Red Shirt part 6
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The red shirt part 6

<Ron> "Anna please get the strap and bring it with you let's get this little matter over with."

<Anna> "I have it right here Ron........but

<Ron> "Give it to me. Please what???"

<Anna> "Please don't use it. I am so sorry for
everything I did today."

<Ron> "Well I'm sorry too Anna, but you have this coming ,so
lets not mope about it."

<Anna> "But Ron, I already got spanked once today, and
don't really want another one!"

<Ron> "You may not want another one but YOU are going
to GET another one."

<Anna> No answer. Not even looking at Ron...looking at
the ground.....

<Ron> "Now how many strokes did I give you last time
for lying?"

<Anna> "I think it was one , maybe two."

<Ron> "Anna remember the penalty for lying. Now you
want to jog your memory a bit?"

<Anna> "Oh...all was 5."

<Ron> "That's better. Now what did I tell would
happen if you did it again?"

<Anna> no answer

<Ron> "Anna get yourself prepared and you better
start remembering quickly."

<Anna> "I am prepared."

<Ron> "Anna you played that game once too often today
already. That will be 2 extra strokes."

<Anna> No answer, won't look at Ron either.

<Ron> "Anna get your bottom bare and across my knee, NOW!"

<Anna> Moving very, very, very slowly toward Ron.

<Ron> "Anna I am going to count to 5. Each 5 seconds
after that is an extra stroke."

<Ron> 1

<Ron> 2

<Ron> 3

<Anna> Lifting up her dress.

<Ron> 4

<Anna> Holding it in one hand

<Ron> 5.

<Anna> Moving closer to Ron.

<Ron> 6

<Anna> Getting across his knee now.

<Ron> 7

<Anna> Not wanting to though so not moving quick at all.

<Ron> 8

<Anna> Crying, "Stop counting Ron, I'm ready!"

<Ron> "9... Your panties are still on."

<Anna> "Can't they should stay on?"

<Ron> "10... that's 1 more extra. You have time to decide."

<Anna> "Okay, I'll take them off."

<Ron> 11

<Ron> "Get them right down."

<Anna> Getting off his knee now and trying to get them
off fast... getting worried now.....shouldn't have fooled around.

<Ron> 12

<Ron> 13

<Ron> "Now give them to me."

<Anna> Panties off and she gives them to Ron.

<Ron> "14.. Back in position Anna."

<Anna> Anna gets back over his knee...really scared now!

<Ron> "These aren't the ones you had on earlier."

<Anna> "I know that. I couldn't find them. I looked but didn't
see them anywhere."

<Ron> "We will see about that later then."

<Anna> "Ohhh noo!"

<Ron> "Maybe you left them downstairs."

<Anna> Anna shuts her eyes tight now.....she doesn't want
to see what's going to happen next. "No, why would they be
downstairs?? I didn't leave them there."

<Ron> Maybe they got with my stuff and they happened to fall
out on to the couch."

<Anna> "How could that happen? Do you want me to go look now
Ron?" Anna asks hopefully.

<Ron> "We will look later. Maybe John found them for us."

<Anna> "Ooh! I hope not! We can look now. Let's go look

<Ron> "Anna, LATER!"

<Anna> "Okay." Anna mumbles.

<Ron> "Now I asked you once before what did I say
would happen the last time when you lied after those 5
strokes before?"

<Anna> Starting to cry. "You said I would get more
than the 5."

<Ron> "Anna, what exactly did I say?"

<Anna> Crying. "I don't remember."

<Ron> Ron pats Anna's bare bottom lightly with the
strap. Well then you better take a good guess cause
this is your last chance."

<Anna> "Ouchhh...Well"...crying...."I think you said I
would definitely get more then 5. You said one said I'd get 6" ...crying..

<Ron> "Anna I said 10. Now that's 2 extra for not
remembering things I tell you to remember, plus the 3
extra you got yourself tonight so that will be 15."

<Anna> "Ohh, that's I could
I have forgotten that.....I think because you have me SO
upset...I'm not thinking right! 15 is a lot Ron. Pleasssee not
that many!"

<Ron> Ron bring the first stroke of the strap across
both huddled cheeks with a stinging SPLAT!

<Anna> "OOOuuucccHHHHHH..I wasn't even ready," reaching back
to cover her bared bottom.

<Ron> "Now Anna, so you will remember next time you are to
count each stroke and thank me for each one." Ron grabs Anna

<Anna> "No Ron, pleaseeee don't make me do that!!I
don't like to count them."...sniffles.....sniffles..

<Ron> The red stripe is very visible now across both

<Anna> Now that both of Ron's hands are occupied, Anna
tries to wiggle off his knee.

<Ron> "Okay... this one doesn't count then."...
splat! Ron holds Anna firmly back into position.

