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Scene 24!!

Well…here's scene 24…it's getting even worse…so I recommend going out and seeing Meet Joe Black…mmmmm…sweeeeeeet…

Sc24: Damon and Eddie are playing battleships as usual. Joey is behind them spying on Ness
Joey: Do you guys know anyone who would be interested?
Damon: Why don't you go out with her?
Joey: Are you insane? No, no, I'm saving myself for Aimee. I don't wanna go out with…that…
Damon: Hey! Don't talk about her that way!
Eddie: Ooh, sounds like someone is interested in her…or thinks he's her dad and is meant to overprotective.
Damon: I am not interested in her and I don't think I'm her dad! We were best friends…she's a nice person…and she doesn't deserve to be treated that way.
Joey: Look, you know what I mean.
Damon: No, no I don't. Are you saying that you think you're too good for her? Is that it?
Joey: No! Calm down. Geez, don't get your knickers in a knot.
Damon: Please don't ever call underwear…knickers.
Joey: Can we just try one more plan? Then you can attempt to kick my butt.
Damon: For the last time, NO!
Joey: Why must you be so mean.
Damon: Why can't you ever think of anyone but yourself?
Joey: What do you mean?
Damon: Oh come on! For the 15 years that I've known you, all you've ever worried about…is you. You don't care about anyone else. You just want whatever you think will make you happy no matter who you trample on.
Eddie: Deep.
Damon: Shut up! It's true. If I was dying you'd still only care about that Aimee chick. If mum's foot was cut off by the lawnmower you'd still only care about whether your hair should be parted in the middle or to the left. Just grow up.
Joey: (bottom lip starts trembling) That was way harsh. I…never knew you felt that way…I'll go now…
Joey slowly starts to walk away
Damon: Now, back to the game. The score is tied at 3…who will hit the next ship…and where…
Eddie: You know, you take this game way too seriously
Damon: Just shut up and play.
Eddie: Hey! Don't bite my head off. It's Joey who you're mad at. Not me.
Damon: (stiffly) Just shut up and play…where's your next move.
Eddie: (stands up) You got some serious issues to work out ya know.
Eddie walks away
Damon: Well fine! I don't need you. I can play this by myself!
Damon continues to play battleships by himself
Damon: There…I'm having fun…all by myself…all alone…so alone…
Damon puts his head down then hears something and looks up. He sees a figure running away and then spots a note sitting ontop of the board game. He opens it and begins to read it. He then packs up his stuff and walks away

CUT TO: Damon walks behind a school block and finds himself near the locker room. In the shadows is a figure he can't make out

Damon: Can I help you?
Aimee: (trying to change her voice) No, but I think I can help you.
Damon: Who is this?
Aimee: I can't tell you.
Damon: I can see your cheerleader skirt. Either it's Aimee or one of her friends.
Aimee steps out from the shadows
Aimee: Ok, so that didn't work.
Damon: What do you wanna talk to me about?
Aimee: It's about this guy I like.
Damon: More information needed.
Aimee: Well, you see…I kinda liked Joey…but then this other guy came around and I started liking him.
Damon: Still…very confused.
Aimee: I like you Damon.
Damon: (confused) You…like…what?
Aimee: I like you. What can I say? I used to think you were a dork, no offense.
Damon: Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can only psychologically hurt me.
Aimee: Uh…yeah…whatever…Anyway, I used to think you were a dork…but then you came to school…looking like that!
Damon: So basically, you're saying that you like me for my image…not my brain.
Aimee: Well, I guess your brain can come in handy in times of need.
Damon: I think you'll be much happier with someone else…Someone…with an ego to size up with yours.
Aimee: Excuse me?
Damon: You heard me. Go, go find Joey. You two would be perfect together. Trust me.
Aimee: Uh, do you realise you're turning…me down?
Damon: Yeah. Hell, I'd prefer dating…Vanessa to you.
Aimee: Is that so? Well then…this was a waste of time.
Aimee walks off to Ness
Ness: I've told you, never socialise with me in public!
Aimee: Yeah but I just thought you'd like to know that a guy turned me down.
Ness: Shock, horror!
Aimee: Shut up!! Anyway, he said he'd prefer to date you. Can you believe that?
Ness: And who was this?
Aimee: That…dumb guy.
Aimee points over to Damon to has positioned himself under a tree and has commenced reading
Ness: Damon?
Aimee: Yeah, him. He turned me down!
Ness: Don't worry. I'm sure there'll be others.
Aimee: Is he the one you got that letter from?
Ness: Yeah, why?
Aimee: You do realise he only wrote it as a favour for Joey.
Ness: I know he did all that weird stuff as a favour…but writing that love letter? He'd never sink that l low.
Ness walks over to Damon
Ness: Hey Damon.
Damon: (looks up) Vanessa. What a lovely surprise. What brings you to this end of the tree?
Ness: I heard you turned down Aimee.
Damon: Who wouldn't. She's so…egotistical. And not that bright.
Ness: You're telling me. So…when you told her you'd prefer going out with me…what exactly did you mean?
Damon: Just that…anyone is better than her.
Ness: Anyone?
Damon: Yeah…well…not just anyone…someone who I could have a decent conversation with.
Ness: If…we were standing here…alone…would you consider…
Damon: Consider what?
Ness: I dunno. I mean, this letter…it's so romantic…and then Aimee just told me you only worte it as a favour to Joey. Was it just a favour? Or did you mean what you said?
Damon: (stutters) Well…I…you see…I…It was just a favour but…
Ness: That's all I needed to hear.
Ness walks off angrily
Damon: What?

Scenes 1&2

Scenes 3&4

Scenes 5&6

Scenes 7&8

Scenes 9-17

Scene 18

Scenes 19-23

Scenes 25 n 26

I wanna go HOME!!