Red Shirt finale
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The Red shirt the finale


Anna wakes up in the morning and can hear Ron in the
shower, getting ready for work.
She didn't even hear him get up. She tries to sits up
in bed, wincing at the soreness she feels on her bottom .

It definitely feels much better than it did last night, the
cream Ron rubbed into her really helped lessen the burning
stings that the strap and cane left on her
backside. She closes her eyes trying to forget about
her strapping and caning last night,
but it wasn't easy!

She opens her eyes again and gazes out the window at the
beautiful sunshine on the trees. Her thoughts are with last
night though...

Why do I always get myself in more trouble than necessary?
Why do I always egg him on like I do? Why can't
I just accept the punishments without always fighting
him? I know I only make it worse
for myself and for Ron too.

I know he doesn't want to be so harsh with me..but
sometimes I give him no other choice. I really need
to learn to control myself better... much better and listen to
him the first time he tells me to do something.

Hearing Ron coming from the shower, she quickly closes
her eyes again for a minute. She knows she should have
already been downstairs fixing his breakfast, she certainly
doesn't want him to be late for the train again, and knows she
better get out of the bed and get going!

As Ron comes into the room, she starts to get up
quickly, saying, "I'm sorry I took so
long waking up. I'll go get your breakfast right now. I know I
should have had it done already. I just didn't hear your alarm
clock go off."

Ron tells her that he shut it off right away so she
wouldn't wake up. He knows what a rough night she had. He
also felt bad that he had to punish her so severely, so he
wanted her to get extra sleep, adding that not to worry about
his breakfast today, he already made himself some toast and
coffee and brought some up for her too.

Thanking him, she eats her toast while he finishes
getting ready to go. But before he leaves, he wants to check
on her bottom, to see if the welts are still as sore
and red as they were last night. After checking
Anna's bottom, he says he still has a little
time before catching the train, and gets the jar of
cream and begins rubbing more into her
bottom, saying, that this will help speed the recovery

He is being really nice to Anna this morning, but then
he usually fact he always is
nice to Anna...unless she is purposely not
obeying him or telling him lies to get herself out of trouble,
but even then he tries to be nice, he is just giving me what I
asked for. It's my fault when he gets so upset, because I
just can't seem to want to comply with his 'rules'.

Anna's eyes start to close again as he is rubbing the
cream in..mmmmmmm...makes it feel so much better.
"Thank you Ron, you are so good to me this morning...and after
I was such a brat to you last night!"

"Well Anna, that's okay, I understand." Sometimes you just
can't help yourself. By the way Anna, I think that's
something we need to work on more, don't you??? A little self
control is what you need to learn."

Ron has to leave for work now, but as he is walking
out of the room, he says, "Better take it easy today, get as
much rest as you think you need. Don't worry about dinner.
I'll pick something up on the way home from the train...and
just maybe when you get up you might want to straighten up the
living room a bit. We want it nice and tidy for John's visit
Thursday.......don't we Anna?"

The finale

Last Installment: Red Shirt/the Boss Returns

<Ron> Ron rushes up the steps and scampers inside to beat his boss home. "WOW, I made it!"

<Anna> "Ron, why are you all out of breath?"

<Ron> "My boss said he'd be over after work so I made a beeline to get here before he gets here. How are you?"

<Anna> "I WAS fine. Is John REALLY coming here tonight?"

<Ron> "Yes, and at most I've beaten him here by 15 minutes."

<Anna> "Well, I hope he ate his dinner already, because I am most certainly not having him sit at my dinner table!"

<Ron> "Anna I'm not sure, he might expect dinner afterwards, I don't really know."

<Anna> "He can go to Mc Donalds for all I care.....he's not eating here! Maybe he won't even show up. Let's hope he doesn't. Lock the doors and close the drapes and don't answer the door."

<Ron> "I do know, Anna, that I don't want to get him
more upset than he already is, so lets co-operate with
him! He will be here for sure."

<Anna> "Do I have to? There is no way that ugly suit he had on is worth $500...or me getting a spanking because I spilled
a 'little' tea on it! He's a MEAN man. How can you work for him?"

