiency, our energy requirements will reduce to incredibly low levels when compared to today's volume of usage.
This will leave vast resources unused, which can then gradually prepare for a total change-over to renewable power resources.

  *  *  *


And now we have to really slow down, and take a few deep breaths, close our eyes for five minutes, and consider what we have read so far.
If we consider the focus to be away from serious interest, there is no obligation to continue reading.
However, if you do continue, we now hope that you will continue to read through to the Conclusions section. If you are really short of time, and skip, you will miss the essence which we are trying to convey.
The essence is based on the existence of prophecies from Nostradamus, Edward Case,
The Hopi Indians, The Bible, and many other sources. And all of these predictions state, in one way or another, that what is written is what will happen if nothing is done to prevent it.
And we find the world in its current position, and realise that there is probably only country in the world which has a chance of creating the reversal which most of the people in the world truly desire.
This is what our control decision is truly about.
At this point we would ask you to recall the question.
Do we wish to take control of the will of others, or do we truly believe in the free will of the people.?

  *  *  *


One of the arts which the planet possesses inn abundance is much talent is music.
Along with a general increase in the appreciation of the arts, there will be opportunities to promote music , much of it being capable of benefit as chants or mantras.

  *  *  *


To summarise at this point, we believe that the planet has a unique opportunity at this moment in time. We believe that the opportunity is so unique, if you will pardon the phrase, that it almost becomes a duty to ensure that the opportunity is closely examined, and soon.
Any nation could achieve the following, by setting an example for others to follow.

- resolve the greenhouse gas problems, and allow the environment to return to something more suitable for human existence.
-resolve the energy problem by refusing nuclear power, and proceeding directly to renewable energy systems.
- reduce the world emphasis on the need for money, and improve every ones life as a result.

  *  *  *


If we are to consider adopting the policy of less control of the people, then we have to draw up a plan of how this can be commenced. We have available a plan of how to commence action, beginning  in one locality.
One of the reasons for choosing a locality, is that these will be the "neutrons" of the future culture, as power is slowly disseminated back to the people.
The plan utilises the geography of a natural boundary, focussing on a residential community, as a seed or kernel to the whole plan.
Details of the plan are available if requested.
Once the "seed" is seen to be successfully operating, even with the opposed methods only one metre away, it will then become apparent to all that the quieter way is the better way.
Many of our younger people may not agree, and may wish to have the opportunity of living amongst the traffic and pollution for many more years, but I am sure that the wiser ones would choose a method whereby they have a chance of prolonging their lives and their children's lives.
However we believe that once the seed is growing, then the remainder will grow naturally as people can witness the benefits.
All of this must be done according to the free will of the people. All we are proposing is one idea, and every one has the free will to ignore it or to adopt it, or to examine it further.
We feel that the concept will withstand substantial examination.

  *  *  *


As mentioned before, the timing is appropriate.
In terms of finding the time to start, then that is the next step. We will find that once we have managed an agreement to proceed with the concept, that many of the previously time consuming projects will simply fall away, and the newer projects will be of much greater spiritual satisfaction.
So the first step we can take, is to pass this document to someone else who may help you with whatever ideas we already have, and provide some new ones.
In a few days time there could be serious meetings held  to make decisions about the new approach.
But the initial decision to allow the people's free will to take priority over all else will have to be made by a central government.
So now we are really focused on where the power of the world could reside.
It could reside in the decision making processes of the government of one small nation, who apparently at present may be in possession of the balance of world power if we represent the two poles as material and spiritual.
The timing could never be better.

  *  *  *


The benefits to the people of the planet are profound.
Whilst looking through the same viewfinder as before, the benefits may be unnoticeable, and to the uninitiated may appear to be a backward step.
But the benefits of the resulting, simpler, slower lifestyle will soon become apparent.
Health will improve.
As a natural follow on from a the adoption of a less stressful life, we would expect the health of the planet to start an upward trend.
Hidden benefits.
 If we are to adopt a plan of allowing the free will of the people to operate, then we have to have a plan to dismantle many of the control mechanisms which are already in place. During examination of these mechanisms, many benefits will be discovered.
Crime will reduce.
We do not profess to be experts in crime. However we feel that people in a truly spiritual environment are less likely to have a desire or need to commit crime. The simplification of the law will also be of distinct benefit to the crime statistics.
Rubbish will reduce.
As we adopt a more natural and less packaged approach to life, then the level of refuse will correspondingly reduce.
If we cut out plastic, recycle glass and paper, turn biodegradable waste in to fertiliser, and then examine the remainder, we will find a significant reduction in the problem
Peace will increase.
By following the detailed plan which demonstrates how to avoid the non-peaceful aspects of life, we have a resultant increase in peace.
Joy will increase.
Peace allows for joy. As peace increases, so does joy. The people of theplanet will benefit from the adoption of the positive portions of this document by having increased happiness.

