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T H E   R O B I N   H O O D   B U G L E
May '98  Volume 1   Number 6
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***1 - Cooperation***
 Our Own Lives

We all have our own lives. No-one else is responsible for controlling us, and we are not responsible of controlling anyone else.
We must attempt every day to proceed with the utmost satisfaction, but never at the expense of any other salient beings satisfaction.
When beings are satisfied, we should not intervene. When we see another soul obviously dissatisfied, then we should make every effort to help to satisfy the being, but not at the expense of any other being.
We are constantly believing that the world revolves around us. In a sense, it does. Because what we observe and judge is certainly centred around us. But when we realise that if there is an object between you and me, then we are both looking at completely different sides of the object, and rarely are two sides identical in every respect. We believe we are seeing the same vista, because we give it the same name. This was ably demonstrated in a bar one night, before beer mats were made illegal. A beer towel was held up by two corners, with one side facing the people, and one side facing the demonstrator, who asked "what colour is the writing and background"
Everyone could see that the writing was black and the background was red. The demonstrator said that he found himself unable to agree, as he tuned the beer towel round. It then became obvious what he was talking about. This particular beer towel had been manufactured on a machine which made one side of the towel in the contrasting colours to the other side of the towel. Hence the demonstrator saw the inverse colours to the viewer, ably demonstrating that two differing points of view can be equally valid.
So, please remember when co-operating with others, that although their point of view may differ from yours, it is their point of view and is just as valid as yours. We must learn to be less pedantic about our own point of view!

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 ***2 - Help***
 Dear Friends... please network and share this message as you are led.

Stonehenge '98 World Peace Meditation
July 29th, at 7:30 p.m., GMT, (11:30 a.m., PDT and 2:30 p.m., EDT)

RSVP call (760) 941-0608  or Email

Join us in a special Stonehenge World Peace Meditation on July 29th when the Heartlink '98 group has Stonehenge reserved for 2 hours for meditation and healing ceremonies beginning at 7:30.  Our Meditation will be during the first half hour, starting at 7:30pm., GMT (11:30 a.m., PDT and 2:30 p.m., EDT).

The first 15 minutes will be a processional meditation into Stonehenge. The next 15 minutes will be the World Peace Meditation.  You can continue to hang out with us for the rest of our 1 and a half hour visit in Stonehenge if you like.

Please send an E-mail  if you intend to meditate with us and we will acknowledge your presence in the circle at Stonehenge as we begin to meditate. Please let us know who you are, a first name is all that's necessary.

The Format of the World Peace Meditation
(in keeping with the energy begun on April 23, 1998 by James Twyman's Great  Experiment Peace Meditation-this format is taken from his Great Experiment)

We are asking everyone to follow this simple format during the meditation. As scientific studies at  Princeton University show, the more focused a group meditation or event is, the stronger the effect.

1. Opening -- Begin with this affirmation, said with great power and
I am an Emissary of Light.
I extend this Light to all beings, in compassion and love,
knowing that they are one within me.
this moment the world is healed -
and I along with it.
I will it - and it is so.

2. Then spend five minutes creating a sound (such as "Aum") to carry the spiritual energy and vibration. This can be done with a single tone or by singing a song such as "Amazing Grace."

3. Spend five minutes in silence allowing your spirit to receive the light and love which you yourself extended to the world.

4. End with this prayer:
It is done!
I am one with all - and all is healed.
Let love reign where fear once was.
I accept this for myself and for the world.
I am an Emissary of Light now and forever.

Then, with reverence, bow your head and thank God for this grand opportunity.

The universe gives thanks to you for being part of the
Stonehenge '98 World Peace Meditation.

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 ***3 - Personal discoveries related to the spiritual ether***
 This month my major discovery also came from a book. This book is Psychic Warrior, by David Moorhouse. It is a true account of the CIA's paranormal espionage unit.
These people are termed "remote viewers", and are able to control astral travel. They can visit given co-ordinates, and once there can move forwards or backwards in time. They can read the minds of anyone they encounter, and can implant telepathic messages.
Anyone wishing to know the psychic defence methods against this approach, please contact me. I strongly recommend reading the whole book.
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***4 - Quotations from books (ancient and modern)***
 The book is Mystic Christianity by Yogi Ramacharaka, about 1907.

Regarding the virgin birth of Jesus.

"The critics point to the fact that if Joseph were not the real father of Jesus, where would be the sense and purpose of proving his descent from David through Joseph? It is pertinently asked. "Why the necessity or purpose of the recital of Joseph's genealogy, as applied to Jesus, if indeed Jesus were not truly the son of Joseph?" The explanation of the critics is that the earlier writings of Matthew contained nothing regarding the virgin birth, Matthew having heard nothing of this pagan legend, and that naturally gave the genealogy of Jesus from David and Abraham. If one omits the verses 18-25 from Matthew's G, he will see the logical relation of the genealogy to the rest of the account - otherwise it is paradoxical, contradictory and ridiculous, and shows the joints and seams where it has been fitted in to an older account.

