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Pitch Black

Main Cast
Radha Mitchell
Vin Diesel
Cole Hauser
Claudia Black
Lewis Fitz-Gerald
Rhiana Griffith
Keith David

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Pitch Black/Alien 4 crossover- Part 11


Content/Safety Level for children: CAUTION

Riddick turned defensively as the sound of a pressure lock hissed behind him.
The others looked back fearfully, expecting to see the ship leaving them behind, but to their amazement the ramp was lowering before them.Maybe the Doctor had a change of heart,but Riddick wasn't so easily convinced as he eyed the growing light coming from within suspicousely.It could be a trick and he grasped his shiv even more firmly as he stepped off to the side to prepare for his attacker. He didn't have long to wait,as Gediman suddenly flew at him from the descending rampway.Blood oozed from the Docs mouth and his eyes stared emptily into the darkness as he splashed to the ground.
Riddick easily stepped out of the way and stared at the Doc's body questioningly before turning his head back towards the ship.The Ramp was now fully lowered ,but no one dared to enter.They all just peered cautiously into the empty hold.
Suddenly a pair of feet dropped from the ceiling,followed closely by a rather slim body.The figure hung suspended by straining arms,swinging slightly for a moment as she stared at the trio blankly,before dropping roughly to the floor.
Riddick rushed up the ramp to Nikki's side.She had made it afterall,but bore the many wounds of her toil.Wounds that,he observed with some amazement, already begun the healing process.As the others joined them,he helped her to her feet.Her soaked hair clung to her weary face in ragged spikes as her weary eyes met his.
"Strong survival instincts,"He remarked,a sly grin painting his lips. "I admire that in a woman."
With one massive hand he flipped the switch and once again the bay door grinded shut.
Gently he ushered her into a nearby seat as he moved forward to pilot the ship.Jack stared at the closing door with fascinated disbelief.
"You killed him," Jack spouted,turning in astonishment to Nikki.
"He was in my way,"She replied bluntly,her own lips now grinning as the ship moved skyward.
Jack quickly moved up beside Riddick as Imam kneeled to pray for his fallen comrades.Nikki laid back on the seat,staring at the ceiling and listening to Jack and Riddick work out the particulars of their new situation.Stick out a thumb once we reach the shipping lanes and hitch a ride,pretty much summed it up.Then there was the problem of their names.Nikki didn't much care for Riddick taking that bastard Johns name,but if it kept him alive awhile longer,so be it.Nikki was still confidential information.Technically she didn't exist to anyone but the Company.And if they found her,then she would deal with them in a most efficient manner.But for now,the beast slept within her and she soon found sleep herself.


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go back to part 9
go back to part 10
