Red Shirt part 5
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Red Shirt Part 5

Ron lets John out the door, turns and looks at Anna, but does not say a word to her...just looks at her. Anna starts to say something but Ron tells her, "Don't say a word now Anna."

Then Ron goes up the stairs and Anna hears the bedroom
door close. Anna is really feeling bad. She knows Ron has every right to be upset with her. This whole day has not been good and a very long day it has turned out to be. And Anna fears it is not over yet!

But maybe Ron will just fall asleep up there...Anna
hopes as she begins to clean up the mess in the living
room, carrying the glasses and pitcher and towels into
the kitchen.

She can hear some noise coming from upstairs..wonder
what he is doing? She finishes the cleaning and decides to
just stay downstairs where she is.
Suddenly she realizes it is very very quiet upstairs. No more
sounds can be heard from Ron.

Well, that's good...he most likely did fall asleep..I
hope he did.....because Anna hasn't forgot about Ron's
promise of that STRAP!...but maybe he did...he was so
upset over that spill..I'm sure he did
forget...or maybe he is just too tired to deal with it
tonight...or else maybe he will just wait until
Thursday comes..and that will be the
spanking...instead of the strap...

Whatever the reason he is staying up there, Anna
certainly is not going to go up there and find out!
She sits down...very slowly...she is still sore on her
bottom from the after dinner spanking Ron gave to
her...picks up a magazine from the table...and starts
looking through it...but all she can see is the drawer
across the room where the STRAP is.....ohhhhhh...

It is so quiet...she must be 'off the hook' for
tonight! She is feeling is her bottom!
She begins to relax a little and then all of a sudden,
she hears:


She freezes in her spot with Ron's next words:

And bring the STRAP with you...RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Anna knows he really really means it. She knows that
tone of his fooling around this time..he
means business!

Again she hears:

Anna is shaking all over...but she knows she had better obey
Ron this games....

She gets up and goes to the drawer and opens it and sees the
strap.....just waiting for her..ohhhhhhh.

She takes it out of the drawer, closes the drawer, and
looks at it......then slowly...very slowly...makes her
way upstairs. When she gets to the top of the stairs,
there is Ron, waiting for her.....................