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 ***5 - A difficult circumstance overcome***
 Channelled from a higher authority.

So we all agree. The environment is a mess. And the finances are all screwed up. And the media presents biased reports. The question is not "What are we going to do about it?".
The real question is "What are you going to do about it?"

Some people in this world appear to be totally motivated by money, and very little else.
Do you really believe you were born to make money.
Do you believe in re-incarnation.
Do you think religion as taught today is often corrupted.
Do you think governments are often corrupted.
Do you think the law is often corrupted.

We give you a tick on all counts.

But these are the things around which most of our lives revolve.
These things are all "man-made, and as such are not part of the true reality. They can all easily be reversed, whereas true reality cannot. We are beginning to read the real truth on several matters, now that the net is available We are beginning to open our eyes to true reality.

Yes, UFOs have been here for over 50 years.

Yes, the world is living in a totally virtual reality, generated by big business, media, and oil.

The true reality very rarely appears on the television or in the newspapers.
But many people spend their lives quoting these sources, as if there was no alternative point of view.
And they cannot start to break out of their veil of illusion until they truly accept that there is an alternative point of view.
Take your own body for example.
The whole of thinking in Western medicine, is based on the importance of the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and mind.
The whole of old Eastern thinking is based on the importance of the seven chakra energy points. This is a valid alternative view, but has been totally ignored by western science. Or so it seems.
The truth is, that many of the people practicing eastern techniques, now know much more than they used to do. But of course they don't talk about it.
And in knowing what they do know, they can see the current path of this planet, and also how to maintain some sort of life form here.
The best way is probably for people to know the real truth. But that is not for me to reveal, and it is not for governments to try to hide.
But it would do no harm in the short term to try to keep the air clean and keep the green things there.
This incessant speeding up of life as a result of advanced toys is not the desired approach speed. We need to slow down the planet somehow.
And that means YOU.
We need you to slow down.

Meditate on slowing down your life, and the planet's life.
Meditate on more true relaxation.
Meditate on less financial worry.
Meditate on real needs and desires, not imagined ones.
Meditate on self control
Meditate on body control
Meditate on The One Infinite Creator.

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***6 - Environmental issues***
 Imagine a large pot, filling with petrol from a tap.
The pot represents the environment, and the filling represents pollution. In 1948, we had just reached the stage where the daily filling failed to evaporate overnight.
Since then, we have increased the level of flow, and the rate of filling, by far more than double.
That means that if we cut today's pollution rates by 50%, and we cut them today, it is possible that the environment would not worsen. But it would not improve either. It would remain approximately static, in its current highly polluted and virtually unliveable state.
We have car manufacturers promising a 25% reduction by 2008. This means that the pot, which is almost overflowing now, today, will fill at a rate of 100% for the next 10 years, and 75% thereafter.
In other words, we will all be dead before the car manufacturers do anything at all.
I believe that these ridiculous ideas about maybe making small cuts soon are just a load of irrelevant hogwash.
If we do not cut by 50% in the next 12 months, we will all die.
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 ***7 - Spiritual issues***

  Karma and Consciousness

The Hindu does not have to die to have a final judgement or to enter
into heaven, for heaven is a state of mind and being fully existent in
every human being this very moment. There are people walking on this Earth today who are living in heaven, and there are those who are living in hellish states as well. All that the Hindu has to do is go to the temple. As soon as he goes to the temple, to a puja, he is contacting the divine forces. During the puja, he is totally judged by the Deity.
All of his karma is brought current, and he goes away feeling good. Or he might go away feeling guilty. That is good, too, because then he performs penance, prayashchitta, and resolves unseemly karma quickly. It might be said that every day that you go to the temple is judgement day.

Isn't it a wonderful thing that in our religion you can either go to
heaven or hell on a daily basis, and the next day get out of hell
through performing penance and ascend to heaven? The Hindu sees these as states existing in the here and now, not in some futuristic and static other-worldly existence. There are certainly inner, celestial realms, but like this physical universe they are not the permanent abode of the soul, which is in transit, so to speak, on its way to merger with Siva.

It is not necessary for the Hindu to wait until the end of life to
become aware of the results of this particular life. Because he knows
this and does not wait for death for the resolution of the results of
his accumulated actions and reactions in life, his evolution is
exceedingly fast. He lives perhaps several lives within the boundaries of a single lifetime, changing and then changing again. If he errs, he does not worry inordinately, he merely corrects himself and moves on in the progressive stream of human evolution. He is aware of the frailties of being human, but he is not burdened by his sins or condemning himself for actions long past. To him all actions are the work of the Gods. His life is never static, never awaiting a judgement day; whereas the Western religionist, who believes there is an ultimate reckoning after this one life is spent, is piling up everything that he has done, good and bad, adding it to a medley in his mind and waiting for the Grim Reaper to come along and usher in the Day of Judgement.

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8 - E-Mail
For any contributions, queries, comments or just a chat, please e-mail.
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