Prelude- SlowTypist
Home Up Prelude- SlowTypist Red Shirt part 1 Red Shirt part 2 Red Shirt part 3 Red Shirt part 4 Red Shirt part 5 Red Shirt part 6 Red Shirt finale

The slow and soft typist who spanks hard and fast
Prelude to the red shirt series

ICQ co-written story by Anna and Ron

Anna and I have the 2 computers networked next to each other so when I
started to see messages sent out like below it could only mean one thing
Anna was overdue for a good spanking. I was going to apply the required
attitude adjustment immediately. With an argument from Anna, 20 extra were
going to added to the pending spanking. We now pick up the live dialogue
in progress

<Anna> "Still typing slowly I see Ron."

<Ron> "No, I'm not, but you are about to find yourself across my knee, so come here and give me your hand!"

<Anna> Slowly moving toward Ron.

<Ron> FAST!

<Anna> Coming closer.


<Anna> "You have my hand now. What do you want my hand for Ron?"

<Ron> "Now look me in the eyes."

<Anna> Looking in Ron's eyes.

<Ron> "Look deeper."

<Anna> Looking deeper.

<Ron> "Now why were you being bad?"

<Anna> "Because you typed slow, and I commented on it."

<Ron> "NO! WRONG! Think harder!"

<Anna> "Maybe because I made fun of your slow typing?"

<Ron> "And you told everyone else too."

<Anna> "No I didn't. Only you. Everyone already knows you type so slow."

<Ron> "No they don't."

<Anna> "Sorry. I am really really sorry I did that Ron."

<Ron> "Slow computer."

<Anna> "But you forgive me, right?"

<Ron> "After.....yes."

<Anna> "128 Megs. I know that's what you have. After??? After what Ron?"

<Ron> "A good number for you now."

<Anna> "Am I still gonna get a spanking even though
said I am very sorry?"

<Anna> "Whoa! 128 spanks is WAY TOO MANY!!!"

<Ron> "Yes, it's too late now to say your sorry Anna."

<Anna> "Well, I'm sorry anyway. Maybe you can do less
spanks then."

<Ron> "128 +20 remember."

<Anna> "All right, I guess I'm ready but that is too

<Ron> "Too many? WHY???"

<Anna> "128 + 20= a lot..that's WHY!"

<Ron> "It could be a lot more, NOW GET READY!"

<Anna> Getting ready for Ron. "Over your knee right?"

<Ron> "YES! Get over..NOW!"

<Anna> Going over Ron's knee now.

<Ron> "Now since you lolly gagged around you are going to PREPARE yourself."

<Anna> "PREPARE myself??? How? Why? When? Where?"

<Ron> "Yes! PREPARE your for your spanking NOW!"

<Anna> "Yes Ron. I'm ready now Ron."

<Ron> "No Anna, that will be ten more to prepare."

<Anna> "Why ten more Ron? Ten before the real ones start??? What DO you mean Ron?"

<Ron> "I am not doing it over your clothes with all that padding."

<Anna> "These are certainly starting to add up!!

<Ron> "You may have to count them."

<Anna> "Oh noo. That will be way too hard to do."

<Ron> "Get yourself prepared to count, because if I do it
its double."

<Anna> "Doubled?? OKAY I will count. Not a problem.I can do the counting!"

<Ron> "Good glad we agree."

<Anna> "Me too."

<Ron> "Now prepare yourself."

<Anna> "I wouldn't think of disagreeing with that one."

<Anna> "Prepared."

<Ron> "ANNA! You are not to say the word... get prepared NOW and get your bottom ready to be spanked!"

<Anna> "What word Ron?"

<Ron> "Prepared." "Now start removing your clothing."

<Anna> "Shorts off?"

<Ron> "Ease them down to your knees."

<Anna> "They are at my knees now Ron."

<Ron> "Now remove your panties too."

<Anna> "Do I have to?"

