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T H E   R O B I N   H O O D   B U G L E
December '97  Volume 1   Number 1
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***1 - Cooperation***
As I learn more each day about the world, I discover that people are different to persons. Each individual behaves differently in a group to the way they behave when alone, or in a twosome.
If we were able to have groups which cooperate, instead of each person trying to make his individual point, we would all have a pleasant life.
As mentioned in Celestine Prophecies, we can all learn to be better conversationalists.
We can have group conversations where there is only one person speaking at a time, without interuption from someone else trying to show how bright he is.Personally I find group conversation difficult at times because ther is always a break out of a second discussion, and in trying to timeshare between the two, the essence of both is lost.
The art of conversation appears to be disappearing, and this was the way in which knowledge has traditionally been handed down. We all know that the spoken word is more powerful than the written word.
As we learn to cooperate, instead of compete, we will consider our words more carefully. One of my mentors wrote that we should lose the desire to speak, and should only speak if what we have to say is both kind and helpful. We will attempt to make sure that the content of this newspaper is both kind and helpful.
Having had the opportunity for discussion with tourists of many nationalities, it appears to me that the views of the individuals are not represented by the views of the general public. In fact I have difficulty in meeting any of these people who are considered to members of the general public.
We would like this to become an interactive newspaper, which represents the views of its readers.
In order to achieve that, it is important that we all make a contribution. If we have 7 articles per month, we have 84 articles per year. we currently have 38 members and increasing, so this means less than two articles per year per member. Please help by cooperating, and let me have your first articles for inclusion in the first newspaper of the New Year, to be published at the end of January. You can also help by forwarding this newspaper to people who you think may be interested, or who are able to make contributions. Please forward the newspaper to any organisations known to you  which may have compatible view points.
This Newspaper gives you the opportunity to speak without interruption, and to have an audience of intelligent listeners. Anyone who is interested in raising the consciousness of the world is obviously an intelligent person, capable of helping lesser intelligent people
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 ***2 - Help***

I am grateful to my mentor for the help which I have recieved. I have been fortunate enough over the past two years to recieve the benefit of some of the knowledge of a person who has been studying yoga and tai-chi for over 20 years. This combination of Chinese and Indian knowledge has enabled me to view the world in a different perspective and for the first time I know that I have found what I was looking for, although I had not realised I was even looking for it.
As a result I feel that it is my duty to pass on as much of the knowledge as I can, so that other people are able to experience the same perspective of the world. As this perspective does not appear to have changed in 5000 years, I feel that it provides a sound basis for life, and therefore feel confident that I am not forcing false ideas on to people. Of course it is important not to try to force the issue with people who are not yet ready to recieve this ancient knowledge. We are fortunate enough to have a group of people who simply by their membership indicate that thay already have at least some of the knowledge.

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 ***3 - Personal discoveries related to the spiritual ether***

Many of the people have discovered part of the knowledge through religion, or God. Many people have been enlightened on other paths. The Yogis refer to THE ABSOLUTE as the power, or spirit, which emanates vibrations into the ether, and pervades everything around us. When we are able to experience any of the vibrations of this power in the ether, we know that what we experience is reality, and not a dream or idea of someone else or our own.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.
Imagine there's no countries,It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, Imagine all the people living life in peace. (With respectful reference to John Lennon).
Everything is energy, it is the vibration and frequency which we recognize, a slow vibration is the material form in this Dimension,
this is a manifesting out of Spiritual essence, and all material things have different vibrations,
The Reiki sessions goal is, to come in harmony with, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual.
To balance or equalize the different vibrations, there are different
ways, (sounds, crystals, incense and so one)
I personally prefer to work with chakra's and Essential oil's,
this oils are closer to a Spiritual vibration then anything I know of.   --

The current email address of Alice Creice is

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***4 - Quotations from books (ancient and modern)***

These quotations are taken from:-
Mind Power by William Walker Atkinson written in 1912, and copyrighted by The Yogi Publication Society.

"We have the best of authority to support the inevitable conclusion that there must be mind power in the ether."
"All the forms of natural physical energy, or forces, known as light, heat, electricity, magnetism, etc., are held by science to be forms of energy arising from the vibration of particles of matter.
The vibration is caused by motion of the particles themselves. And this motion is caused by the attraction and repulsion existing between them. This emanates in the human mind as "likes and dislikes" and "love and hate" or "pleasure and revulsion"; or "comfortable and uncomfortable experiences related, however distant, to sensation," etc. And these attractions and repulsions are held to result from "capacity to experience sensations" and the power to "respond to sensations." And both the power to recieve and experience "sensations," and to respond thereto, are manifestations of mentality, which Haeckel has compared to "desire" and "will".
And if mentality is the cause of the sensations and of the response thereto, and the latter are causes of the motion, to and fro, of the particles of matter, and the latter, in turn, is the cause of vibrations, and the vibrations are the cause of the manifestations of light, heat, electricity, magnetism, etc., - then are we not justified in claiming that mind and mind power are the motive force of all physical energy?

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 ***5 - A difficult circumstance overcome***
No contributions have been recieved.
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***6 - Environmental issues***
On a recent visit to Kanchanaburi, in Thailand, I came across a government project to lay a pipeline through pristine forest. The local inhabitants were conducting peaceful demonstrations against the pipeline, and have committed to lay their bodies in front of the bulldozers if work procedes.
I find it fascinating that these remote country people are more aware of their environment than either the government or the average member of the public.
There is a big move towards environmental issues in Thailand, prompted by a new constitution. The King, who is highly respected by all Thai residents, in his birthday speech, indicated the benefits of moving to a more self sufficient community, whereby people live near to the fields which grow the food they eat.
It appears that the many people who have devoted their lives to environmental issues may at last be making their mark, and hopefully we will soon have environmentalism included in every school curriculum. After all, without it, there will be no schools.
News of the Kanchanaburi pipeline will be included in the next issue. We see it as a marker of change if the government is prepared to listen to the people.
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 ***7 - Spiritual issues***
Many people have lost their understanding of the power of mentation. It was demonstrated in the 70s by the mass praying for the return of the astronauts, whose craft was damaged such that it was highly unlikely for it to make a safe return to earth. The return was achieved as a result of the mentation. We believe in this power and are therefore helping to promote a mass mentation to concur with the change of the Millenium in 24 months time. This will mark a significant point in the evolution of man as we move from the modern era int the cooperative era, and will be one of the highlights of the increasing awareness of man.

The Editors would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year, and a fulfilling preparation for the New Millenium.

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8 - E-Mail
For any contributions, queries, comments or just a chat, please e-mail.
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Each month's issue is shown, with a comment regarding each of the seven standard sections
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The archive map is re-shown at the end of each issue, space permitting.
Co-operation Help Discoveries Quotes Overcome Environment Spirit
Dec '97  Conversation   Ancient   Reiki   Mind Power   No article   Thailand   Mentation 
Jan '98 Lahus  Kindness  New Year  Light  Hangover  Greenpeace /Yadana  Money 
Feb '98 Honesty   Breathing  Little man Hemp  Agony  Greenpeace Dignity 
Mar '98  Database   Breathing   Normal   None   Medical   Greenpeace /Mutation   Instructions for life 
April '98 New Age   Meditation  News & Views   Law of One - RA  RA/ medical Project Earth   Meditation 
May '98 Two Views  Meditation Psychic Christianity  Meditate Reductions Karma 
July '98 Results  Request Computers The Other Side  My Brother  Drunvalo   Merging with Shiva 
Aug '98
Sept '98
Oct '98
Dec '98
Jan '99