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Fei Biography

Fei Fei face shot
Id face shot
Name: Fei Fong Wong
AKA: The Contact
Age: 18
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 147 lbs. (can change in game.^_^)
Home: Lahan (until he blows it up)
Birthplace: Shevat
Gear: Weltall, Weltall-Id (when Id), Weltall-2, Xenogears
Omnigear: N/A
Anima Relic: He could align with them all, but doesn't.
Mother: Karen
Father: Khan
Love: Elly
Killed (not on purpose): His mother, people of Lahan (not all), and many others

Fei is the main character of Xenogears who has "multiple personality disorder" but doesn't know until some time in the game. Most of the game is centered around him, and is only unplayable acouple times in the game. Fei's Gear is the Weltall, which is altered later into Weltall-2, and the Xenogears. Fei was born 18 years ago (from the start of the game) in Shevat to Khan and Karen Wong. Khan, a spy for Shevat, was often away, and Karen eventually became Miang. Once Miang, she and Krelian performed test on Fei because Fei was the fourth Contact incarnation. The tests caused Fei to release his power momentarily and kill many people over and over again. Not only that the tests where also very painful to endure. To escape from his pain, Fei was able to create a new personality which had all the bad things that happened forced onto it. This new personality was "Id", who hated the original personality which Id named "the Coward". Khan didn't catch on to what was going on until it was too late and then Grahf arrived. Grahf is the spirit of the third Contact incarnation, Lacan, who felt Fei's "Contact" power and came to possess him to have his original body again. Khan fights with Grahf. Fei releases his power killing Grahf's possessed body and injures Khan. Stray energy from Fei's attack came back at Fei, and at that moment Miang left Karen who protected Fei from the energy and died. As Karen died the Coward put Id on the "stage" (active personality). Grahf possesses Khan and becomes Id's (who stays on the "stage" until Fei is 15) teacher. Khan is able to gain control of his body (Khan calls himself "Wiseman" when he is in control) and created a third personality for Fei to suppress Id. Khan\Wiseman takes the hurt and unconscious Fei to the village chief's house in Lahan. The new personality has no memory of his life before he was created. He lives in Lahan for the next three years and becomes good friends with the villagers, especially Timothy, Dan and Alice (who he secretly had a crush on). The day before Timothy and Alice are to be married Fei spots Gebler gears landing in Lahan while returning for Citan's house. Fei and Citan hurry to Lahan and begin evacuating the citizens, Fei sees the Weltall that triggers a memory and he feels he should get into it to fight against the other gears and does so. Timothy is killed by one of the gears and Id makes a quick resurface destroying Lahan. This is because the new personality is literally 3 years old and is unable to deal with "emotional situations" giving Id the chance to enter the "stage". Fei wakes up the next day infront of the Weltall and the surviving villagers who now hate him, especially Dan. Fei leaves the ruins of Lahan and the Weltall, which Fei has formed a hatred for, and heads toward the nearby forest where he meets Elhaym (Elly) who threatened to kill him. Fei depressed over his accidental destroying of Lahan tells Elly to just shot him. Elly, confused by this, is unable to shot Fei and misses him as he starts walking toward her. The sound of the shot causes a beast to attack Elly and Fei saves her. Fei takes care of her while she is unconscious, and when Elly wakes up Fei tells her about Lahan. Elly calls Fei a coward for running from Lahan and takes off herself. She is attacked by a Rankar (a BIG reptile) and Fei runs to the rescue. Fei is unable to defeat the Rankar until Citan arrives with the Weltall which Fei uses to kill the Rankar, but only to save Elly. During the night Elly leaves by Citan's request as Fei sleeps. Fei and Citan head for Dazil to find parts to repair the Weltall, but are unable to get the parts they need. Citan goes into the desert to find the parts they need. Fei, concerned for Citan's safety, heads into the desert to find him but finds himself surrounded by hostile gears. Citan comes in the Weltall but is unable to control it well so he has Fei take over. After defeating the gears Grahf appears and tells Fei that he planned what happen in Lahan just to get Fei in the Weltall. Fei and Citan are captured by Aveh troops and are taken away in a prison ship which is soon attacked by pirates. During the attack Fei and Citan are able to escape from their cell and make their way to the Weltall. Fei is then forced to fight the pirate's leader Bart and his gear. During the fight Fei and Bart are sucked into the sand and find themselves in a large stalactite cave. They join forces to find away out and meet "old