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T H E   R O B I N   H O O D   B U G L E
March '98  Volume 1   Number 4
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***1 - Cooperation***
Cooperation with others.

We have decided that it is time to take some action. We are now working on building a platform which represents our views, and encouraging ever other organisation or group to co-operate together from a single platform, as well as continuing with our individual activities.
Just imagine how the world could be changed if there was one central source of information, from which people could access all that they need to know to generate action.
Just imagine the possibilities of generating a co-operative platform for large and small groups.
I envisage a database which contains current material, and accesses other databases for historical data. If, say as an environmental awareness organisation, we were able to link local environmental groups with global groups we would have a chance of allowing the average man in the street to be informed about his own life expectancy. If groups such as Greenpeace, Amnesty International, NORML, Spirit, combined with independent scientific organisations there would be a database of  honest and accurate data on the environmental emergency, and the secrets which have been kept in order to maintain control of the individual's freedom.
We would be happy to join with and contribute to any such organisation, but we would like to confirm that our stance is that of peaceful activist. Whilst we see the logic of the Ghandian approach, which allows damage to properties as long as no harm comes to any being or animal, we prefer to see activism more in the form of knowledge passing, in the quest for a raised consciousness which abhors the activities of the material world.
Most of us are aware of the ridiculous way in which we destroy the environment and each other in the name of profit and greed. But many of us are not aware of what we as an individual can do to counteract our self-destruction.
I for one, would like to know more about the effects on the environment when I start my car engine, or switch on my refrigerator, or condition the temperature of my house.
To this end, and to attempt to raise awareness, we have distributed a draft idea for a New Game. We would be grateful for comments on improvement, and assistance in world wide distribution when complete. We would be grateful if you, as a member of the Robin Hood Cooperation, would volunteer to be an area representative. A couple of hours per week is probably all that is necessary. But before you make any on-going commitment on your time, no matter how small or large, it is important that we all agree with what we are trying to do.
We are working on the traditional 4 phases of learning:-

  Phase 1 Unconscious Incompetence
  Phase 2 Conscious Incompetence
  Phase 3 Conscious Competence
    Phase 4 Unconscious Competence

We feel that the general public are currently in phase 1 in terms of environmental and spiritual considerations, and our task is fistly to assist the movement towards conscious incompetence, <Phase 2>. We must walk before we can run. We hope through these pages to make some contribution to that effort by increasing the levels of awareness and co-operation.

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 ***2 - Help***
Further help with rhythmic breathing.

We can help ourselves to be in control of ourselves by being  mindful of our breathing. Last month we covered the fundamentals of rhythmic breathing. We now move on to receive the benefits of relaxation.
If we use the 8/4 breathing method, we can envisage each "in" breath as a form of energy input, and each exhalation as a way of removing used and toxic energy.
We move slowly through our body from toes to crown.
On the first conscious inhalation, we imagine new energy being collected and stored in our solar plexus. We pause for a count of 4 and sense the storehouse of energy. Then, as we exhale for a count of 8, we feel the old energy and stress being pushed from our toes out of the base of our feet. We move upwards through our body on each exhalation, placing our mind and resultant new energy and relaxation in each part of our body, and expelling the used and stressful energy.
By the time we have reached our crown, we will be in a relaxed situation. If we are tired, we will probably fall asleep. If we are not tired, then we maintain the consciousness for meditation. The rest  then follows naturally.

 We will discuss this further next month.

