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Second Floor


Back Door

Boys' Bunkroom

Chaos with holey curtains with unusual stains on them...

*you poke your head into what should be the boys bunkroom and are immediately assaulted with...mess* *clothes, papers, people, and general Stuff is scattered everywhere, and what -is- that stain on the curtains?*

Temper: *standing over his bunk* *going through some things*

Beak: *standing near the window, working through an imaginary game of hockey*

Freckles: *goes tearing past you out the door, shrieking at the top of his lungs*

Temper: *looks up as Freckles leaves* *laughs* *notices you* *raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything right away*

Gavin: *is reading, or trying to read, a book on his bunk* *glances over and raises an eyebrow* Looking around our bunkroom? You're braver than I thought...

*you nod* * that a frog hopping around there?*

Temper: *laughs at that* *turns back to his bunk* *finally pulls out what he was looking for* Ah-ha. *sits down* *tosses the ball in the air, catching it easily* Quiet, ain't ya? *grins* *leans back on one elbow*

Gavin: *yes, it is* *nods to Temper* Yep... maybe we're scarin' 'em.

*you mention that it's more that stain that's scaring you, honestly*

Gavin: *eyes the stain* *huh... where'd that come from?*

Temper: *grins* *looks back at the stain* *then grins mischievously* You know we don't know exactly what -that's- from.

Beak: *stops, mid-swing, and looks over his shoulder* *puts his stick down, a little sheepish* Oh. Heya, how long's everyone been standing there?

Temper: *looks at Beak* Awhile.. *motions with his hand* You were just out there somewhere... *grins*

Beak: *grins, still embarrassed, but comes closer to the forming group* It happens. *nods toward you* Who's this?

*insert your name here* *maybe you should start carrying a sign or something with your name on it*

Beak: *holds out his hand, subconsciously holding his stick behind his back, out of everyone's reach* I'm Beak. Welcome to the House.

Temper: *nods in greeting* *doesn't really feel like moving* I'm Temper, nice to meet'cha.

Gavin: *watches introductions* You met me... oh, and over there not talking is Firefly *points to him* and well... the frog is Buster *points to the frog* *can't quite bring himself to say "Baby Buster"*

Firefly: *is on his bunk with his hat pulled over his eyes* *grunts*

Temper: *continues to toss the ball* *glances at Gavin then back at you* I'd stay away from the frog though...

~Top Bunk~
~Bottom Bunk~
Torch Grace
Picks Hewitt
Dagger Neismith
Freckles MacMillan
Beak Jauncer
Inkblot Jacobsen
Willy Foster
Gavin Devereaux
Killian Shea
Firefly Marlowe
Puddleglum Laire
Puddlejumper Laire
Caesar Carlysle
Evan Spencer
Lancelot King
Shakespeare Montoya
Temper Riley


Art Twain Bandit Buckley Baxter Pflumn Chase Callaghan Crash Gibson Dolce Christos Dollar Mathan Dorian Michaels Dragon Shirou Frisco Vasquez Gambit Dickens Headliner Johnson Hunter Farrell Jason Sakamoto Matthew Riley Orion McAllery Painter Daas Protector Lia Rye Hunter Void White Scythe Kinnison Stones Walker Wiseguy Goldstein Wizard Hartley

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