man Bal" who takes a look at Fei and Bart's gears. Old man Bal says that Fei's gear is "the slayer of God". Fei and Bart leave the cave but not before running into the Calamity gear which Fei defeats with a powerful attack that Fei doesn't remember. Fei and Bart return to the Yggdrasil (Barts pirate ship) where Citan is waiting for Fei. Fei and Citan stay with the pirates as they go to the pirate's base. Bart tells Fei about their situation and tries to convince Fei to join him in rescuing Margie (Bart's cousin) who is being held captive in Fatima Castle. Fei reluctantly accepts to help Bart after the base is attacked by a Gebler gear team. Fei fights in the Tournament at Fatima Castle to serve as a distraction while Bart sneaks in. During the Tournament Fei has to face Dan who is out to get revenge on Fei for killing Alice. When Fei doesn't attack Dan back (in game choice), Dan runs off after he gives Fei Alice's wedding dress as a reminder of what he did. In the final match Fei meets Wiseman who dodges all of his attacks and then runs of in a hurry. In the castle Bart finds Margie and they run into Ramsus and Miang while trying to escape. Fei shows up to help Bart fight Ramsus and uses a technique that Ramsus remembers seeing Id use before. Fei, Bart and Margie escape to the base under the castle where they meet Elly who helps them escape. Fei goes with Bart to Nisan to return Margie and then plan an attack to liberate Aveh and get Bart back his position as prince. Fei and a team of Bart's men are to go to the border and attack the Aveh troops giving the others a chance to takeover Fatima Castle. On the way to the border Fei encounters Elly and her Gebler team who he is forced to fight. Fei defeats Elly who is using "Drive", a combat drug, and continues on after Elly comes to her senses. At the border Fei and Bart's men fight the desert battle ship, Kefeinzel. Grahf shows up giving the Kefeinzel more power and it begins killing Bart's men, and Fei forced to watch switches to Id and destroys everything at the border. Id runs into the Yggdrasil and makes short work of Bart's gear by using the technique Fei used on the Calamity. In an attempt to stop Id, Sigurd has the Yggdasil "jump" and land on the Weltall-Id. It seems to have worked until the Weltall-Id lifts up the Yggdrasil and throws it at Bart while Sigurd has Citan escape in an escape pod. The Yggdrasil, baddly damaged, then sinks into the desert. Fei is found by Kislev troops and is taken to D Block in Nortune where Fei wakes up. Once awake, Fei is taken by Rico the Battling Champion and his subordinates in a "Baptismal Ceremony" of fighting for prisoner rank. After beating the subordnates Fei fights Rico who easily beats him. Fei wakes up to find the new D Block Doctor is Citan, and meets "Hammer" who supplies him with items and information. Fei is then given a chance to fight in the Battle Tournament to earn his freedom. Fei doesn't want to enter because he hates gears which he would have to use in the Tournament. Citan and Hammer try to convince Fei to enter and Fei agrees. The gear Fei is given is the Weltall. In Fei's first round he fights against one of Rico's subordates who sabotaged the Weltall to overheat and explode and almost killed Fei but didn't since Weltall was so strong. Fei regains consciousness after Id kills the subordates in the sewers. Fei, Rico, and Citan go into the sewers to investigate the murders that accured there. In the sewers they run into a monster named "Redrum" and kill it. Fei is then free to continue fighting in the Tournament. Fei wins the Tournament and becomes the Champion and has his bomb collar removed. Fei meets the Kaiser and learns that Rico is going to be executed. Fei and Citan save Rico on the way to the gear hanger where Weltall was being held. Gebler forces show up in an attempt to destroy Nortune. Fei fights the Gebler forces and meets Elly again. Fei and Rico prevent the destruction of Nortune and Elly joins them. Together they escape from Nortune and head to the Goliath factory where they steal the Goliath. Grahf shows up in the Alpha-Weltall, but Fei and his friends are able to ditch Grahf. The Goliath is then shot down by Bart, without thinking things through yet claiming he did, in the Yggdrasil II. Fei and Elly are stranded at sea together, while the others are picked up by the very sorry Bart (Rico accepts the apology by punching him.