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2-4-6-8 Diet

This is one of the most popular diets among restrictors.  An individual will rotate the number of calories on a given day in order to keep their metabolism up.   People do this all sorts of ways.  Some will do a simple rotation of 200, 400, 600, 800, and then start over again.  Some will reverse the rotation and start at 800.  Others will do a 2-4-6-8-6-4-2.  Play around with the diet and figure out what works for you. 

Keep in mind that this is a very strict diet.  There is no room for junk food or caloric beverages. Eat only foods that are going to keep you full and feeling healthy.  This is also not a maintenance diet - It is designed to kick start your metabolism or to help you break through a weight-loss plateau. 

How much weight can you lose on this diet?  Well, if you're averaging about 500 calories, and burning about 500 calories a day in exercise, you can lose up to 4 pounds a week if you're at a "normal" weight, but more like 2 pounds if you're already underweight (BMI 18.5 or below).

For sample menus on this diet please see the menus section.  We have put together some menus to get you started or to give you some ideas on how to set up your own menus.