Accept - Stalingrad 4.5/5 Accept Review - CRAIG
Agent Steel - Alienigma 4/5 Agent Steel Review - CRAIG
Agent Steel - Order of the illuminati 3.5/5 Agent Steel Review - CRAIG
Airged L’Amh - Ode to salvation 4/5 Airged L’Amh Review - CRAIG
Airged L’Amh - The silver arm 3/5 Airged L’Amh Review - CRAIG
Angel Dust - Of human bondage 3.5/5 Angel Dust Review - CRAIG
Angra - Rebirth 4.5/5 Angra Review - CRAIG
Anvil Chorus - The killing sun 4/5 Anvil Chorus Review - CRAIG
Arch/Matheos - Sympathetic resonance 5/5 Arch/Matheos Review - CRAIG
Archetype - Dawning 4/5 Archetype Review - CRAIG
Arctic Flame - Declaration 3.5/5 Arctic Flame Review - CRAIG
Arctic Flame - Primeval aggressor 3.5/5 Arctic Flame Review - CRAIG
Artillery - My blood 4/5 Artillery Review - CRAIG
ASKA - Fire eater 4.5/5 ASKA Review - CRAIG
ASKA - Absolute power 4.5/5 ASKA Review - CRAIG
Assedium - Fighting for the flame 4/5 Assedium Review - CRAIG
Assedium - Rise of the warlords 4/5 Assedium Review - CRAIG
Battleroar - To death and beyond 4/5 Battleroar Review - CRAIG
Beholder - The legend begins 3/5 Beholder Review - CRAIG
Bloodbound - Nosferatu 4/5 Bloodbound Review - CRAIG
Borden, Lizzy - Appointment with death 4/5 Borden, Lizzy Review - CRAIG
Brainstorm - Liquid monster 3.5/5 Brainstorm Review - CRAIG
Burning Point - Feeding the flames 4/5 Burning Point Review - CRAIG
Crescent Shield - The stars of never seen 4/5 Crescent Shield Review - CRAIG
Crescent Shield - The last of my kind 4/5 Crescent Shield Review - CRAIG
Crosswind - Opposing forces 4/5 Crosswind Review - CRAIG
Di’Anno - Nomad 3.5/5 Di’Anno Review - CRAIG
Dragonheart - Vengeance in black 3/5 Dragonheart Review - CRAIG
Dragonland - Starfall 3/5 Dragonland Review - CRAIG
Dream Evil - The book of heavy metal 2/5 Dream Evil Review - CRAIG
Dungeon - A rise to power 2.5/5 Dungeon Review - CRAIG
Eternal Flight - Under the sign of will 3.5/5 Eternal Flight Review - CRAIG
Exiled - Blood sea 4/5 Exiled Review - CRAIG
Exodus - Exhibit B/The human condition 4/5 Exodus Review - CRAIG
Exodus - The atrocity exhibition/Exhibit A 3.5/5 Exodus Review - CRAIG
Falconer - Grime vs. grandeur 3.5/5 Falconer Review - CRAIG
Falconer - Chapters from a vale forlorn 4/5 Falconer Review - CRAIG
Flotsam and Jetsam - The cold 3.5/5 Flotsam and Jetsam Review - CRAIG
Flotsam and Jetsam - Dreams of death 4/5 Flotsam and Jetsam Review - CRAIG
Fool’s Game - Reality divine 4/5 Fool’s Game Review - CRAIG
Frozen by Fire - Let the madness begin 3.5/5 Frozen by Fire Review - CRAIG
Gaia Epicus - Damnation 4/5 Gaia Epicus Review - CRAIG
Gaia Epicus - Victory 3.5/5 Gaia Epicus Review - CRAIG
Gothic Knights - Reflections from the other side 4.5/5 Gothic Knights Review - CRAIG
Grave Digger - Clash of the gods 3.5/5 Grave Digger Review - CRAIG
Grave Digger - Liberty or death 3.5/5 Grave Digger Review - CRAIG
Grave Digger - The last supper 3.5/5 Grave Digger Review - CRAIG
Hedda - The storm 4/5 Hedda Review - CRAIG
