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Weltall Pilot: Fei Fong Wong Pilot: Fei Fong Wong
Created in: Nortune
Age: <14 years
Color: Dark Blue
Height: 19.4 Sharl
Weight: 22.7 Karn
Reaction Time: 0.8 seconds
Ground Speed: 260
Air Speed: 970
Anima Relic: none
Design: Based on True Weltall

The Weltall is Fei's Gear, which was really made for Id. Until it is discovered that the Weltall can transform, no one(almost) knows the purpose of the "black boxes" inside it which seem to have no purpose. The Weltall was made in Kislev with most of the parts from Solaris. Grahf had it made for Id because of how powerful he would be piloting it. Whenever Fei turns into Id the Weltall transforms into its true form the Weltall-Id. To "wake up" Id, Grahf had Ramsus send him his Gebler troops to steal it from Kislev. Once in Lahan, Fei got in it to defend against the Gears in his village. Grahf, the enemy Gear leader, had Timothy killed right before Fei's eyes reawakening Id and destroying Lahan. For a long time after this Fei hates all Gears and especially the Weltall. Much later in the game it is upgraded into Weltall-2 by Taura after Ramsus horribly damages it in his Vendetta.