<Anna> OUCHHhhhhhhhhhhhHHHH!!!...Why didn't that one
count???....ooohhhh." With her hand free, now Anna grabs onto
Ron's leg.

<Ron> SPLAT! "This one doesn't count ether till I here
ONE and, thank you Ron I deserved that."

<Anna> "OUCCHHHHHHHHH EWWWWWW!! Crying, "I forgot Ron. You
have me so confused!"

<Anna> "ONE!"

<Ron> "And...?"

<Anna> "Thank you, I deserved that."

<Ron> "Okay, that's better. Now we will restart if you
miss, remember!"

<Anna> "TWO and THREE.....from the other ones."

<Ron> "Anna we shall start a zero again since you
got the count wrong so THIS one is ONE, SPLAT!"

<Anna> "NOOOOOOOOOoooooooo It's three and you know it!!!
That's four now!"

<Ron> Each bright strap stroke is visibly lined
across Anna bare bottom. "Anna we are still at zero ,until
you learn you do not control from the bottom." Ron applies a
hard stroke now.

<Anna> "That's not fair Ron. you keep confusing
me...we're at 4...OUCHHHH 5 and Thank you Ron, I deserved

<Ron> "Anna we are still at zero until you say ONE
they don't count. You will learn to obey or your bottom will
pay so listen to what I say or you will be here all day."

<Anna> Crying again now......"But I did say ONE already!"


<Anna> "EWWWWW!! SIX Thank you Ron."

<Ron> "Anna that was ONE so we begin again you will
learn." SPLATT

<Anna> "OUCHHHHHHhhhhhhhh" She knows she shouldn't but she

<Ron> Ron looks at Anna's bottom the strap marks feel
really hot and sore, but Anna has a good firm bottom
that can take a lot more, as he can still feel the
firmness in each cheek.

<Anna> Anna thinking....How much more can I take of

<Ron> "Okay Anna I can last longer that your bottom
were still haven't started your strapping yet."

<Ron> STRAP! A real hard one now.

<Anna> "Wwwhat do you mean?.....We're almost finished?"

<Ron> Another full force across the lower cheeks.

<Anna> "OOOUUUCCCCHHH"....Reaching back again to cover her
bottom from the strap.

<Ron> Ron pins both of Anna hands back with his one
hand and applies another full force stinging stroke with a
full snap.


<Anna> Crying, "Ouchhhhhhh! Please stop now!" Trying to free
her hands...but she can't. She is squirming and wiggling but
can't get her hands free.

<Ron> "Anna ,I can see since you refuse to count, that this
strap is not enough to convince you to agree with me, so get
up. You are going to bend over this desk and receive 6 of the
best with the cane for disobedience."

<Anna> "NOO! PLeasee!! I'm SORRYYY...Please give me another
chance.. I promise to count right and listen really
good to you and not fight you anymore...... but

<Ron> "Anna, you had plenty of chances haven't you already to
say ONE?"

<Anna> "But I did say weren't listening." Crying
really hard now, "but I'll say it again....please lets just
start over again. cane!"

<Anna> "ONE...and Thank You Ron, I deserved that!"

<Ron> "Anna since I'm nice to you I'll give you a choice. 20
more with the strap or 6 with the cane. You will count each
one or we will restart. You WILL learn to obey!"

<Anna> Hmmmm. Which will hurt more? Thinking real hard while
crying and crying. "I know Ron, I don't always obey you and I
am really sorry."

<Ron> Ron places his hand on Anna's hot bottom awaiting her
answer encouragingly.

<Anna> Crying, "I'll take 6 with the cane"...thinking it will
at least be over with faster.

<Ron> "Get up and bring me the cane quickly and then get over
this desk."

<Anna> Anna decides she better obey and listen to
every thing Ron says now...she really made a mess of this for
herself! Anna gets the cane and brings it to Ron.

<Ron> "Take that dress right off to so it doesn't get in the

<Anna> Anna starting to protest that one....but knows
she better not....she looks at Ron, and knows... no more games
she just holds the dress up higher so it won't get in the way.

<Ron> Ron takes a couple of practice swishes through
the air.

<Anna> Anna doesn't like that sound at all.

<Ron> "Okay Anna, that's fine. Just don't let it get in
the way. You had your one chance to take it off. Anna arch
your back and spread your legs a bit more apart."

<Anna> Anna leans over the desk once again, awaiting
the 'swish' of the cane to hit her bare bottom....ohhhhh....but
does as she is told, she spreads her legs more for Ron.

<Ron> Ron places the cane lightly across both cheeks
now that the target is ready.

<Anna> Putting her hands over her ears so she can't
her that horrible sound the cane will make as it comes down on

<Ron> Ron is ready to coil and strike when Anna's bottom

<Anna> Anna relaxes now......waiting,,,waiting....

