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Weltall-Id Pilot: Id Pilot: Id
Created in: Nortune
Age: <14 years
Color: Red
Height: 19.4 Sharl
Weight: 22.7 Karn
Reaction Time: 0.3 seconds
Ground Speed: ?
Air Speed: ?
Anima Relic: none

This is the true form of Fei's Gear, the Weltall. When Fei turns into Id, the Weltall changes into the Weltall-Id because they have some sort of link. When the Weltall transforms not only does it turn red, but two big parts from its back separate and add on to the arms and legs as the "fin-like" back parts open and form angel-like wings. This Gear uses Id's power, and is extremely powerful. So powerful in fact that it easily destroys its opponents from Gears to the Yggdrasil, and cities! Id used this Gear to destroy Elru and the Solaris capital. This is also my favorite Gear in the game!