Red Shirt part 1
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a new story continues from the slow Typist story

The Red Shirt...The Beginning

Anna gets up real early the next morning so she
can figure out what to do about that red shirt Ron keeps
talking about.
She goes to the kitchen to make some coffee for herself, so
she can wake up fully and think with a clear mind.
Tiptoeing very quietly..not making a sound, knowing Ron has to
be up for work soon, but it's a good thing she shut off his
alarm clock he will have to hurry or he will miss his
train to work..
and that means no time to ask me about that shirt!

Quietly sipping her coffee while leaning against the
kitchen counter; it still hurt to sit down after that spanking
she got last night from Ron; eyeing that bag of rags, also
seeing the bottle of bleach she accidentally used in that load
of clothes she washed, thinking better get that shirt out of
the ragbag and into the trash can outside.

Boy, was she tired....but it was a good thing she was able to
get to that all night store and buy a new red shirt...smiling
to herself because Ron never even noticed she was
all I have to do is get that shirt out of the car and into
his closet! Too bad I couldn't have done it right away so it's
there for this morning..but that would have been too
risky...he might wake up if he hears noises by the closet and
I won't have enough time to get it in the closet while he
takes his shower....

I guess I just should have waited till he went to work to go
the store and buy it...must start thinking things out better!

Looking at the clock...she goes upstairs and says in a sleepy
voice, Ron, Ron, hurry and getup!! Your alarm clock didnt go
off!!! You better hurry or youll miss the train!!.......


Anna> "Ron Ron...get up!"

<Ron> "What time is it???"

<Anna> "It's 7:00're going to be late! Hurry!
What happened ? Why didn't you get up when your alarm went

<Ron> Blinking my eyes I focus on the clock and the
alarm. "It's set to off."

<Anna> "Ron, get out of that bed and get ready..never
mind the clock now! You can't miss that train again!"

<Ron> I jump up out of bed and head for the shower.

<Anna> "I'll get your coffee ready, you can take it
with you."

<Ron> I quickly get shaved and rush out practically getting
dressed at the same time. "Anna where is my red shirt?"

<Anna> "Since you're in such a rush and no time for
breakfast, I'll make you a real good dinner." Anna shouts as
Ron rushes. "Wear the white one...looks better. I have to see
if it is still at cleaners."

<Ron> Anna doesn't seem to hear so I grab a white
one that seems conveniently laid out for me, then rush down
for coffee.

<Anna> "Be careful not to spill your coffee Ron, make
sure the lid is on tight!"

<Ron> Grabbing the coffee, Ron kisses Anna goodbye
and rushes headlong to catch the train.

<Anna> Whew. Now I can take care of that red shirt problem!
Anna goes out to her car and brings in the bag with the new
red shirt... takes the tags off...boy there are sure a lot of
pins and tags on this new shirt!

<Ron> I return in a panic. "I forgot my case."

<Anna> Anna quickly shoves the shirt in the closet....her
heart a fluttering. "You scared me Ron! Now get going here
is your case. Go!"

<Ron> I grabbed the case and a few notes and rush
out but a pin sticks into my finger.

<Anna> "Where did that pin come from? Maybe it was holding
your papers together?"

<Ron> "I don't know mmmm" as I grab a Kleenex and rush
out the door.

<Anna> That was a close one for sure. Maybe I better
wait a few minutes to make sure he gets on that train.
Anna decides to get rid of the ruined red shirt so she goes to
the ragbag and finds it from the bottom and tosses it in the
garbage can outside.

time passes........till Ron returns that evening from work...

<Anna> Anna sure had a busy day, hanging up the new red shirt,
getting rid of the evidence of the new shirt..the for something for that dinner she
promised Ron. The table is all set. The nice dishes are out
and everything looks great.

<Ron> I kiss Anna good day and give her a hug eyeing
the nice dinner she has prepared.

<Anna> The smell of roast beef, mashed potatoes,gravy,drifting
out the window... "How was your day Ron?"

<Ron> "It was hot at work and these shirts have shrunk a bit.

<Anna> "That's too bad it was so hot at work, but it has
cooled off so nicely now, don't you think so Ron? We will
have to get you some new shirts maybe."

<Ron> "Yes, I'm glad to be home." as I sit down to eat.

<Anna> "What would you like to drink, maybe some lemonade or
iced tea? I made both today for you....nice and fresh!"

<Ron> "Ice tea is fine. Did you find my red shirt Anna?"