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 ***3 - Personal discoveries related to the spiritual ether***

If we relate ourselves in any way to some sort of higher being or power, and science cannot prove or disprove the existence of a higher power, then does a higher power exist or not.
Let's consider the two alternatives, using only simple basic information which every human is already aware of. Let's work out for ourselves whether there is a higher power or not. Because if there is not, we can save ourselves a considerable amount of concern, suffering pain, and time. We need spend no further time studying all of those things which fall under the generalised heading of para-normal. I don't like technical terms like that so I  will use the terms normal and not normal. And just in order to keep the institutions happy, I will define my terms of normal and not normal, and then we can get on with the story. Normal is what the general public thinks is normal, and what appears in the popular press and on the news, and is taught in schools, and probably has laws about it, and even government departments. Not normal is what the general public does not think is normal, does not appear in the popular press or on the news, is not taught in schools, has no laws about it, and the government departments are kept secret.  The problem that I have is trying to get the normal and not normal into perspective. If I disagree with something which others agree to be normal, does that make me not normal. And if it does, surely that makes many people not normal. Not everybody agrees with everything which is normal. That makes not everybody normal. So lets take the remaining ones. If they agree with normal, conform to normal and be normal, then they are normal.
I tried to take my definitions further, to come up with a set of rules or guidelines or indicators that all normal people would agree with. I then realised that it is not possible to get all people of any sized group to agree one hundred percent on everything, and suddenly I realised that not one single salient being on this planet is normal.
Having realised that I was not the only person in the world that was not normal, I felt an enormous load fall from my shoulders. It meant that I could stop spending almost all of my social life trying to remember my manners, and trying not to upset that funny bloke in the corner by doing something which they considered not normal.
I listened to my friends discussing various aspects of spirituality, Ufos, governments what have you, and they were all arguing for what they saw as the best approach to being normal, either now or in the future. So everybody in every discussion I have ever had who has represented the normal point of view, has in fact been wrong. Because there is no normal.
As soon as we are able to really understand and believe that everybody and everything is in some way or form unique, then we can understand that nothing is normal. What is normal is the pictorial average of all of the extremes. We have spent our whole lives relating to this pictorial average as if it was something real.
If half the country have 1, and half the country have 3, we decide it is normal to have 2. But nobody has two, so how can that be normal?
So, we realise that not only are we not normal, but nobody else is either. I once met a man who considered himself to be one hundred percent normal. But then he changed his mind.
And then after a while, I suddenly realised how much time I had spent agonising over decisions, which should have been easy. Every time I wanted to do something that I considered not normal, I had this sort of guilt feeling that people would not like me if I did it, because it was not normal. And then I realised that I could simplify my decision making processes by rejected all considerations which related to normality, and to just examine the bare facts. In most cases, there is no decision to be made. There is only one obvious answer, but only if you can forget normal. And if you can completely forget normal, and take everything at face value, without comparing to a norm, then your life will become much simpler and far more enriching. So, lets take a toast to the abnormal people.. And anyone who insists that they are normal must be incarcerated in a lunatic asylum!

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***4 - Quotations from books (ancient and modern)***
No inspirational books this month.
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 ***5 - A difficult circumstance overcome***
Of any pill taken by a comparatively healthy person, about 95% of the nutrients are destroyed or flushed out by the digestion and liver/kidney systems.
This means that medical knowledge is based on 5% of the effect of the drugs.
In days of yore, we used to take our medicine in the form of herbs and spices, with much variance of intake in each meal. As a result of globalisation and standardisation, our diets have begun to conform to set prescribed patterns. This results in us eating similar foods on a regular basis. We no longer have seasonal variances in our diet. Therefore our body suffers, and as a result we need to take supplements to stay healthy. So we take pills.
But if we take a pill which has been thoroughly tested and found to be safe when taken by healthy people, then we are on the edge of a potential disaster. If, for example, we have a liver problem, and as a result we are unable to dispose of 95% of the pill, then we are receiving dosages which far exceed the tests. The results are unpredictable to say the least, and could of course be dangerous.
One of our members, Hazel Dalrymple, has found a solution to these problems, and there follows a statement from Hazel

"Just over a year ago I had two heart attacks and ended up with a severe blockage in my right leg.- I could not drive, couldn't walk any more than 1/2 block, dance, or even play snooker or pool.
I became very depressed and all stressed out.  I felt my life was over.
Four months ago I began taking all 5 sprays.  I can now walk a fair
distance, dance (even a polka), am not depressed or all stressed out and am
enjoying life once again.  I feel that these sprays have given me a new
life.  My cholesterol and blood pressure have gone down and stabilized and I
basically feel good once again.  I am so excited about these products that I
want to tell everyone about them."

