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Takes place after "Parting Gifts", Doyle gets the chance to return to Angel and Cordelia, but not without their help.
Cordelia tells Doyle and Angel she's going on an audition, but goes somewhere else instead...
A Change of Heart
Takes place during "The Bachelor Party", after Doyle saves Cordelia. Goes into an alternate storyline after that.
The Cheap and Ugly Suit
A song based on Wesley's white suit which he's constantly wearing, very funny - not for the Wesley lovers out there!!!
Dreamin' Of You
Sequel to "Head Over Feet".
The Forgotten Day
A different take on "Expecting" and "I Will Remember You", Cordy finds out she's pregnant...
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
A fluffy Christmas story, taking place after "Parting Gifts. C/D
Head Over Feet
Doyle and Cordelia go to get pizza, and come to realize there's more than just friendship between them.
Heaven Came Down
Faith plays matchmaker, and Wesley comes to a realization.
I Will Have No Fear As Long As You're With Me
Story based on what I thought "Hero" might be like, but nicer...C/D
Knowing Is Half The Battle
Doyle's thoughts both before and after his death. Poem, C/D
Show Me The Meaning Of Being Skanky
Song about Wesley - if you like Wesley, don't read!
Cordelia and Doyle start dating.
Someone Has To Take The Fall
Doyle's thoughts during "Hero".
Take It Back
After "Billy", Wesley thinks about what he did to Fred.
This Existence
Fred tries to figure out where she belongs.
Time To Learn
An alternate ending to "Hero" - what if Doyle didn't die, and instead someone else did?

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