  *  *  *


We may discover that we are no longer in a position to carry out "impressive" projects, but then we will be adopting a different opinion to "impressive" to that adopted by material culture, where size is of imperative importance. The change in monetary value of real estate will have to be carefully considered.
There are predictions that if the environment change continues in its current direction, that we
will need to grow our food indoors, as the outside will be too affected by the direct sun's rays, with insufficient protection from the depleting ozone layer.
This would mean the conversion of unused warehouse, factory and office space in to horticultural space.
This would have the effect of enabling food to be grown inside the cities.
The new growth in itself will help to reduce the pollution, which will also be further reduced as the food will not have to travel so far, therefore reducing pollution from transport.
We could ask the residents to help themselves by placing biodegradable products such as vegetable trimmings, and unused but clean rice into separate containers. These could then be kept locally, and used as fertiliser after composting.
Education in permaculture will become important.
  *  *  *


In short, we have a choice to make. We can choose to follow, or we can choose to lead. Our recommendation would be to do both.
To follow Buddha, and to lead the rest of the world in to an improved way of life, in the light of the One Infinite Creator.
We would like to thank you for the time donated to reading this report.


  Top    Help   Personal Discovery  Quotation  Difficult Circumstances  Environment  Spirit

 ***2 - Help***
Further help with rhythmic breathing.


"I am currently experiencing a fear of letting go."

 "I have virtually run out of money, I have a court case pending which may put be me in prison,  the landlord's son has indicated that there may be no continuation lease, which makes the remains of my business valueless. It is possible that my lady is pregnant. I am trying to "Imagine no possessions" with no need for greed or "hunger". John Lennon's inspiration strikes again - reminding me that I am a superstar, and that Mrs Karma will get me. I feel that most of my bad karma has been repaid, and that I can handle what karma may throw at me.So what am I afraid of.How can "letting go"create fear. Because of an attachment to the familiar."

There are things familiar to us which we feel we rely on, even if we do not know what they are. These things generate a fear of change, because change may mean that we lose the things we are familiar with. And being without our familiar things is what frightens us. So we have to try to work out what are our familiar things, and what will and will not be available in our new changed environment. First of all - let's look at what makes us happy, and what we look forward to.
We all look forward to receiving a hand written letter.
We all look forward to receiving a phone call from a friend.
We all look forward to our holidays.
We all look forward to the weekend.
We all hate receiving bills.
We all hate having the phone cut off.
We all hate the doldrum jobs we have had , do have, or will have.

We have all achieved a standard of living which we feel we do not wish to give up. We all hope for an increased standard of living. But we never ask,"Is a standard of living what we are looking for?"

Or do we wish to live our lives totally independently of outside influences, so that we can learn to control our own influences, without constant interference from others. Maybe when we learn about our own influences, we will learn how to control them, and maybe then be a suitable person to return to the city life. But until then a quiet life in the country is undoubtedly the more beneficial. We need to learn all over again how to live with our fellow man. We need to forget and completely put aside absolutely anything which affects anyone elses complete freedom, just as long as they do not affect ours.

 Before this happens to the world, we need to completely review every law ever written, prior to destroying it, and rewriting but one law. "Every man is entitled to his freedom to anything anywhere in the world that he wishes, provided that he does not interfere with the freedom of any one else."

Meditating on this closing sentence, whilst maintaining a rythmic breath pattern often provides interesting results.

 We will discuss this further next month.

Top  Cooperation     Personal Discovery  Quotation  Difficult Circumstances  Environment  Spirit

 ***3 - Personal discoveries related to the spiritual ether***

Following the theme of "Are you normal", and in order to generate a bit more humour and activity, we have this month's latest best ever idea.

It's a place within the newspaper to air news and views, but we guide our eyes to operate through the two central characters.
These two characters are Joe Six-pack, and Andy Dram.
And more honourable men it would be difficult to meet.

As a result of one of their reasons for not becoming Buddhist, they do not abstain from alcohol.
However, this does allow these two fictitious characters to answer and ask in whatever vein they wish, but please re-member, an honourable man is honourable 24 hours per day.