<Anna> "Okay, I'll get the iced tea for you. I think I will
have iced tea too, with lots of ice in it! How many lemons do
you want in your tea Ron?"

<Ron> "Anna, I was asking about my shirt. My favorite one."

<Anna> "I didn't hear you say how many lemons?"

<Ron> "Okay 2 lemons, but my shirt, did you find it?"

<Anna> "Two lemons..coming right up ...I'll go get them."

<Ron> Ron is perplexed why Anna is avoiding the shirt but
finishes his meal without further comment.

<Anna> "Did you enjoy the dinner Ron?"

<Ron> "Yes, very scrumptiously prepared. Well done Anna."

<Anna> "Well, thank you....You work so hard you deserve
to eat a good dinner after a hard day. What would you like for
dessert?" Anna is trying to avoid answering about the shirt..

<Ron> "Well you, but I'll settle on ice cream for now."

<Anna> Anna goes and gets Ron his ice cream. While he is
eating it, she begins to clean up the dishes.

<Ron> "I'll eat it in the bedroom , I've a letter to
read there."

<Anna> "You do that and I'll finish up here..then I think I
will go for a walk.. I wont be long." Anna is trying to get
his mind off that shirt. Maybe he'll fall asleep up there.

<Ron> Ron places his hand on Anna shoulder, "You are not going
anywhere young lady till we talk about my red shirt.

<Anna> "Ron, I thought you were going upstairs. I need to get
these dishes done."

<Ron> "Well I don't want you slipping out for a walk until we
clear up this little matter of my red shirt."

<Anna> Anna is getting scared because she knows shewill have
to lie to Ron about the shirt..just a little 'white' lie
though, but still... "I won't go for my walk till the dishes
done Ron, so you go read your letter."

<Ron> "See me after you finish the dishes."

<Anna> "I don't want to disturb you when you're reading Ron."

<Ron> "That's okay. It's a short letter anyway."

<Anna> "Well.....all right." No way out of this one Anna is
thinking! What should I do???

<Ron> Sitting at the desk Ron feels another pin under his arm.

<Anna> Maybe he wont even notice the little difference
in the shirt, Anna thinks. Anna hears Ron yelling about
something from upstairs.

<Ron> Finishing the letter, I call for Anna.

<Anna> "Not finished yet'll have to wait."

<Ron> "Anna, the dishes can wait. Lets get this little matter
of my shirt cleared up first."

<Anna> "But I really want to finish them now..not later!"

<Ron> "Anna, lets not start delaying things. Twenty minutes
is plenty long enough to do ALL the dishes we own."

<Anna> "Okay...Okay." Anna is getting a little worried
now...all she can think is if he finds out she accidentally
put that red shirt in with the clothes to be bleached....hes
not gonna be was his favorite shirt.she also knows
she will get spanked again, and she's still a bit sore from
the last one! Anna slowly goes up the stairs...real slow.

<Ron> "Anna where are you now?"

<Anna> "I'm coming....I'm coming."

<Ron> "Are you walking backwards or something?"

<Anna> "No, I'm not walking backwards or ANYTHING!...Now
you know how it is to have to wait for someone who does things

<Ron> I pull my chair out from the desk to face Anna. Anna,
what did you say?"

<Anna> "I said I'm here now Ron, and sorry I walked SLOW."

<Ron> "Okay. I thought it sounded like something else."

<Anna> "I was walking like you do...SLOW...Ya know..when
you're not in a hurry. But you sure moved quick this morning
to catch the train!"

<Ron> "Anna, I always walk very quickly, now what is your
devious little plan you're cooking up now?"

<Anna> "Nothing at all Ron. But you don't always walk quickly
and you know walk like you type..SLOW...but of course
you are just enjoying the scenery! That's why you walk slow..
but why do you type SLOW? Let's go for a walk right now Ron,
what do you think? Let's go!"

<Ron> "I don't walk with my hands, but if there's any more of
your comments, my hands will be quickly applied somewhere you
will notice how quickly the fast pace is then!"

<Anna> "All right. No more comments from me tonight..In fact,
I wont say another word to you tonight. I'll just go back
downstairs now."

<Ron> "Yes you will talk Anna. You are going to tell me about
my red shirt. The truth now."

<Anna> "But you said no more comments from me."

<Ron> "No comments on the SLOW typing. NOT the shirt. So
speak. Or I'll spank first and ask the questions later."

End of Part 1