Heimdall - Hard as iron 3/5 Heimdall Review - CRAIG
Helltown - Lead to hell 4/5 Helltown Review - CRAIG
Helstar - The king of hell 4/5 Helstar Review - CRAIG
Holy Grail - Ride the void 4.5/5 Holy Grail Review - CRAIG
Holy Grail - Crisis in utopia 4/5 Holy Grail Review - CRAIG
Icarus Witch - Draw down the moon 4/5 Icarus Witch Review - CRAIG
Icarus Witch - Songs for the lost 4/5 Icarus Witch Review - CRAIG
Ilium - Vespertilion 4.5/5 Ilium Review - CRAIG
Ilium - Permian dusk 4/5 Ilium Review - CRAIG
Imagika - Feast for the hated 4/5 Imagika Review - CRAIG
Imagika - Devils on both sides 3.5/5 Imagika Review - CRAIG
Inner Siege - Kingdom of shadows 4.5/5 Inner Siege Review - CRAIG
Iron Fire - Blade of triumph 4/5 Iron Fire Review - CRAIG
Iron Fire - Revenge 3.5/5 Iron Fire Review - CRAIG
Iron Maiden - Seventh son of a seventh son 5/5 Iron Maiden Review - CRAIG
Jacobs Dream - Drama of the ages 3.5/5 Jacobs Dream Review - CRAIG
Jag Panzer - Mechanized warfare 4/5 Jag panzer Review - CRAIG
Judas Priest - Nostradamus 4.5/5 Judas Priest Review - CRAIG
Judas Priest - Angel of retribution 3.5/5 Judas Priest Review - CRAIG
Killing Machine - Metalmorphosis 3.5/5 Killing Machine Review - CRAIG
King Diamond - Give me your soul... please 4.5/5 King Diamond Review - CRAIG
King Diamond - Abigail ll: The revenge 2.5/5 King Diamond Review - CRAIG
Lanfear - X to the power of ten 4/5 Lanfear Review - CRAIG
Lanfear - Another golden rage 4.5/5 Lanfear Review - CRAIG
Last Empire - s/t 3.5/5 Last Empire Review - CRAIG
Lord - Ascendence 4.5/5 Lord Review - CRAIG
Majesty - Hellforces 3/5 Majesty Review - CRAIG
Manilla Road - Voyager 3.5/5 Manilla Road Review - CRAIG
Manilla Road - Gates of fire 4/5 Manilla Road Review - CRAIG
Manilla Road - Atlantis rising 1.5/5 Manilla Road Review - CRAIG
Manticora - The black circus pt. 2/Disclosure 4/5 Manticora Review - CRAIG
Messiah’s Kiss - Dragonheart 3.5/5 Messiah’s Kiss Review - CRAIG
Metal Church - This present wasteland 4/5 Metal Church Review - CRAIG
Metalium - As one/Chapter four 3/5 Metalium Review - CRAIG
Mystic Prophecy - Savage souls 4/5 Mystic Prophecy Review - CRAIG
Nostradameus - Hellbound 2.5/5 Nostradameus Review - CRAIG
Omega Reign - Arise 4/5 Omega Reign Review - CRAIG
Orpheus - s/t 4/5 Orpheus Review - CRAIG
Paragon - Steelbound 2.5/5 Paragon Review - CRAIG
Riot - Immortal soul 4.5/5 Riot Review - CRAIG
Ritual Steel - Invincible warriors 3/5 Ritual Steel Review - CRAIG
Rock, Rob - Holy hell 4/5 Rock, Rob Review - CRAIG
Rock, Rob - Eyes of eternity 3/5 Rock, Rob Review - CRAIG
Running Wild - Rogues en vogue 3.5/5 Running Wild Review - CRAIG
Running Wild - The brotherhood 3/5 Running Wild Review - CRAIG
Sacred Dawn - A madness within 4/5 Sacred Dawn Review - CRAIG
Sacred Dawn - Gears of the machine 3.5/5 Sacred Dawn Review - CRAIG
Sacred Oath - Darkness visible 4/5 Sacred Oath Review - CRAIG
Sacred Oath - A crystal vision 2.5/5 Sacred Oath Review - CRAIG