Ron> "Just don't serve anything this time. Hand him a closed can of pop. He is also my Boss, Anna."

<Anna> "I will remember that he's your boss. I'm sure he would manage to make it explode and blame me for it!"

<Ron> "Well don't shake it before you give it to him."

<Anna> "Now why would I do that?"

<Ron> "I hope you wouldn't but sometimes you get funny ideas."

<Anna> "Well, that would be kind of funny to see that, but no, he'd just blame me.....maybe I'll toss it to him and see if he
catches it! Just kidding Ron! Don't be worrying...I'll be fine with him."

<Ron> "Anna, play it cool, we're already on his bad side, he may even spank you himself then."

<Anna> "NO WAY! You wouldn't let him do that. Would you?"

<Ron> "If I have any choice NO, but don't force the issue by getting him more upset. Okay?"

<Anna> "Oh.....all right!"

<Ron> "I'll get a straight back chair and set it up
in the living room now before he gets here."

<Anna> Getting a little nervous...does NOT want to be spanked in front of the boss! "I just hope he doesn't wear another ugly suit here tonight."

<Ron> Ron hears the doorbell and goes to answer it.

<Anna> Anna wants to hide.

<Ron> Ron chats with the fellow and says, "Sorry we're not interested in new pillows or chair cushions right now, but may be later." Closes the door and sits down.

<Anna> "Maybe you should have bought some Ron, I got a feeling I'll be needing some new ones."

<Ron> "Well if he comes back may be we can get them
cheaper if we show him why we only need one!"

<Anna> "You wouldn't dare do that!"

<Ron> "Just kidding Anna, relax till he gets here."

<Anna> "Relax!.....easy for you to say!"

<Ron> "But maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all we would save some money."

<Anna> "RON!"

<Ron> "Well okay Anna, maybe not."

<Anna> "That's better. I don't think he's coming...he would have been here by let's go out for a while."

<Ron> "Good idea Anna. I'll take a look outside. It may be that he having trouble finding a parking spot."

<Anna> "NO...I MEANT go to a movie.....or

<Ron> "Gee Anna. I don't really think we want to
meet my boss tonight in a public area, but I could call him on his cell phone."

<Anna> "RON! know what I MEAN!!!..he's not
coming...or else he is lets get the heck out of here, then you can tell him.....'Sorry, we figured you changed your mind and we got tired of waiting for you."

<Ron> "He's coming Anna , I am certain. maybe he
stopped off at home to pick a favorite implement up."

<Anna> "Whatttt? You don't think he would do that do you? Well, if he's not here in 10 minutes, I'm outa here. I don't care what you tell him. I don't like 'waiting'."

<Ron> "I just don't know Anna. He seemed pretty
determined that you were going to get a good spanking, but I don't think he said it to too many people at the office today."

<Anna "OHHH! He better not have told ANYONE! I know some of those people. Ten minutes Ron....then too bad for him.....I won't be here."

<Ron> "Well you can ask him when he gets here I guess."

<Anna> "You know I don't like to have to 'wait' for a
spanking..that makes it all the worse!"

<Ron> Just then Ron hears the doorbell and rushes to answer.

<Anna> "Who is it Ron?" Anna wants to rush out the back door.

<Ron> "I think it's John all right." I open it now and
invite him in. "Now remember don't make things worse."

<Anna> "Okay...I'll try my best."

<Ron> Ron greets john and brings him into the
living room.

<Anna> Anna glares at John, then turns away.

<Ron> John looks at me with that I haven't got all day look so let get going.

<Anna> Anna looks at Ron.

<Ron> Ron says to John, "Here take a seat on the couch right here."

<Anna> Still looking at Ron, waiting to see what's gonna happen.

<Ron> "I'll take a seat here on this straight back
chair and Anna guess where you think you get to be?"

<Anna> "Where Ron?"

<Ron> John doesn't seem to have a sense of humour,
but glowers even more at Anna's comment. Ron looks at Anna.

<Anna> "Well, Ron, where?"

<Ron> Ron pats his lap.

<Anna> "Do I really have to do this Ron?" Anna whispers.