This is the first conversation which was overheard, and we invite you to add the opinion of your view through the eyes of Joe Six-pack and Andy Dram and send the next few exchanges to us for the May Newsletter.

For the sake of ease, we have abbreviated Joe Six-pack to Jpax and Andy Dram to Ad.

Ad "So what are you going to do about it then?"
Jpax "About what?
Ad "About what it says here in the paper about the world coming to an end because the airs all messed up"
Jpax "Yeah, I read the other day that it was caused by bovine flatulence"
Ad "I heard you can get injections for it now"
Jpax "To get rid of the flatulence"
AD "No, to cause it. The theory of the opposed party is that bovine flatulence creates a more liveable environment than diesel flatulence."
Jpax "I think it's all a load of bull's dung myself. That's why I drink this stuff. Its the only way I can find a bit of peace. And if the bovine flatulence is disturbing someones peace, then the bovines could stop flatulating, or the someone could move to the city. What do you think?"

Please add the next few lines of conversation, and snip and return the story to me.
If you want an exchange more than once per month, please let me know daily, 3 days, weekly, or twice monthly. Just delete the ones you dont want

Top  Cooperation   Help    Quotation  Difficult Circumstances  Environment  Spirit

***4 - Quotations from books (ancient and modern)***

For this month's book, we are using the Ra material, and will commence with the introduction and index.
 Any requests for further workings will be answered to the best of our ability, and we believe that we are infringing no copyright obligations by providing this service.

Front Cover:
The Law of One: Book I
by Ra,
an humble messenger of
The Law of One
Copyright  1984 by James Allen McCarty, Don Elkins, and Carla Rueckert
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work in any
form whatsoever without permission in writing from the publisher, except
for brief passages in connection with a review.
Distributed by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.
1469 Morstein Road
West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380
Please write for a free catalog
This book may be purchased from the publisher.
Please include $2.00 postage.
Try your bookstore first.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Ra (Spirit)
The Ra material.
1. Spirit writings. 2. Occult sciencesMiscellanea. I. McCarty, James
II. Elkins, Don. III. Rueckert, Carla. IV. Title.
BF1301.R2  1984  133.9'3  82-12967
ISBN: 0-89865-260-X
Printed in the United States of America
Don Elkins: This book is an exact transcript from tape recordings of
twenty-six sessions of an experiment designed to communicate with an
extraterrestrial being. We started the experiment in 1962 and refined the
process for nineteen years. In 1981 the experimental results of our
efforts changed profoundly in quality and precision. This book is simply a
report of the beginning of this latter phase of our work.
Since our experimental work began, and even before we officially formed a
research group, there was considerable confusion about the nature of our
research. I would like to state that I consider my point of view to be
purely scientific. Many readers of this material have used as a basis for
its evaluation a previously assumed philosophical bias which has ranged
from what I would call objectively scientific to subjectively theological.
It is not the purpose of our research group to attempt to do anything
other than make experimental data available. Each reader will undoubtedly
reach his own unique conclusion about the meaning of this body of data.
In recent years there has been much controversy about phenomena that were
apparently incompatible with accepted methods of scientific research. This
included such things as UFOs, mental metal-bending, psychic surgery, and
many other seemingly miraculous happenings.
To prove or disprove any of these alleged phenomena is certainly not
properly the task of the casual observer. However, most of the public
opinion that has been generated with respect to these events seems to be
the product of quick and superficial investigation. After almost thirty
years of research and experimentation in the area of so-called paranormal