Sacred Rite - Rites of passage Vol. l & ll 3.5/5 Sacred Rite Review - CRAIG
Sacred Steel - The bloodshed summoning 4/5 Sacred Steel Review - CRAIG
Sacred Steel - The slaughter prophecy 3/5 Sacred Steel Review - CRAIG
Saint - Crime scene earth 3.5/5 Saint Review - CRAIG
Saxon - Sacrifice 4/5 Saxon Review - CRAIG
Saxon - Call to arms 4/5 Saxon Review - CRAIG
Saxon - Into the labyrinth 3.5/5 Saxon Review - CRAIG
Seven Kingdoms - The fire is mine 4.5/5 Seven Kingdoms Review - CRAIG
Seventh Seal - The sacred test 4/5 Seventh Seal Review - CRAIG
Silencer - The great bear 4/5 Silencer Review - CRAIG
Six Minute Century - Time capsules 4/5 Six Minute Century Review - CRAIG
Skullview - Consequences of failure 2.5/5 Skullview Review - CRAIG
Skylark - The princess' day 2/5 Skylark Review - CRAIG
Slough Feg (The Lord Weird) - Hardworlder 4/5 Slough Feg Review - CRAIG
Slough Feg (The Lord Weird) - Atavism 4/5 Slough Feg Review - CRAIG
Sonata Arctica - Reckoning night 3/5 Sonata Arctica Review - CRAIG
Steel Aggressor - From ruins to dust 4/5 Steel Aggressor Review - CRAIG
Stormwarrior - Northern rage 3/5 Stormwarrior Review - CRAIG
Stormwitch - Witchcraft 2.5/5 Stormwitch Review - CRAIG
Storyteller (The) - Crossroad 3.5/5 Storyteller Review - CRAIG
Supreme Majesty - Tales of a tragic kingdom 3/5 Supreme Majesty Review - CRAIG
Symphony X - Iconoclast 4.5/5 Symphony X Review - CRAIG
Symphony X - Paradise lost 4.5/5 Symphony X Review - CRAIG
Testament - The formation of damnation 4/5 Testament Review - CRAIG
Twilightning - Delirium veil 3.5/5 Twilightning Review - CRAIG
Twisted Tower Dire - Netherworlds 4/5 Twisted Tower Dire Review - CRAIG
Twisted Tower Dire - The isle of hydra 4.5/5 Twisted Tower Dire Review - CRAIG
Vacant Throne - Fall of the feathered king 4/5 Vacant Throne Review - CRAIG
Vhaldemar - Metal of the world 4/5 Vhaldemar Review - CRAIG
Vll Gates - Fire, walk with me 3.5/5 Vll Gates Review - CRAIG
Vyndykator - Heaven sent from hell 2.5/5 Vyndykator Review - CRAIG
Wayne - Metal church 3.5/5 Wayne Review - CRAIG
White Skull - The ring of the ancients 4/5 White Skull Review - CRAIG
Wind Wraith - Minions of metal 3.5/5 Wind Wraith Review - CRAIG
Wind Wraith - The fortune teller’s gaze 3.5/5 Wind Wraith Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Trail of death 4/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Of wariwulfs and bluotvarwes 4.5/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Thor 4/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Goochan 4/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wizard - Magic circle 3.5/5 Wizard Review - CRAIG
Wolf - Legions of bastards 4/5 Wolf Review - CRAIG
Wolf - Ravenous 4/5 Wolf Review - CRAIG
Wolf - The black flame 4/5 Wolf Review - CRAIG
Wolf - Black wings 3.5/5 Wolf Review - CRAIG
Zandelle - Vengeance rising 4.5/5 Zandelle Review - CRAIG
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Email: metalcdratings@yahoo.com