Red Shirt part 4
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RED SHIRT part 4

Ron> Ron rushes up the stairs only to meet Anna at the door. "Anna what kept you?"

<Anna> "I was just on my way down Ron, you didn't have
to come and get me. I'm sure I only used the 15 minutes like you said. Please don't say anything in front of your friend."

<Ron> "Well I may not if you're good. You just made it! Now
come down and behave yourself, I'm in no mood for any of your
mischief tonight."

<Anna> "I'll be right there...just let me go back into the
room and get my shoes..I forgot them in my rush."

<Ron> "Anna, you have 2 minutes. No more...Now GET!"

<Anna> Anna quickly goes into the room and luckily finds the
shoes right away and puts them on, then walks over to Ron, who
is waiting by the door for her.

<Ron> "Okay Anna, let's march down and meet my friend," giving
her bottom a gentle pat.

<Anna> Anna is thinking the best thing for her right now is to
be very quiet and try not to talk much at all while Ron is
with his friend. That is the only way she will be able to
stay out of any more trouble..just keep real quiet...

<Ron> "Anna let's go. My friend is waiting to meet you."

<Anna> "I'm ready."

<Ron> Ron lands a medium smack to Anna's rump and says..."I
said let's go."

<Anna> "Heyyyy. What was that for? "I told you I was ready!"

<Ron> Ron starts to walk down the steps and looks back at

<Anna> "I'm coming..I'm coming." But she is hardly moving at

<Ron> Ron continues to walk ahead and says... you have one
last chance to save your bottom, NOW MOVE!"

<Anna> Anna is slowly moving down a few more steps....she is
no big hurry to meet this friend...she is afraid that Ron will
make some comment about what just happened .....or about
what is going to happen.

<Ron> Ron frustrated, goes back and gets Anna by the arm and
marches her with him toward the living room.

<Anna> uh oh

<Ron> Ron whisper in Anna's ear, "You've really done it this

<Anna> Anna whispers in Ron's ear, "Wwwhat? I came with
you...just pleasssse don't say anything to embarrass me now."

<Ron> Ron grabs Anna's arm more firmly and brings her into the
living room.

<Anna> Anna doesn't want to draw any attention to herself, so
she lets Ron lead her in the room, smiling at his friend.

<Ron> "John, this is my wife Anna, you remember from the
office party last year."

<Anna> Anna says hello to John and returns hishandshake.

<Ron> "Sorry I took so long coming back, I had a little
problem with a shirt earlier but its partially ironed out now,
isn't it Anna?"

<Anna> Anna, smiles sweetly at John, turns and does
not smile at Ron, and says, "Yes, no more problem, everything
has been taken care of, right Ron?"

<Ron> "Well John, I did get to the bottom of the problem right
away but Anna's dress needs a strap so we'll work on that
after you've gone."

<Anna> Anna's eyes fly wide open as she looks at Ron, not
believing what she just heard. Feeling totally humiliated and
not knowing what to do or what to say...just pretend all is
well is what Anna better do, knowing John cant possibly know
what Ron really means.

<Ron> "Well Anna do you think we can fix things up if we just
get that strap applied properly?"

<Anna> Anna figures she better behave here and not answer any
of Ron'squestions wrong in front of this point there
is no telling what he will do to all she says is, "I
think so Ron."

<Ron> "Anna, why don't you get John and I some lemonade but be
quick, or ice tea if there is any left."

<Anna> "Yes Ron, I'd be happy to. I'll be very quick."

<Ron> "You have three minutes."

<Anna> "Three minutes might not be enough time Ron."

<Ron> "That better be enough. I was thinking two and a half."

<Anna> John is giving them funny looks, but she says, "Okay"
and hurries off to get the drinks. She grabs the pitcher of
ice tea and some glasses and rushes back to the living room.

<Ron> John says to Ron, "She seems like such a nice person."
Ron says, "Well she's on her best behavior right now."

<Anna> Anna returns with the drinks and begins to pour.
"John, would you like fresh lemon in you tea?"

<Ron> "Anna, you are spilling it on John's shirt and pants!"

<Anna> "Oohhhhh...John, I am so sorry. I don't know how I did
that. Let me go get something so you can wipe it off.
Anna nervously looks at Ron, then goes to get a towel.

<Ron> John looks upset and says, "Ron that's a $500 suit and
shirt combo."

<Anna> "Ohh no!" Anna hears John telling Ron $500 for the
suit...this is not good..not good at all. Well, Ron should
have just let me stay upstairs while he visited with
John..then this would not have happened.

<Ron> "John, we can probably get it cleaned but..."

<Anna> Anna knows how bad tea stains oh boy...Ron's really not

<Ron> John looks at Ron, "CLEANED? It's already stained. Look
at it!"

<Anna> Maybe I'll just sneak out the back door till he cools
off a bit.

<Ron> "ANNA, get that cloth and try to wipe it, NOW!"

<Anna> Anna wondering what to do...should I make a run for
it..or what??? her hands on the doorknob..trying to decide.
<Ron> "ANNA, what are you waiting for? The stain is only
getting worse."

<Anna> Anna is afraid to go back in there....

<Ron> "ANNA, what's keeping you?"

