t  h  e     o  l  d     f  a  m  i  l  y
          f  a  r  m  h  o  u  s  e 
                                                               (   A  r  l  i  n  g  t  o  n  ,    W V   )

Right side of house, unfortunately showing
how bad the weeds had grown up!

In 1990
I took a whole roll of film of the inside and outside of the house.

The house was in deplorable condition then, grown over with weeds in the back, and structurally unsafe in many places in the interior. Still, these photos turned out to be invaluable for purposes of capturing and remembering details of the house, as general pictures of the house (from any point in time) seem to be few and far between.

I really only took this roll of film just to support my hastily hand-sketched floor plans, i.e. to fill in details about locations of windows, doors, etc.


Not knowing that the house would be completely gone just a year or two later, I feel lucky to have gotten these shots when I did--even though the general state of the house is heartbreaking.

(The odd dark tint to these photos is due to the roll of film apparently getting heat-damaged while in the car on our long trip to and from Arlington.)

     see inside pictures

     see floor plans


Moving around to the back, this again shows how bad the weeds were. I was very limited in positioning myself for these shots simply due to the density of the overgrowth. But I especially value this view of the house as it shows the almost haphazard layout of the rear of the structure from a century of expansions, modifications, and add-ons.


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     a trip to the farm

     Arlington, WV

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     Fidler's Mill

     Coco Wheats

     West Virginia




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