The Sentinel Slash

Baby, It's You  (5/00)  Jim/Blair. My very first Sentinel slash fanfic.

God, The Sentinel and His Guide  (7/00)  Jim/Blair. Rating:  PG. Humor. 

Behind Blue Eyes  (7/00)  Jim/Blair. Michael/Birkoff. Rating: NC-17.  Crossover with La Femme Nikita. How far would Section go to discover the secrets of the Sentinel? Some people will use any means necessary…

Word Play  (8/00)  Jim/Blair. Rating: PG. Some tests reveal more than others.

Affirmation  (8/00)  Jim/Blair. Rating: R. Jim makes an affirmation that changes things. Finally.

Conjunction Junction  (8/00)  Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17. Blair has his way with words.

Gemini Rising  (9/00)  Jim/Blair.  Rating: NC-17. Someone wicked this way comes…  That would be Nolan Emory.

Mercury In Retrograde  (9/00)  Jim/Blair. Rating:  NC-17. Sequel to Gemini Rising. Nolan Emory returns and there is…no rest for the wicked… 

New York Minute  (10/00) Jim/Blair. Rating: R. Jim finally realizes how he feels about Blair. But is it too late?

The Goodbye Look  (10/00) Jim/Blair. Rating: R. Blair’s leaving. Jim doesn’t want him to go. But will he ever figure out why?

Dark Approach  (10/00) Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17.  Crossover with La Femme Nikita. Jim takes a secret meeting. Blair follows. What he discovers changes everything between them.

Some Like It Hot  (11/00)  Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17. PWP in a public place. Blair comes up with a rather unique solution to Jim’s problem with his senses.

The Substitute  (11/00)  Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17. Blair thinks he's been replaced. Can he persuade Jim to accept no substitutes? Originally appeared as part of The Sentinel Slash Virtual Season (SVS).

Offline  (2/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: PG. Blair thinks he needs someone else in his life. Warnings: m/m, angst. Part 1 of the Technical Problems Series.

Illegal Operation  (2/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: R. Jim finds out what Blair is up to--and does something about it. The first story in this series, Offline, was from Blair's POV. This story is from Jim's POV. The next parts of the series won't necessarily alternate. It just happened this way. I always listen to the voices in my head. Especially when they're Jim and Blair. 
Warnings: m/m, angst. Part 2 of the Technical Problems Series.

General Protection Fault   (2/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: R. Blair decides to see what settling for second-best feels like. I absolutely positively made no attempt to alternate POV. But as you can see, Blair insisted it was his turn. Warnings: m/m, angst. Part 3 of the Technical Problems Series.

Improper Shutdown  (2/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: R. Jim conquers his fear-based responses and acts. Warnings: m/m, angst. Part 4 of the Technical Problems Series.

Fatal Error  (2/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: R. The aftermath of Jim and Blair's first kiss. Give Jim a shovel and he'll dig himself a hole. Warnings: m/m, angst. Part 5 of the Technical Problems Series.

Invalid Entry  (2/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17. Jim and Blair finally come together. Part 6 of the Technical Problems Series.

Access Denied  (2/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17. A revelation threatens Jim and Blair's newfound relationship. Part 7 of the Technical Problems Series.

Plug 'n' Play  (3/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17. Blair takes the initiative and gets more than he bargained for. Warnings: b&d, m/m, angst. Notes: There be kink in this story. Handcuffs are used and Jim acts out his fetish about Blair's hair. Oh, and there is a scene where Blair sucks Jim's toes. Honest. Would I make something like that up? {g} Part 8 of the Technical Problems Series.

Program May Be Busy  (3/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17. Jim and Blair take a shower together. Notes: This is a PWP without sex. There was supposed to be, but Blair and Jim started arguing and then...well, you know how it is. {g} Part 9 of the Technical Problems Series.

Click OK to Re-Start  (3/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17. Jim and Blair come to terms with their new relationship. This is the end of the Technical Problems series. Thanks to everyone who encouraged and supported me throughout these stories.

After the Rain  (3/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: PG. Jim contemplates life without Blair. This was written in response to Alyjude's friend Adam's Challenge. 

Hard as a Rock and Twice as Dumb  (3/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: NC-17. Jim raises cluelessness to an artform. 

K-I-S-S-I-N-G  (3/01)  Jim/Blair, Jim/female. Rating: R. Jim's night out doesn't end exactly the way he thought it would. It's better. Warnings: m/m, m/f. Notes: There is no actual sex in this story, implied or otherwise. Jim's pairing with a woman is not shown, but it is talked about and thought about by both Jim and Blair.

Shades of Gray  (5/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: R. Blair makes Jim think twice about something he's been taking for granted. Warnings: m/m, angst.

Lost Promise  (5/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: R. Jim contemplates Blair's importance in his life. Part 1 of a still-unnamed trilogy. Notes: Set TSbyBS, this is nothing but an excuse for angst. Warnings: m/m, angst.

 I Need Him To Know  (5/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: R. Blair ponders the futility of love.  Part 2 of a still-unnamed trilogy. Notes: This is a companion piece to Lost Promise, which was from Jim's perspective. This is from Blair's perspective. If anything, this is angrier and angstier than the first story. Once more, the R rating is for language, not sex. Warnings: m/m, angst. 

The Violence of Words  (5/01) Jim/Blair. Rating: R. An act of desperation leads to an act of love. Part 3 of a still-unnamed trilogy. Once more from Jim's perspective, this completes the trilogy. Warnings: m/m, angst.

You Take My Heart  (5/01)  Jim/Blair. Rating: R. You never know what you might discover in the middle of the night. Warnings: m/m, h/c, angst.