<Ron> "If only you hadn't spilled the ice tea you
wouldn't have to, but now YOU GET OVER MY KNEE RIGHT NOW!" Ron whispers firmly into Anna's ear.

<Anna> "No! I don't like him watching this."

<Ron> John now is thoroughly disgusted and frowns
deeply staring at me at this show of defiance. "Anna! NOW!"

<Anna> Anna gets over Ron's knee. She saw the look on Johns face........MAD.

<Ron> Ron slowly lifts Anna 'sskirt up and over her panties.

<Anna> Anna holds on tight to her panties.

<Ron> Ron looks at his boss and places his hand on Anna panties.

<Anna> But Anna still holds on tight.

<Ron> "Anna, do you know why you are about to get a spanking?"

<Anna> "Yes Ron."

<Ron> "Why?"

<Anna> Whispering, "cause your boss is mean."

<Ron> "Anna, say it loudly and with a little thought, I whisper back.

<Anna> "CAUSE YOUR iced tea spilled on him."

<Ron> "Now apologize to my boss."

<Anna> Mumbling....."Sorry John."

<Ron> "Anna!" I tap Anna's bottom lightly.

<Anna> "I'm sorry John that I ruined your BEAUTIFUL suit."

<Ron> "Now Anna, apologize for wasting John's time and for him to have to
come here and see that you get a proper spanking."

<Anna> "Ohhhhh... Sorry for wasting you time John."

<Ron> "Anna!" Ron taps and squeezes Anna's panties firmly. "That's better Anna."

<Anna> "I thought so."

<Ron> "Now how do I usually spank you?"

<Anna> "Lightly."

<Ron> John goes to get up and administer the spanking himself but I push
him back, "She's only kidding John, really, she was, weren't you Anna?"
as I squeeze your bottom tightly.

<Anna> "OOuch! "I was kidding John...sorry."

<Ron> "Now Anna, do I normally spank you on your
panties ?"

<Anna> "No Ron."

<Ron> "Then why is your hand still holding them up?"

<Anna> Anna puts her hands down quickly.

<Ron> "Anna reach back up and remove those panties
now yourself."

<Anna> Anna reaches back and slides them down just a

<Ron> Ron reaches inside the silky material and holds Anna's hand with his own.

<Anna> Anna feels Ron's hand trying to 'help.'

<Ron> "Now Anna, we will take them down together."
Ron lifts Anna hand and panties up and
stretches them over that beautiful bottom till they
rest at mid thigh, then Ron looks up at his boss
hoping he will be satisfied. The boss does seem to be frowning less .Ron
thinks to himself.

<Anna> Anna feels very embarrassed in front of
the boss.

<Ron> Ron decides he better start the spanking
quickly before his Boss gets any other ideas.

<Anna> Anna feels Ron's arm raising up and getting

<Ron> Ron then spanks each cheek alternatively
with ten medium spanks.

<Anna> "OUCHHHH!"

<Ron> A light pink set of handprints appears.

<Anna> Reaching back to cover herself with one hand.

<Ron> Ron looks at his boss and sees that this
light spanking is not fooling the boss at all, and
then grabs Anna's hand firmly.

<Anna> "That's enough," Anna whispers, as she feels
Ron grab her hand tightly.

<Ron> "That was just a little flexing, Anna, now
the real spanking begins!"
(hoping the boss will not think he was trying to put
one over on him before with this light spanking)

<Anna> "Ohhhh noo!"


<Anna> "Ouchhhh!"

<Ron> Ron deliveris another HARD spank to Anna's
other bare cheek.

<Anna> "OUCHHH!"

<Ron> Ron then looks at his boss to see whether
these spanks meet with his
bosses approval, but the boss looks disgusted and
looks ready to pounce.

<Anna> Anna is nervously waiting for the next one.

<Ron> Ron whispers to Anna, "Sorry Anna, but this
going to a really hard
spanking that will causes a lot of kicking and
crying for real, or he's
going to spank you himself, I can see it in his eyes.
Nothing else will appease him."

<Anna> "Oh noo!"

<Ron>"So get ready and hang on."

<Anna> Hanging on tight to Ron's leg......waiting..