phenomena, I must recommend extreme caution in reaching a conclusion. If
it is possible to make money, gain notoriety, or have fun from
perpetrating a hoax, then someone usually does it. Consequently,
paranormal or psychic areas are prime targets for the trickster, and the
careful researcher usually has to observe copious amounts of "garbage"
data in order to find a possible imbedded gem of truth. This is especially
true of Philippine psychic surgery and the large area of spirit
communication in general.
It seems to me that the presently accepted scientific paradigm is less
than adequate. It is my opinion that our present natural philosophy is a
very special case of a much more general case yet to be unveiled. It is my
hope that our research is in the direction of this discovery. After
assimilating several million words of alleged extraterrestrial
communication, it is also my opinion that this book and the subsequent
volumes of the Ra material contain the most useful information that I have
discovered. As a result of all of this delving into the rather confusing
subjects of UFOlogy and parapsychology, I, of course, have formed my
current opinion of how things "really are." This opinion may change at any
time as I become aware of future information. This book is not intended to
be a treatise of my opinion, so I will not attempt to defend its validity.
The following is the best guess I can make about what we think we are
doing. Only time will tell as to the accuracy of this guess.
Our research group uses what I prefer to call "tuned trance telepathy" to
communicate with an extraterrestrial race called Ra. We use the English
language because it is known by Ra. In fact, Ra knows more of it than I
Ra landed on Earth about 11,000 years ago as a sort of extraterrestrial
missionary with the objective of helping Earthman with his mental
evolution. Failing in this attempt, Ra retreated from the Earth's surface
but continued to monitor activities closely on this planet. For this
reason Ra is highly informed about our history, languages, etc.
Probably the most difficult thing to understand about Ra is its nature. Ra
is a sixth-density social memory complex. Since Earth is near the end of
the third-density cycle of evolution, this means that Ra is three
evolutionary cycles ahead of us. In other words, Ra's present state of
evolution is millions of years in advance of Earthman's. It is not
surprising that Ra had difficulty communicating with Earthman 11,000 years
ago. The same problem still exists in our present "enlightened" time.
At this writing we have completed over 100 sessions of experimental
communications with Ra. This approximate 300,000 words of information hasQUESTIONER: The instrument would like for me to ask if there is any
problem with her kidneys?
RA: I am Ra. This query is more complex than its brevity certifies. The
physical complex renal system of this instrument is much damaged. The
time/space equivalent which rules the body complex is without flaw. There
was a serious question, due to psychic attack, as to whether the spiritual
healing of this system would endure. It did so but has the need to be
re-enforced by affirmation of the ascendancy of the spiritual over the
apparent or visible.
When this instrument began ingesting substances designed to heal in a
physical sense, among other things, the renal complex, this instrument was
ceasing the affirmation of healing. Due to this, again, the healing was
weakened. This is of some profound distortion and it would be well for the
instrument to absorb these concepts. We ask your forgiveness for offering
information which may abridge free will, but the dedication of the
instrument is such that it would persevere regardless of its condition, if
possible. Thusly we offer this information that it may persevere with a
fuller distortion towards comfort.
QUESTIONER: What was the experience that caused the healing of the
time/space kidney?
RA: I am Ra. This experience was the healing of self by self with the
catalyst of the spiritual healer whom you call Pachita.
QUESTIONER: Thank you. In utilizing the energetic displacements of
thought-forms energizing the instrument during contact most efficiently,
what specifically could we do?