Spray ceuticals deliver blood ready nutrition into the bloodstream within 30
seconds and the cell tissues in 2 minutes.  Oral buccal mucosa absorption
totally bypasses the hurdles of digestion which results in 90-95% absorption
of the nutrients

The nutrients in spray ceuticals are encapsulated in micro bubbles of soy
lecithin allowing them to pass instantly into the capillaries of the mouth.
There are no preservatives or additives. Lecithin acts as a natural
preservative, protecting the potency of our products from oxidation and
light with none of the undesirables fillers and dyes that pills employ.

Hormone replacement therapy - the fountain of youth.  Medical researchers
now believe that ageing itself is a disease!  Dr. Pierpaoli of Switzerland
and Dr. Regelson from Harvard and St. John's Hopkins both scientists now
believe that following the body's blueprint and restoring superhormones,
like dhea and melatonin, is the key to recovering your youth and taking
control of your health.

Our products include:

1.  melatonin and kava kava + valerian -
melatonin can extend life, strengthen the immune system, restore and maintain
youthful vigor, enhance sexual vitality, protect against the ravages of
stress, protect against cancer and heart disease, restore normal sleep patterns.
Kava kava used as a remedy for nervousness and insomnia and can help
cramping due to muscle spasms.
Valerian used for nervous tension, panic attacks, menstrual cramps and pms

2.  Dhea plus dong quai + primrose oil + licorice (not available in Canada)
dhea is the superstar of the superhormones.  It energizes the body,
improves brain function, rejuvenates the immune system and may prove to be
the most potent anti-cancer drug of all time, enhances libido, restores
memory, calms stress, prevents heart disease and reduces body fat.
Dong guai - a rich source of iron known to help menopause, regulate blood
sugar levels and relieve stress.
Evening primrose oil can help lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure
and is often used to treat pms
Licorice root extract is used to treat stomach ulcers and ease symptoms of

3.  Colloidal minerals plus chromium+ vanadium + co-enzyme q-10 -  63
minerals plus coq-10 needed by our body for 95% of its electrochemical process.
Chromium acts as a co-factor to insulin and plays a vital role in energy
production, muscle development, fat and cholesterol metabolism and
regulation of blood sugar.
Vanadium - used to build teeth, bones, cartilage and muscle.   coq-10  have
been documented as being responsible for generating about 95% of the toal
energy required by your body, especially your heart.

4.  Grapeseed/pinebark plus green tea + spirulina
Concentrated storehouse of powerful antioxidant compounds which are known to
be 20 times stronger than vitamin c and 50 times stronger than vitamin e in
neutralizing free radicals (which are unstable oxygen molecules that can
attack normal cells, destroying them or causing them to mutate.  free
radical damage is linked to over 60 major diseases.
Green tea - combats mental fatigue and enhances the immune system, destroying
bacteria and functioning as an anti-viral and antioxidant.
Spirulina - known to decrease cholesterol and works as an antioxidant.
(wholesale price of the above 4 sprays is $17.50 u.s.)

5. Spray Aweigh weight management system - suppresses appetite, enhances
energy, increases fat burning, help prevent carbohydrates from turning into
fat, regulates blood sugar levels.  contains:  hydroxy citric acid,

More details can be obtained from Hazel at:-

Top  Cooperation   Help   Personal Discovery  Quotation    Environment  Spirit

***6 - Environmental issues***
This is a selection of articles from Greenpeace Global news. You can subscribe, free of charge.