<Ron> Ron then delivers 25 really hard fast spanks
right over the center of both cheeks without stopping till he reached the
25th and the looks up at his boss.

<Anna> Anna is kicking her legs and yelling...

<Ron> "Anna, do you regret spilling that drink now
and your sloppiness?"

<Anna>Tears falling faster then the rain now. "Yes Ron."

<Ron> "Good cause were just starting."

<Anna>" PLEASSEE NOOOO! I had enough!!" Crying and crying.

<Ron> Twenty five more spanks are applied all around each cheek, full force to even
out the redness. Each cheek bounces under Ron's hand with each spank to a
pronounced ripple effect, as Ron gets the pattern going hoping his Boss will
appreciate his technical expertise.

<Anna> "EWWWW!!!" Now really kicking hard and trying to get free from Ron's clutches .
Her legs moving all over, hands trying to cover her burning bottom, yelling and yelling and crying and crying.

<Ron> "Anna remove those hands at once." Anna's bum is now an even bright red on all
but the lower slopes.

<Anna> Anna doesn't remove her hands. She's on FIRE! Anna refuses to move her hands
from her burning bottom.

<Ron> Ron grabs both of Anna hands holds them aside saying, "I'll give you
something to really need to hold your bottom for."

<Anna> Anna tries to free her hands but Ron is holding them too tightly.

<Ron> Ron then delivers a series of spanks to Anna's lower cheeks with very
hard uppercut strokes that lift each cheek up to a peek with every spank and
follow through, till Ron reaches 25 more spanks.

<Anna> "YEOWWCH!" Her legs are kicking all over, trying to kick Ron's hand away.

<Ron> Then Ron rests his hand on those hot cheeks,
before Anna's hands can reach them as well .
Ron holds Anna tightly now as she squirms and bounces across his lap.

<Anna>"Let me go! LET ME GO!!"

<Ron>The boss finally looks a little satisfied but signals for more.

<Anna> Crying crying and trying to get away." NO MORE. Iit was just an ugly old suit!"

<Ron> Ron then hold Anna very firmly as he knows she will be bouncing her bottom around
all over his lap when he hears her comment and will answer
for the boss with a even sounder spanking. "Okay Anna another 50 of the best right now.
hard and fast. NO let up at ALL."

<Anna> "No Ron, Pleaseeee I'm sorry..I didn't mean to say that."

<Ron>"You are going to regret that remark about his nice suit."

<Anna>" I said I was just slipped out!" crying crying

<Ron> Ron reaches back flexes his muscles to get
ready for the next onslaught of spanks.

<Anna> Anna can feel Ron is really angry now......why oh why did I say that????

<Ron> "Your bottom is going to pay the price for your
tongue as I can't spank your tongue."

<Anna>" NO PLEASEEEE!" Anna is crying so hard now........

<Ron>"But maybe a little soap and water might help cure those unkind remarks."

<Anna> Trying to get loose from Ron, but he is holding on too tight to
her..she's not going anywhere! " soap! I didn't say anything BAD...just that the suit is ugly."

<Ron> Ron thinks to himself about asking John to get
a bar of soap from the washroom now

<Anna>"Sorry Ron, please no soap. It makes me cough and choke."

<Ron> Ron decides the next hot 50 may be enough
punishment without the soap, we'll wait and see.

<Anna> Anna's waiting to see what Ron's going to do now.

<Ron> Ron then delivers the full 50 across those
bouncing bright red bum cheeks as they bounce and
shake all over his lap as Anna squirms and shakesto avoid each hard spank

<Anna>"EWWWW! OUCHHHH!" Anna is beside herself now, she can't stand it any more.

<Ron> Placing his hand on Anna blistering bottom Ron
says, "Now do we need that bar of soap or am I going to
hear a very sweet apology to John for that remark about his suit?"
Anna's cheeks are still pulsing up and down under Ron's hand from
those hard spanks they just absorbed.

<Anna> "Okay, struggling to get the words out... crying so hard she can hardly speak,
Anna says, "Sorry John."

<Ron> "Anna that is not very sweet at all. John go get a bar of soap."

<Anna> "NOO!" Crying, " John, I am very sorry I ruined....your....suit."
John returns, sits down and hands Ron a fresh bar of soap.