suggested to me a possibly more adequate scientific paradigm. Only time
and future will serve to validate and expand this paradigm.
UFOlogy is a large subject. A reasonable amount of background material
would swell this introduction to book length. Therefore, the remainder of
this introduction does not attempt to cover every portion of this diverse
and growing field of study but is instead an accounting of some of the
pertinent parts of our research from our beginnings to the present day and
the Ra contact. I've asked my long-time research associate, Carla L.
Rueckert, to tell our story.

If you want more "please ask!"
listed in the Index in this document.
Akashic Records-Allergies-American Indians-Anak-Armageddon-Astrology,
Atlantis-Augustine, St.
Balance-Bible-Bigfoot-Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow
Cassiopeia-Catalyst-Cayce, Edgar-Children-China-Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator-Council of Saturn-Crystals
Death-Deneb-Densities,First through eighth-Diaspora-Disease-Distortion-
Doubling (Way of Squares)-Dreams
Earth Changes-Earth's Population-Easter Island, Heads of-Egypt-Einstein, Albert,
Elder Race-Errors in Transmission, Ra-Evolution, Physical
Faith-Fantasy-Forgiveness-Free Will-Francis of Assisi, St.-Franklin, Benjamin
Genghis Khan-Gravity-Guardians, Council of Saturn
Hall of Records-Harvest-Healing-Healing Exercises-Heraclitus-Hiroshima-
Hitler, Adolf-Hixson, Charlie-Horus
Ikhnaton-Imhotep-Incarnation, Automatic-Industrial Revolution-Initiation-
Inner Planes-Intelligent Energy-Intelligent Infinity-Investment, Evolutionary
Jefferson, Thomas-Jesus-Judaism-Judas Iscariot-Judgment
Karma-Knot of Fear
Larson, Dewey B., Physics of-Law of One, Exercises-LAW OF ONE, Original Title of THE RA MATERIAL-Lemuria, See Mu-Light-Light/Love-Lincoln, Abraham-Logos of the Milky Way Galaxy,
Magic, Ritual-Maldek-Manhattan Project-Mars-Meditation-Men In Black (MIBs)-
Mind/Body/Spirit Complexes-Mind/Body/Spirit Complex Totality-Mohammed-
Nagasaki-Nazca, Lines of-Nuclear Energy
Oahspe-Orion Group
Peru-Pericles-Pets-Philadelphia Experiment-Planetary Energy Web-
Planetary Healing-Planets, inhabited-Polarization-Probert, Mark-Prophecy-
Puharich, Dr. Andrija-Pyramids
Quarantine of Earth
Ra-Rasputin-Rays,red through violet-Reincarnation-Religion-
Responsibility, Way of-Robot-Russia
Second Coming, The-Seniority by Vibration of Incarnation-Service-Sirius-
Social Memory Complex-Society-South America-Southern Cross-
Space/Time-Spiritual Entropy-Star Wars
Taras Bulba-Teaching-Telepathy-Ten Commandments, The-Tesla, Nikola
Thales-Theresa, Ste-Thought-Form-Tibet-Time/Space-Trance, Ra Contact
UFO Flap-UFOs-UFOs, Mass Landing-Unity-Urantia Book
Van Tassel George-Venus-Vibration-Visions
Wanderers-War-Water-Williamson, George Hunt-Wisdom
NOTE: The Ra contact is ongoing, and several further volumes of
transcribed sessions have been compiled and are available from L/L
Research. There is other material available as well from our research
group, and we are periodically available for lectures.
Address all inquiries to:
L/L Research
P.O. Box 5195
Louisville, KY 40205

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 ***5 - A difficult circumstance overcome***

And again from Ra, following last month's medical theme.

QUESTIONER: The instrument would like for me to ask if there is any
problem with her kidneys?
RA: I am Ra. This query is more complex than its brevity certifies. The
physical complex renal system of this instrument is much damaged. The
time/space equivalent which rules the body complex is without flaw. There
was a serious question, due to psychic attack, as to whether the spiritual
healing of this system would endure. It did so but has the need to be
re-enforced by affirmation of the ascendancy of  the spiritual over the
apparent or visible.
When this instrument began ingesting substances designed to heal in a
physical sense, among other things, the renal complex, this instrument was
ceasing the affirmation of healing. Due to this, again, the healing was
weakened. This is of some profound distortion and it would be well for the
instrument to absorb these concepts. We ask your forgiveness for offering
information which may abridge free will, but the dedication of the
instrument is such that it would persevere regardless of its condition, if
possible. Thusly we offer this information that it may persevere with a
fuller distortion towards comfort.
QUESTIONER: What was the experience that caused the healing of the
time/space kidney?
RA: I am Ra. This experience was the healing of self by self with the
catalyst of the spiritual healer whom you call Pachita.
QUESTIONER: Can you tell me what these tablets were, specifically?
RA: I am Ra. We examine this query for the Law of Confusion and find
ourselves close to the boundary, but acceptably so.
The substance which caused the bodily reaction of the heartbeat was called
Pituitone by those which manufacture it. That which caused the difficulty
which seemed to be cramping of the lower abdominal musculature but was, in
fact, more organic in nature was a substance called Spleentone.
This instrument has a physical body complex of complicated balances which
afford it physical existence. Were the view taken that certain functions
and chemicals found in the healthy, as you call it, body complex are
lacking in this one and, therefore, simply must be replenished, the intake
of the many substances which this instrument began would be appropriate.
However, this particular physical vehicle has, for approximately
twenty-five of your years, been vital due to the spirit, the mind, and the
will being harmoniously dedicated to fulfilling the service it chose to

Therefore, physical healing techniques are inappropriate whereas mental
and spiritual healing techniques are beneficial.
QUESTIONER: Is there any technique that we could use that we have not been
using that would be beneficial for the instrument in this case?
RA: I am Ra. We might suggest, without fractiousness, two. Firstly, let
the instrument remove the possibility of further ingestion of this group
of foodstuffs.
Secondly, each of the group may become aware of the will to a greater
extent. We cannot instruct upon this but merely indicate, as we have
previously, that it is a vital key to the evolution of the
mind/body/spirit complex.