^_^). Fei and Elly drift toward the Thames and are picked up. They are soon reunited with Bart and the others. Ramsus shows up and badly damages the Weltall in the underwater fight causing water to enter the cockpit and put Fei into a coma. Fei's friends try to find a way to help heal Fei, and to do so, help Billy of the Ethos who has access the proper medical facilities. Although healed Fei still remains unconscious until after he turns into Id and attacks his friends at the Zeboim ruins. After Fei is awake again he and the others go to Shevet via Babel Towel. After successful diffending Shevet they decide to go to Solaris, but must first destroy the three gates. Fei goes with Bart to Fort Jasper where Bart gets his Omnigear the "Andvari" after Shakhan attempts to take it for himself. They run into Shakhan at the first gate inside a cave, and defeat him and destroy the gate. To destroy the second gate which is under the Ethos' HQ Fei, Elly and Citan go to Babel Tower and Bart, Rico and Billy go to Fort Jasper. To destroy the gate they try to deflect Fort Jasper's laser weapon with the mirror on Babel Tower. Babel Tower and Fort Jasper are attacked during the attempt leaving Fei and Elly at Babel, and Rico and Bart at Fort Jasper, to defend against the "Elements". Able to hold the Elements off long enough at both locations, the second gate is destroyed. After destroying the second gate Fei and the others go underwater to destroy the third and final gate. After getting Emeralda and destroying the third gate, Fei goes to Solaris with Citan and Elly. Once their Fei is temporarily seperated from them but finds them again. This happens again when Fei draws too much attention during Krelian's speech after finding out the others, not Elly or Citan, were captured. Together they go through the Solaris, where Fei is captured by the Ministry because of Citan who betrays him. Fei wakes up in a room where he is a restraining device and told by the Ministry, their plans. Citan then taunts Fei to release Id and talk with him. When Fei wakes up, Bart tells him that Citan removed their "limiters" and they all attempt escape with the others who Citan helped too. When almost out they run into Grahf and the Executioner (Miang in disguise). Miang unleashes a blinding light hurting everyone but Fei who is forced to watch and turns into Id who destroys Solaris. After this, in Shevet they decide to put Fei into carbon freezing, but before it can be done Fei escapes with Elly in the Weltall. However, Ramsus attacks in his new omnigear the Vendetta and pulverises the Weltall. Taura finds the horribly wounded Fei and Elly and puts them in nano reactors to heal their bodies. Taura also uses the nano machines on the Weltall turning it into the Weltall-2. When Fei wakes up he meets Taura and is reunited with Citan. Taura then gives him a bracelet which will suppress Id, and shows him the Weltall-2. On the way to the continent of Ignas, which is under attack by Solaris, Fei runs into Ramsus in his Vendetta who he easily defeats with Weltall-2's new "System Id" ability. After defeating Ramsus Fei continues on to Ignas. Meanwhile, Elly and Emeralda release nano machines into the atmosphere using the "Mass-Driver" in the hopes of removing everyone's "limiter". Also, Bart destroys the Solaris Mobile Weapon by combining the Yggdrasil and the ship that Nortune used as the palace. After the Solaris Mobile Weapon's defeat the nano machines start taking effect turn many people into "Wels". Fei, Elly and others begin work on helping those who were transformed by the nano machines. Soon after they began to seek out the remain Anima Relics which transforms Billy and Rico's gears into omnigears. Fei decides to go to Mahanon and he and Elly have a fight about his decision, but they "make up". At Mahanon, Fei and the others are captured by Krelian after Grahf easily beats them with his Alpha-Weltall. Elly takes the omnigear in Shevet and goes alone to rescue Fei. After Elly is captured Krelian leaves Fei and the others alone. Fei and the others proceded on to Merkava to rescue Elly from Krelian. There Ramsus kills Miang and Elly becomes the new Miang. After Elly explains to everyone about "Miang" and "Deus", she and Krelian leave. Fei follows after her and reappears later in a coma. The coma is actually a fourth personality created by Fei which is meant to always be in a comatose state. Fei is then put into carbon freezing, but he brakes out after Id removes the coma personality and regains control. Id then heads for the Zohar Modifier and Fei's friends follow him there. When they get there Id had already transformed Weltall into the Xenogears using the Zohar Modifier's power. With Khan's help Fei is able to convince all his personalities to reunite restoring his memories of himself and the past lives of the Contacts. Fei then meets the Wave Existence who tells Fei to destroy Deus and the Zohar Modifier with the Xenogears so it can be free to return to its dimension. Khan transforms into Grahf who tries to possess Fei but he is able to hold Grahf off. Zohar then tries to take Fei since he is the last piece needed for Deus' system, but Grahf gives himself to it to buy Fei time. Fei goes back to Merkava where he defeats Deus and rescues Elly after killing Urobolus, the essence of Miang. Krelian sends Fei and Elly back to Earth but stays behind to be with God. Fei and Elly ride the Xenogears back to Earth where they meet up with the Citan and the others.

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