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Statistical Functions

Function Basics Insert Function AutoSum IF Function
PMT Function Date Functions DATEDIF Function Lookup Functions
New 07 Functions Time Functions Text Functions Rounding Functions
Stat Functions Other Functions SUBTOTAL (.xls) SUMPRODUCT (.xls)

To see samples of the statistical functions, download functionsamples07.xls (2007) or  functionsamples.xls (2003). They really need a decent table to be fully appreciated!

Syntax: AVERAGE(number1, number2,...) or AVERAGE(range)
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments.
Syntax: MAX(number1, number2,...) or MAX(range)
Returns the largest value in a set of values.
Syntax: MIN(number1, number2,...) or MIN(range)
Returns the smallest number in a set of values.
Syntax: COUNT(value1, value2,...) or COUNT(range)
Counts the number of cells that contain numbers.
Syntax: COUNTA(value1, value2,...) or COUNTA(range)
Counts the number of cells that are not empty.
Syntax: SUMIF(range, criteria, range to sum)
Sum the values in a range that meet specified criteria.
Syntax: COUNTIF(range, criteria)
Count the values in a range that meet specified criteria.
Syntax: AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, range to average)
Average the values in a range that meet specified criteria.

Download the sample workbook functionsamples.xls or for 2007 users functionsamples07.xls.

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