<Ron> Pulling the cane back Ron delivers a stinging

<Anna> YEOWWWW!! Anna almost flies over the desk
with that one! "ONE!"

<Ron> A red welt appears across both cheeks with a perfect

<Anna> Anna can't believe how much this hurts! No more fooling
around for sure now! No extras!

<Ron> SWISH snap! another full stroke Ron snaps off
biting into Anna bum at full force.

<Anna> Anna takes her hands from her ears and grabs
onto the edge of the desk. "TWO!"

<Ron> The second line from the cane appears beautifully right
below the first.

<Anna> She is hurting so much....and having trouble
staying still.

<Ron> SWISH splat! As the third firm cut is applied
full strength and snap to Anna's bottom.


<Ron> Anna stay in position and do not put those
hands back, keep that dress up too.

<Anna> Crying, "Okay Ron..

<Ron> "Now are you going to obey what I ask you to do?"

<Anna> "Yes, always."

<Ron> "Are you going to lie to me again?"

<Anna> "No, I will try not to ever lie again. I will never
ever lie again to you."

<Ron> "Okay, lets proceed with the rest of your caning. Arch
your back, bum up and legs apart."

<Anna> "Oohhhhhhhhh"

<Ron> Ron brings the cane down with expert snap at
top force again exploding it into Anna's bottom.

<Anna> "Yeeeeeeeeeeooooooo!!!! FOUR! THANK YOU Ron. I
deserved that."

<Ron> "Ready for the next stroke Anna?"

<Anna> "Yes Ron." Holding on tighter than ever to the desk

<Ron> Ron feels the 4 parallel red stripes across
each cheek proudly. "Okay number 5 to the set coming up."

<Anna> It hurts so bad!!! I can feel the burning. Bracing
herself, thinking maybe wrong choice here....should have
stayed with the strap.

<Ron> SWISH! The 5th cane stroke snaps through the
air snapping around both cheeks of Anna's bottom.

<Anna> "FIVE! Thank you Ron." Only one more. Can I make it?
I have to.

<Ron> Ron reaches back, but waits for Anna to settle
in position.

<Anna> By now there is a puddle of Anna's tears on the
desk. Anna can't stay still anymore.

<Ron> "Ready Anna? This one will really sting."

<Anna> Closing her eyes again real tight and grabbing the desk

<Ron> Ron flexes the cane in his hand.

<Anna> Waiting, hearing the awful sound.


<Anna> "YEEEOOWWWWWWWWWW" Anna is beside herself now. Crying
and crying and screaming. She tries to get up from the desk..
but it hurts just to move.

<Ron> 6 perfect lines appear on each cheek.

<Anna> "SIX! Thank you Ron." Thank goodness she remembered
just in the nick of time to count.

<Ron> Ron squeezes each cheek tenderly and says "Okay
Anna you can get up."

<Anna> She reaches back to rub her bottom but it hurts
too much to even touch it. crying.. She looks in Ron's eyes
and tells him she will NEVER lie to him again.

<Ron> Now have you learned your lesson tonight Anna?"

<Anna> Sniffling...Yes I have... I really have. I won't soon
forget it either!"

<Ron> "And, NOT to disobey me during a spanking?"

<Anna> "Yes, I won't ever do that again." crying... "I will
never disobey you again Ron."

<Ron> "Now let me show you your bottom in this full-length
mirror in the hall as a reminder."

<Anna> Anna doesn't want to look.....but better because
who knows what will happen if she doesn't. She looks in the
mirror in the hall.

<Ron> "Anna look closely at your bottom."

<Anna> Looking closely and not liking what she sees!

<Ron> "Remember that the next time you think about lying."

<Anna> Crying, "I will, I more lies Ron."

<Ron> "Okay. Now give me a hug and a kiss that all is

<Anna> Reaches up and gives Ron a hug and a kiss.

<Ron> Ron cuddles Anna, closely, and tenderly. "Okay
Anna all is forgiven on my part to."

<Anna> "Thank you Ron, you know I am really so sorry
for all I did today."

<Ron> "Now do you want me to put some cream on that bottom of
yours for you?"

<Anna> "I think you better Ron. It hurts so BAD."

<Ron> Ron feels sorry for having to punish Anna so
hard for her own good. "Okay, lie on the bed and I'll get the
cream from the bathroom."

<Anna> Anna really learned her lesson today from the strap AND
the cane! She lies on the bed, waiting for Ron to return...
Ron comes back with the cream...and begins rubbing the
coolness into Anna's very hot bottom and can feel it starting
to feel better already with Ron's helpful hands.

<Ron> Slowly but surely the pleasant feeling engulfs
Anna from a lovely warm bottom as Ron smiles at Anna who
starts to smile back through the tears.

<Anna> Anna reaches over and gives Ron another big hug, and
they wake up to the sounds of birds chirping through the


the end of part 6