Environment & Development Bulletin: Kenya-Chemical...NAKURU, Kenya
(PANA, 02/16/98) Water samples from Kenya's Lake Nakuru, a natural habitat for flamingoes and other exotic birds in the  Rift Valley, has shown the presence of dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane, a toxic insecticide commonly

Feb 17 PA - Toxic chemicals used by the silicon industry have caused an
alarming number of miscarriages among its workers, according to disturbing
new evidence. And according to a BBC documentary being screened tonight

AP Worldstream Feb 17, 1998 Villagers' claims mount in wake of Nigeria
spill LAGOS, Nigeria Thousands of angry villagers have demanded millions of
dollars in compensation in the wake of Nigeria's worst oil spill after an
underwater pipeline burst last month. Mobil's Oil Corp.'s Nigerian

17 Asia Pulse Western Visayas posted a 60,276 metric ton  production loss or
about 7483,614 cavans of rice costing some P500 million production loss in
1997 due to the El Nino phenomenon. Regional Director Vicente Y. Majaducon

 Financial Times (London) Feb 17, 1998 Pg. 02 Oil v. autos in fight over
cost of pollution: Control of car emissions is not just an environmental
issue, BY Michael Smith & Leyla Boulton: The European parliament will vote
tomorrow on far-reaching anti-pollution measures which threaten the oil and

GAZETA MERCANTIL ONLINE Feb 17, 1998 Biodiesel will be tested in the
field Sao Paulo-The first tests of biodiesel - a soy-based fuel - in
agricultural machines begins in Brazil this March. The tests will be carried
out with both corn and soy crops in an attempt to evaluate the performance

Thai premier vows to tackle illegal logging BANGKOK, Feb. 17 (Kyodo)Thai
Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai on Tuesday vowed to bring to justice people
involved in illegal logging in  Thai forests along the Salween River between
Thailand and Myanmar, regardless of whether they are high-ranking officials.

 11 AP Feb 23, 1998 FAO warns against overexploitation of fishing resources
ROME With the number of people fishing for a living more than doubling in
the past three decades, a U.N. agency on Monday warned that the world's
marine resources were being overexploited. A just-released global survey by

 43 reported dead as tornadoes, storms rip Florida By Marcelo Brusa
MIAMI, Feb 23 (AFP) - Rescue helicopters carried out frantic search and
rescue operations in central Florida Monday after 43 people were reported
killed as tornadoes ripped through the area overnight, officials said.

JAKARTA, Feb 23 AAP - Australian aid officials arrived here today with the
granting of food aid for Indonesia mooted amid reports that starving people
are  grubbing for poisonous roots in a desperate attempt to stay alive.

16 AP Worldstream Feb 23, 1998 Swiss study: Sun's brightness joins gases in
affecting climate ZURICH, Switzerland Variations in the sun's brightness are
responsible for much of the increase in the Earth's temperature over the
last century, two Swiss astronomers said in a study Monday, although recent

 20 AFP New Indonesian fires too big to extinguish: fire-fighters JAKARTA,
Feb 23 Fires raging in the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan are too
big and widespread to contain and the situation will only worsen as a
prolonged drought drags on, the head of a German-funded fire-fighting

 19 02/24  U.S. files charges in ozone chemical smuggling probe WASHINGTON
(Reuters)The Justice Department said Tuesday that seven more people and one
business have been charged in the department's investigation into the
smuggling of ozone depleting chemicals into the United States. The charges

14  03/06/98 Planned dummy-bomb test in Alaska draws protests Yereth Rosen
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - Environmentalists, Indian organizations and
disarmament activists are seeking to block at the last minute a dummy-bomb
test the U.S. Air Force plans to carry out at a remote site in the interior

 20 InfoLatina S.A. de C.V.  March  9, 1998 GAS PIPELINE DESTROYS THAILAND'S
FORESTS  Ted Bardacke Mexico, D. F. Financial Times The weeping of the trees
is the only sound that can be heard above the bulldozers ripping through
Thailand's Sai Yok National Park. Mammoth teak trunks, some draped by