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***6 - Environmental issues***
Taken from the Project Earth Web site

  Fall 1992-Earth Island Journal
The Chlorine Cover-up
an interview with
Adam Trombly
In 1985, Adam Trombly became the first US scientist to go public about the reality of global ozone depletion. In 1987 Trombly warned in TIME that ozone loss had become a global phenomenon. As one of six Friends of the Earth International scientists to visit the Persian Gulf after the war, Trombly revealed that the smoke from the burning oil fields was reaching the stratosphere--contradicting the US government's official reassurances. A Video Tape of this interview (1 hour) is available from the Institute for Advanced Studies at Aspen for $25.00 at


[Summer '91 EIJ] The following material was drawn from a two-hour interview taped for the CNN documentary "A Hole In The Sky." On the slopes in Aspen, we have had severe sunburn cases with people who were wearing Sun Protection Factor 15 suntan lotion out skiing for only two hours. Out in the oceans, coral reefs are being killed by ultraviolet radiation. On CNN [Earth Summit Secretary General] Maurice Strong admitted that ultraviolet radiation (UV) in South Africa, Tasmania and Chile is now 28 times the normal background level.

Chlorine is a chemical demon. One chlorine ion will interfere with the reactions that otherwise

would produce 100,000 ozone molecules.


  The sky isn't falling, it's tearing. I'm afraid Mama Gaia's not gonna take care of her babies, anymore. She's gonna kick her babies in the rear!

We've known there was an ozone hole over Antarctica since 1977 when the British Antarctic Expeditionary Group actually discovered it.

The (reason the US couldn't see it) was because a few guys at NASA had written the program for interpreting the data from the Nimbus satellite in such a way that anything above a three percent depletion of ozone wound up being recorded as "noise." After this story finally broke in 1985, NASA re-evaluated its data and suddenly there was an ozone hole over Antarctica.

Since the Nimbus satellite makes 2-50,000 globe scanning measurements an hour, the question arose: "What about the rest of the planet?" Following NASA's adjustment of the interpretive programs in 1985, the NIMBUS also revealed a general, global ozone depletion. NASA officials still won't admit that they knew about this that far back. We've had global ozone depletion for years and it just kept getting worse. Now there have been warnings about 30-40 percent ozone loss over Helsinki, Toronto and Moscow.

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientists were being told what to say and what not to say. I have friends that I can't even talk to anymore. They're afraid to tell me what they know because they're afraid I'll tell the world . They don't want to lose their jobs. (Editors note: This interview was conducted in 1992 during the Bush Administration.)

It's politically inconvenient to acknowledge what the military-industrial complex has done to the atmosphere. In whose best interest is it that we should destroy our own planet? We're exterminating ourselves and we're all participating in the process through our passivity.

The chain of command that George Bush set up made Dan Quayle the executive in charge of Science and Technology. How obscene!!! NASA's former head, Admiral Richard H. Truly was fired right after NASA scientists issued their February report about ozone loss over North America [Spring '92 EIJ]. He was fired because he did not go through 'proper channels.' You had Dan Quayle insisting that Admiral Truly and NASA had to go through him to get permission to print a report about something that threatens the life of every man, woman and child, parrot, dog and cat on this planet. But instead of calling an emergency international disaster alert and getting all the armies and people of the Earth working on this, he fired Truly.

Killer Chlorine
Chlorine is a chemical demon. One chlorine ion will interfere with the reactions that otherwise would produce 100,000 ozone molecules. When Mario Molina and Sherwood Rowland predicted in 1974 that the ozone loss would reach 7-8 percent by the year 2050, it caused a panic. We reached that level in the 1980s. What accounts for the difference? Molina and Rowland were only figuring the chemical impacts for chlorine releases from CFCs. But this source only accounts for a small part of the destruction that has occurred to date. Where did the other chlorine come from?

The truth is that we have chlorine going up into the atmosphere from all kinds of sources. It's not just CFCs. It's chlorine from sewage treatment plants, water treatment plants, backyard swimming pools, even household chlorine bleach. We were told that these molecules were too heavy; that they couldn't get into the stratosphere, but it isn't true. Atmospheric scientists have known this for years--it's lunch table conversation.

Not all chlorine rises into the air (some compounds become entrained in the soil or precipitate into water) but massive amounts of chlorine have been getting into the stratosphere the whole time.

Once the parent molecule--whether its carbon--tetrachloride, polychlorinated hydrocarbon or CFC--gets into the stratosphere, it photo-reacts with the ultraviolet radiation and interferes with the production of ozone.