<Anna> Anna closes her mouth as tight as she can.

<Ron> "That's better Anna and just in time I hope." Ron looks at John.

<Anna> Still squirming around on Ron's knee..

<Ron> John seems satisfied so Ron puts the soap down on the nearest table.

<Anna> Breathes a sigh of relief.

<Ron> "Anna you can get up now and go stand in
the corner skirt up, panties down."

<Anna> "Stand in the corner???" Looking at Ron in
disbelief. "Not with John here," whispering to Ron.

<Ron> Ron delivers 10 spanks to Anna bottom again to get her attention fast.

<Anna> OUCHH! Crying...crying.

<Ron> John says to Ron, "I think a little promotion and a raise is in order,
I guess I underestimated your ability to take charge."

<Ron> Ron looks at Anna with a ' Don't blow it now please' look.

<Anna> Anna looks back at Ron, sees the pleading look in his eyes she.....slowly gets up and goes to the corner, crying all the way there.

<Ron> Ron gets up with Anna, gives her a kiss on the
lips as he follows her right to the corner.

<Anna> Crying, "How long do I have to stand here Ron?"

<Ron>"Now nose to the wall and get that dress backup."

<Anna> Anna puts her nose to the wall and holds her
dress up high just like Ron told her.

<Ron> "Stay in that corner for 15 minutes, while John and I go over
the details of my promotion."

<Anna> "Fifteen MINUTES!??" Anna quickly sees the look on Ron's face and turns to the corner, crying the whole time.

<Ron> Ron gets the bar of soap from the table and
hands it Anna. "Now hold this and don't drop it. You
were that close to getting a taste of it," as he holds
up 2 fingers an inch apart right in front of Anna's face.

<Anna> Anna takes the bar of soap from Ron and holds it in her free hand.

.........Time passes as Ron and John discuss Ron's new role in the company.........

Finally, the boss gets up and walks over to Anna just as
he is leaving, and says, "I accept your apology Anna."

<Anna> No answer, but then she quickly realizes the trouble she may be in,
so she says, "Thank you, and I am really sorry all this happened."

<Ron> Ron escorts the boss to the door says goodbye
and then returns to the living room.

<Anna> Anna moves away from the corner.

<Ron> "Okay Anna, come here."

<Anna> "No."

<Ron> "Anna."

<Anna> Anna is still crying.

<Ron> "Anna, he asked if you could be his assistant."

<Anna> "I hope you told him NO. I never want to see him ever again!"

<Ron> "Administrative Assistant to the CEO Anna, that's the bottom line."

<Anna> Pouting, "Don't care Ron."

<Ron> "I told him I would discuss it with you."

<Anna> "Why would he want me for that position? He doesn't even like me."

<Ron> "I get other top job, as his right hand man or "left hand" man.
He likes you, he see you can follow orders and are well disciplined."

<Anna> "Well, maybe I could be your assistant instead
of his. That would be better, wouldn't it? But I wouldn't like to follow his orders.
He's too mean I think. What do you think Ron, though. Could I work for him?"

<Ron> "We don't have to agree now, but he may want to interview you if we wait."

<Anna> "Interview me??? I don't know about that. What if I say the wrong thing?
I'm afraid I know what would happen then."

<Ron> "He is said to be very persuasive in getting
what he wants in an interviewee."

<Anna> "That's what I'm afraid of Ron. Well, we'll have to think about this. Won't we?"

<Ron> "Not to worry Anna we'll think of something. Now pull those panties up before your bottom catches cold."

<Anna> Anna pulls up her panties and drops down her skirt.

<Ron> "Let go out for dinner Anna."

<Anna> "Where should we go, maybe a 'stand up' place I think Ron!
You spanked me so HARD!"

<Ron> "Well you deserved it Anna."

<Anna> "No way!"

<Ron> "Well, we didn't have to pay the 500 bucks and we both impressed him."

<Anna> "That's good cause I really didn't have the money anyway to give him."

<Ron> "Then it is a happy ending after all. Or a hot
end at least for you Anna!"... as Ron watches Anna
smiling back at him while continuing to rub her sore bottom!