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DATEDIF Function

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Calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates. This function is provided for compatibility with Lotus 1-2-3.
Syntax: DATEDIF(start date, end date, unit)
If the start date is not an earlier date than the end date, DATEDIF will return an error. If you wish to use a cell reference to enter the unit, do not use quotation marks when entering the unit into the referenced cell.
Unit    Finds
Y The number of complete years in the period.
M The number of complete months in the period.
D The number of days in the period.
MD The difference between the days in start date and end date if the end date were within one month of the start date.
YM The difference between the months in start date and end date if the end date were within one year of the start date.
YD The difference between the days of start date and end date if the end date were within one year of the start date.

DATEDIF Function Examples

For more information and to see the samples in a worksheet, download the sample workbook datedif.xls.

The DATEDIF function can be used to determine a persons age from their birth date using the following formula: =DATEDIF(Cell ref to Birth date, TODAY(), "y"). If the persons birth date is in cell C3, the formula would be =DATEDIF(C3, TODAY(), "y").

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