      From: Charlotte King <>
   Subject: Re: Mutation Symptoms
Bluemoon, this is a possible mutation affect but it is also the affect of
the affects of electro-magnetic fields on the human body.. this is
especially true since last June when Mammoth began to show new signs of
activity not matched since 1980... except for a short time in 91..
Now we have had two 5.1+ tremor events in the last 4 days in the Southeast Sierras and the people are responding to this activity, there are temple to temple
headaches along with some back of head pain, left side, and there are ears
popping and right ribs hurting as well as pain on or just below the right or
left shoulder blade, and lets not forget the right knee pain..
Jabby/pinching heart pain is another symptom that  i am hearing about from
others who are contacting me.  These are all (as far as  I am concerned) the
reaction to what mother earth is dishing out.

If you see yourself in these symptoms you be the judge of what is causing
those symptoms.
Now we have activity confirmed on or near at least a dozen peaks in the
world including in the last month activity at or on the slopes of St.
Helens, Mt. Hood, Mt. Rainier, Mt Shasta, Mt Mcloughlin and Etna and Kilauea
as well as Popo and Indonesian Volcanoes in Java and Jakarta... not to
mention the off shore activity at the new axial seamount on the
central/northern Oregon coast. Not since 1980 when St. Helens awoke have we
had such a impressive lists of peaks who are beginning to awaken again...
mountains cycle and it is anniversary time for the lovely and deadly St. Helens.

With apologies to
charlotte king
biological prediction consultant.
Taken from

Greenpeace can be accessed at

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 ***7 - Spiritual issues***

1.  Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
2.  Memorize your favorite poem.
3.  Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want
4.  When you say, "I love you", mean it.
5.  When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.
6.  Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
7.  Believe in love at first sight.
8.  Never laugh at anyone's dreams.
9.  Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only  way
     to live life completely.
10. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
11. Don't judge people by their relatives.
12. Talk slow but think quick.
13. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask,
"Why do you want to know?"
14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
15. Call your mom.
16. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.
17. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
18. Remember the three R's:
  Respect for self;
        Respect for others;
        Responsibility for all your actions.
19. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
20. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct
21. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
22. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, his/her
conversational skills will be as important as any other.
23. Spend some time alone.
24. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
25. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
26. Read more books and watch less TV.
27. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think
get to enjoy it a second time.
28. Trust in God but lock your car.
29. A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do allyou can to
create a
tranquil harmonious home.
30. In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don't
bring up the past.
31. Read between the lines.
32. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
33. Be gentle with the earth.
34. Pray  -- there's immeasurable power in it.
35. Never interrupt when you are being flattered.
36. Mind your own business.
37. Don't trust a man/woman who doesn't close his/her eyes when you kiss
38. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
39. If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are
living. That is wealth's greatest satisfaction.
40. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.
41. Learn the rules then break some.
42. Remember that the best relationship is one where your love for each other
is greater than your need for each other.
43. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
44. Remember that yourn character is your destiny.
45. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

  Ernesto.        <>


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8 - E-Mail
For any contributions, queries, comments or just a chat, please e-mail.
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The archive map is re-shown at the end of each issue, space permitting.
Co-operation Help Discoveries Quotes Overcome Environment Spirit
Dec '97  Conversation   Ancient   Reiki   Mind Power   No article   Thailand   Mentation 
Jan '98 Lahus  Kindness  New Year  Light  Hangover  Greenpeace /Yadana  Money 
Feb '98 Honesty   Breathing  Little man Hemp  Agony  Greenpeace Dignity 
Mar '98  Database   Breathing   Normal   None   Medical   Greenpeace /Mutation   Instructions for life 
April '98 New Age   Meditation  News & Views   Law of One - RA  RA/ medical Project Earth   Meditation 
May '98 Two Views  Meditation Psychic Christianity  Meditate Reductions Karma 
July '98 Results  Request Computers The Other Side  My Brother  Drunvalo   Merging with Shiva 
Aug '98
Sept '98
Oct '98
Dec '98
Jan '99