We've got to realize that as much chlorine production as possible must stop. This is the kind of talk that can get you killed. Chlorine is a huge industry. There is a tremendous amount of money involved. Do you realize the liability issue that is involved here? Remember asbestos? There was congressional testimony from the 1930s on the dangers of asbestos but nothing happened because the lobbies were too strong.

The first major extinctions in the world's oceans were caused by an abundance of oxygen. Anaerobic organisms were killed off by the "aerobic revolution." Then came the invertebrates and the fish. In the atmosphere, membranes of ozone slowly developed, allowing the emergence of land life. This evolution of a natural sunscreen for the whole planet was a living process that took millions and millions of years to occur. And we've totally screwed it up in a couple of centuries.

The Montreal Convention [to control chloroflorocarbon gases] is an obscene compromise. We've compromised not only our lives but the lives of all species . The trees are dying and many of them are not dying from acid rain. In Colorado, only 15-20 percent of the forests, soils were found to be acidic but 28 percent of the state's coniferous forests are now diseased or dead. They've been sunburned by ultraviolet radiation. We're being exterminated by congressional committees that turn their backs on the truth. When people figure out what's been going on, we're going to have War Crime Trials. Twenty to thirty million people died at the hands of the Nazis, but now we're talking about everybody dying.

Why aren,t more people talking? These scientists are not evil people. They're trying to pay their mortgages. The economy's in a recession. We are working twice as much on a per capita basis as we were three decades ago and we're making a third less money. Have you tried to get a job as a physicist lately? Or a job as a climatologist--after you've been fired by NASA? You'll wind up pumping gas; you'll wait on tables.
The Kuwait Connection
The highest chlorine content of any oil in the world is found in Kuwait. The oil contains a lot of polychlorinated hydrocarbons and, from what I was told by a scientist at the Petroleum Institute in Saudi Arabia, they have got quite a bit of free chlorine in those fields as well.

On June 8,1991, NOAA said the top of the plume from the burning oil wells set aflame during the Gulf War, was at 6,800 feet. Look at the time of day they flew. They took off in the early morning (before the sunlight warmed the air and convection lifted the smoke skyward). Our team flying at 1:23 PM in the afternoon, only 200 kilometers (124 miles) south of the source, found that the top of the plume was at 18,000 feet.

This pollution did get into the stratosphere In December 1991, at 56,000 feet, I saw all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, a brown layer of petroleum effluent. This also shows up in NASA STS 43 photographs. The smoke from the fires was lofting all the way to Katmandu. A centimeter of goop fell on the ski slopes in Kashmir, according to Australia Broadcasting and the Brookings Institute. The smoke plume undoubtedly exacerbated the nucleation of the particulates in the Bangladesh monsoon that killed 135,000 people. Chemical condensation with oil in the atmosphere is highly capacitive, which is why we have more lightening strikes. And yet then EPA Administrator William Reilly insisted that the fires were just "a regional problem."

Save Our Skins
We've got so much ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming into our atmosphere now, we've got secondary infrared heating from the reactions in the atmosphere. People need to get excited. We could have a second Jonestown worldwide. By our political indolence, we're committing suicide right now.

The '60s generation demanded and created the EPA. We got rid of Nixon. Now we've got to demand an immediate halt to the use of chlorine. Boycott chlorine bleach. Demand that municipal water treatment plants stop using chlorine. True, you need to purify water, but you don't need to use chlorine--you can use ultraviolet radiation, hydrogen peroxide or ozonation at the inlets.

We need to begin atmospheric remediation programs on Manhattan Project levels worldwide. We need to supplement the amount of oxygen in the stratosphere immediately. In laboratory studies some remediation strategies seem to work pretty well, but it's not going to be easy. It'll cost billions of dollars--but it's an emergency!

Don't disband the Army and add to the unemployment problem: we need an Environmental Defense Force. Use the military's bulldozers to reforest the deserts. Don't rely on these people who call themselves scientists: buy your own UV meter. The world environmental community has to try and set up a non-politicized research center--an independent International Center for Atmospheric and Forest Research. We need an International Environmental Constitution immediately--with big, big teeth--and we need people to be prosecuted.

Adam Trombly
Project Earth

Reprinted from Earth Island Journal

What On Earth Have We Done
Art by Pete Trayner

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 ***7 - Spiritual issues***

 Spot the ball

See, you missed it already.