<Anna> No answer...Anna is scared....

<Ron> Ron gets up and goes into the kitchen to get Anna and
the cloth.

<Anna> Anna hears Ron making his way into the kitchen....I
have to decide right now what to do, as she opens the back

<Ron> Ron spots Anna at the door and says, "Oh no you don't!"
and rushes for her.

<Anna> Anna is fast...but Ron is faster.

<Ron> Grabbing Anna and the cloth, the three of us return to
greet a very upset John who is still muttering to himself
about his favorite suit being ruined.

<Anna> Anna is trying to loosen Ron's grip on her arm, looks at
John, and begins apologizing. "I am so sorry, I don't know
how that could have happened. Of course we will pay to have it
cleaned for you..or replace it if it is ruined, but let me try
to get it out for you first."

<Ron> Ron whispers in Anna's ear, "This better be better than
that or I'll get fired too!"

<Anna> Anna is really upset. What if Ron gets fired, but he
wouldn't get fired just because I spilled tea on John's suit.
Would he? way. "Just buy him a new one if he is so
upset then Ron," Anna whispers back into Ron's ear.
Looking at John, "What can I do to make this up to you John?"

<Ron> Ron whispers in Anna ear, "This was suppose to patch
things up between us. He'll fire me for sure now after this.
I'm in big trouble now Anna."

<Anna> "I don't know what to do Ron. Maybe he will forgive me,
then you won't be in any trouble. He'll realize it was not
your fault."

<Ron> "Try it then see what he says."

<Anna> "John, I am so so very sorry. "You see, I haven't
been feeling up to par lately and Ron thought a visit from you
might help. That it would be nice for me to meet you
again..but I guess I really should have stayed up in my room. But I was
so looking forward to some company tonight. You seem like such
a nice person, so good to Ron at work. Do you think you can
ever forgive me for ruining you suit?" Anna pleads with tears
in her eyes. She wipes her eyes with some tissues. "I feel so
terrible John and I will never forgive myself if that suit IS

<Ron> John says, "Anna, if you were my wife and did to our
company what you just did do you know what would happen?"

<Anna> "You're such a nice man John, you would probably
forgive her, but maybe not, maybe you would make her pay for a
new suit. I will take my savings and pay for a new suit if
that is what will make things right."

<Ron> John looks at Ron in desperation waiting for him to do

<Anna> Anna looks from John to Ron, just wanting to disappear
into the floor.

<Ron> "Anna you don't have any savings left."

<Anna> "Ohhhh..I have a little Ron. I 've been saving really

<Ron> "How much do you have?"

<Anna> "Enough to buy part of a new suit and I can borrow the
rest. I get my paycheck next that will help too."

<Ron> John says to Ron, "If she were my wife she'd pay for
it all right with a hard spanking on her bare behind."

<Anna> Anna looks at Ron, really scared now. "What are you
going to do Ron?" Anna whispers to him.

<Ron> Ron's says, "Well actually John, Anna did get a
spanking before you got here."

<Anna> "Ooh noo!" Anna is really embarrassed and looks down at
the floor.

<Ron> "So it wouldn't be fair to give her another one right

<Anna> Anna looks up at Ron, and whispers, "Thank you."

<Ron> "But John, if you come back Thursday night, I promise I
will spank her for ruining your suit!"

<Anna> Anna looks up at Ron, not believing what she just
She looks at John to see what he is thinking about all this.

<Ron> John says, "How do I know your telling me the truth and
not just stalling Ron?"

<Ron> Ron looks at Anna.

<Anna> Anna speaks up finally and says, "John, he really did,
spank me. You can believe him."

<Ron> Ron looks at John who is still shaking his head.

<Anna> "No way Ron, don't even ask me to show him! Anna

<Ron> Ron whispers back in Anna's ear, "I'm not asking now.
I'm telling you. Show him! Its our only chance or I'll have
to spank you now!"

<Anna> "Oohhhhhhhhhhh pleasssseee noooooooo!"

<Ron> Ron takes Anna aside. "Anna, we'll have no money if I
get fired. Why did you spill that drink on him, of all

<Anna> "It was an accident Ron. I didn't do it on purpose.
It's your got me so upset. You should have let me
stay upstairs like I wanted to. He wont fire you. I'm sure he
won't. Do you really think he might though?"

<Ron> "Anna, show him your spanked bottom now or I will show
him it anyway while I'm spanking it. So decide!"

<Anna> Anna starts crying now. "Ron, I guess we really don't
have any other choice. I'll show him my spanked bottom," as
she walks over to John now.

<Ron> I return and sit down.

<Anna> Anna turns around and goes by Ron, not knowing what to
do. This is awful!

<Ron> "Anna, go ahead NOW!"

<Anna> Anna walks back by John, knowing she has to do this to
save Ron his job, and so he won't get any more upset with me
than he already is. Anna slowly lifts up her dress as her back
is facing John, and even more slowly pulls down her panties
just enough so John is able to see Ron's 'work'.

<Ron> John says to Ron, "It's agreed that it will be Thursday
then. I will certainly look forward to it!"

<Ron> "Let me see you to the door John, and again I
apologize to you for Anna's behavior tonight."


end of part 4