Great News! Yet another online journal has made its debut TODAY!
Yes, in a world plagued by war, disease, and waxy yellow build-up, isn't it good to know that there are STILL people silly enough to think that posting their words to a web site is a worthwhile thing to do? Gosh, kind of takes you back to another time and place, doesn't it?? And that's not all! Experts agree: Regular reading of this new journal is GUARANTEED to boost your IQ, improve your love life, and allow you to reach your ideal body weight WHILE YOU SLEEP! Someday ALL online journals will be required by the government to have these features as a matter of course. Until then, enjoy a taste of the fabulous future JUST BY CONTINUING TO READ
Boneless Blather Written Mainly To Please My Cat
(Say WHAT?)
The 165 Infamous Prototype Entries
Oct. 16 - Taking The Sweetest Day Challenge
Oct. 18 - Thinking Long & Hard About Bathing Again
Oct. 19 - open mike night at the dreck cafe
Oct. 20 - when stagehands forget to unplug the amplifiers
Oct. 21 - Holidays Autopsied While-U-Read
Oct. 22 - Attack of the Blather Devouring Attorneys!
Oct. 23 - An Entry Written In Humble Service To Humanity
Oct. 24 - Trying To Come To Grips With My Sunday Paralysis
Oct. 25 - A Married Man Plays The Dating Game
Oct. 28 - My Life As A Guard In The Harem Of Fate
Oct. 29 - "Your Cat's Got Mail!"
Oct. 30 - Stocking Up On Terror
Nov. 1 - As Authentic An Entry As I Can Muster On Short Notice
Nov. 2 - The Excitement Never Ends
Nov. 3 - A Rare, Gently Pre-Read, Dribble-Of-Consciousness Entry
Nov. 4 - Thinking Outside The Box
Nov. 5 - Writing Without A Net
Nov. 6 - Sometimes A Great Notion... But Definitely Not Today
Nov. 7 - Exorcising The Ghostism From My Heart
Nov. 11 - Winning The Cold War Only To Lose My Mind
Nov. 12 - Potty Training Shirley MacLaine (And Other Glimpses Of The Future)
Nov. 13 - Blather Malls & Journal Scans
Nov. 14 - Bed, Sun, And Prison
"Almost Another Jester's Journal"
(Hey! The sordid little saga continues! We'd cancel our Internet account if we were you!!)
I suspect it has been sleeping with the judges behind my back.
If you have an online journal of your own, you may punish it for its immoral behavior
by clicking on the above graphic and voting for one of the other nominees.
If you just want to see what this shameless journal plans to wear
for the swimsuit portion of the competition, click here.
And the winner is...11350-22666
Congratulations, Nancy! Keep up the good work!!
Graffiti Rounded Up To The Nearest Whole Thought
My Home State: Too Big To Throw, Too Inanimate To Bag Groceries
Better Journals For Better People
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