Have you ever played any of those spot the ball competitions.
Where there is a photograph of the action during a football game, but the ball has been removed, and we have to put an X where we think the ball should be.
Firstly, we can look at the legs of the players to find out which way they are moving. Then we can look at the heads to see which way they are looking. This will give us some starting point.
But the more we look, the more confused we get, because everybody seems to be going in a different direction and looking in a different direction. And when they show us the next day, where the ball was, it is always in the place we least expected. But some people win. These are the people who have been studying the photographs for years, or have computer matched the picture using pattern matching software, and have located the original photograph in some archive, or they have been very lucky.

But we aren't any of those people, and we don't win. Have you noticed that it is the same small group of people who seem to win everything.

Well - this is a way that you can win all of those games, and it makes the whole thing more fun. What we do first, is to decide which of the people in the photograph we want to be. Thats easy, based on any personal preference we have today, whether it be dollar value per man, or the best known spotter of the ball, or the referee; our choice.

So now we start to think like that man at the moment of the photograph. Firstly, what is his level of interest in the location of the ball. If we decide that he is disinterested, we can discard him, and move on to second choice. Buts thats only if we really need to know where the ball is.
What I find to be a lot more fun, is to take that last thought a little deeper. Instead of discarding this man, lets run a little further with our first choice. Let's just relax a little, allow ourselves a ;iitle more time, slow down the rush, and lets try to take a snapshot of the brain of the footballer at the time of the photograph. We can see evrything that he could, and more. We can identify the expressions on the faces of some players, and we can read the body language of others. We can slowly draw ourselves in to the scene. The first thing we notice is the gentle hub bub in the back ground, but as we think deeper we realise that this id the sound of the spectators, - the crowd.

Now that we have got the sound of the background identified, we can eliminate it, and listen only to the non-background noises, the noises which are more temporary, and therefore more relevant to that specific moment. And slowly we are able to identify each one of those noises, and we use those noises to add some colour, and to somehow put energy into into the "freeze-frame" picture. Now we can begin to feel the atmosphere. We can feel the temperature of the game - warm isnt it.

We can feel who is enjoying themselves. We have very little idea of the score, or how much time is left to play, but nevertheless, we can still be there. We can romance and fanticise all we want. We can be a superstar footballer who has just scored a record breaking goal. We can be there, and we can be him.

And we dont have to rent videos or buy electronic machines to do it. And the only energy used has been generated as a by product of eating drinking, sleeping and breathing, and there are no waste products, in the physical sense.

All you need is to be very practiced and very skilled in meditation, or to take drugs. Now most of the drugs are illegal, so we can't use those, so we have to opt for a meditation. Most of the drugs give a bad meditaion anyway. Food and herbs are important to building a good meditative attitude. If the food is prepared with just the right amount of minfulness and loving kindness, then the digestive system can provide some very comfortable feelings which are eminently suitable to pleasant meditation.

And when we are pleasantly meditating on the moment in the photograph, which we now look at is if the game was yesterday, and we are now in the nexr days newspaper. So we reflect on yesterdays game, although it hasnt happened yet, if you see what I mean. We follow our thoughts along from the pont of the photograph. Were we thinking our latest contract. Were we thinking about the kids. Were we thinking about that slinky little blonde by the changing rooms, or were we trying to determine how we could best help the world.

Presumably the best choices would be the latter, or of course we could have been attempting to do determine the best course of action based on the location of the ball, and all the players on the pitch, but we already decided that was not the case.

So lets assume that we are trying to determine how we could best help the world. There we are, on the football pitch, not involved in the play, and thinking about how to help the world. We might decide it would help the world if we murdered our wife (whoops). Or we might decide that we together can help the world more than we can as one live individual, and one dead individual. So we try to work out how the pair of us can help the world together. Now the thoughts start to flow so fast that we are likely to find ourselves wandering around the football pitch after a;l; the other players have left. And why not. Now we have more time, to work out how we can best help the world. Its obvious that we cannot help anyone or anything until we can help ourselves. But as soon as we have a stable life, and a little put by, we can turn to helping others. We start to envisage a world where most people can help themselves, and some can help others too. A world where the leaders are leading, and the direction we are travelling in is towards more satisfying echelons.

We can decide for ourselves what is good for us and the world, and our decision is always more timely and relevant than a law which started its life many years ago under very differnt circumstances. A world where we have access to any known information, so that we may , if desired, use the information to improve the fulfillment of our own lives and others.
I know many people see the same world, but only in dreams and meditations. I know some deeper spirituals will say that we are not supposed to change the world, it's perfect the way it is. Well all I say to them is, that whatever it is they believe in as the controlling power, their image of their god, indicates that it is important that we do something beteween meals.


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