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The Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet

This  plan is a low carbohydrate method. The avoidance of carbohydrates in your diet is structured to keep your body from adding weight. The method includes eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.  The idea behind restricting carbohydrates is that it will send your body into ketosis after 24 to 48 hours.

Free Meats and Cheeses:

The following meats and cheeses have no carbohydrates. Using the Dr. Atkins Diet plan you may eat as much of the following items as you wish.


Meat Fish Fowl Seafood Eggs Cheese
Beef Trout Chicken Lobster Hard Boiled Cream Cheese
Ham Salomon Turkey Mussels Fried Swiss
Bacon Sole Duck Clams Poached Aged & Fresh
Lamb Tuna Goose Oysters Soft Boiled Cottage Cheese
Veal Flounder Cornish Hen Shrimp Scrambled Cheddar
Pork Sardines Quail Squid Deviled  
Venison Herring Pheasant Crab    


Not Bad Vegetables:

A serving of these salad vegetables has 10% or less of your daily carbohydrate limit. Therefore you can eat up to three cups of these without worry.


Alfalfa Sprouts Jicama
Arugula Lettuce
Bock Choy Mache
Celery Mushrooms
Chicory Olives


Cucumber Peppers
Endive Radicchio
Escarole Radishes
Fennel Sorrel


Other Vegetables:

These vegetables have more carbohydrates than the ones above. You'll want to limit your intake of these to about 1 cup per day.

Artichoke Hearts Kale
Asparagus Kohlrabi
Avocado Okra
Bamboo Shoots Onion
Bean Sprouts Pumpkin
Beet Greens Rhubarb
Broccoli Sauerkraut
Brussel Sprouts Scallions
Cabbage Snow Pea Pods
Cauliflower Spaghetti Squash
Celery Roots Spinach
Chard String Beans, etc.
Collard Greens Summer Squash
Dandelion Greens Tomato
Eggplant Turnips
Hearts of Palm Water Chestnuts
Leeks Zucchini


These foods are high in carbohydrates and should be avoided:

Alcohol Grains
Anything with flour Juice
Beer Non-Diet Soda
Breads Pasta
Candy Potato
Cereal Rice
Chips Sugars