<Ron> "Yes Anna, you do."

<Anna> Slides panties down. Being good now and listening to Ron because she doesn't want any extra spankings.

<Ron> Ron rests his right hand on Anna waist and his left hand on Anna's bottom. "Now Anna you are going to tell me why you were bad."

<Anna> "I was bad because I made fun of you Ron and I am very sorry now that I did."

<Ron> "What happens to bad girls Anna?"

<Anna> "They get spanked Ron."

<Ron> "And spanked HARD!"

<Anna> "Yes, Ron, hard."

<Ron> "Where do they get spanked Anna?"

<Anna> "On their bottom Ron."

<Ron> "Not just on their bottom." SPANK! "On their BARE bottom, Anna. Remember now."

<Anna> "Right. On their BARE bottom. I will remember

<Ron> "Good! I see this spanking will help you a lot."

<Anna> "It just might... remember things better and not to forget them."

<Ron> "That's right. Now how many spanks are you to receive?"

<Anna> "138 Ron. Unless you take some away cause I'm good and
listening now."

<Ron> "NO! That will be more now."

<Anna> "WHY???"

<Ron> "Because you've been in your brat mode for way too long. It's time I took care of it. Ron is only giving you what you deserve Anna."

<Anna> "I know. I'm sorry. I did make fun of your typing. I'm sorry for that Ron."

<Ron> "That's good Anna. Now a spanking will make things all forgiven."

<Anna> "Okay. I understand."

<Ron> Ron raises his left hand off of Anna's bottom.

<Anna> Anna is getting ready for it.

<Ron> Ron sees Anna bottom tense so he just brings it lightly down with gentle pats.

<Anna> Feeling it gentle....not hurting..yet anyway.

<Ron> Anna relaxes and now Ron says, Get you bottom in position."

<Anna> Anna is ready and in position for Ron.

<Ron> Grabbing Anna firmly, Ron delivers the first hard spank to the left cheek.

<Anna> "OUCHHH! ONE"

<Ron> "So Anna, you remembered that's good."



<Ron> Ron then delivers 10 in a row over both cheeks
hard and fast.


<Ron> "Now Anna how does that feel?"

<Anna> Counting to twelve, "OUUCHHHH!" "It feels like I will never make fun of you anymore, it huuuurts!!!"

<Ron> "That's good! It's suppose to HURT a little."

<Anna> "It DOES hurt a little."

<Ron> Ron then concentrates on the lower slopes...
the more tender areas.

<Anna> "Oh no..this will hurt more for sure!"

<Ron> With an arcing swing he spanks the left cheek HARD!

<Anna> "OUCCCCHHHHHHH!!......13!

<Ron> Then Ron delivers 10 more alternating cheeks.

<Anna> "OUCHHH! As she counts these ones out."OUCHHH "

<Ron> Before Anna can relax, Ron picks up the pace and spanks each cheek harder till he reaches 60.

<Anna> Anna is wiggling but trying to stay very still
through these next ones!!

<Ron> Ron notices a few white patches and fixes up those for Anna with just 4 more spanks.

<Anna> "Ouch! 61 ouchhh 62 OUCHHH!!

<Ron> "Now Anna you are wearing a pair of red panties,look back."

<Anna> Anna looks back and stares at Ron's 'work' Very red panties for sure.

<Ron> "Does Anna like her new red panties?"

<Anna> Didn't want to look but didn't want to get any more spanks from Ron for not looking. "No she doesn't. I mean yes Ron, very nice...thank you!"

<Ron> "I think their still kinda pink don't you?"

<Anna> "No Ron, it looks very red to me. Very well done in fact!"

<Ron> "I think we can give them a bit more color yet for you Anna."

<Anna> "I'm not too sure about that, looks good to me, but I will listen and be very very good now for you Ron."

<Ron> "Mmmmmmm they do feel hot. Do they sting a lot?"

<Anna> "Very much."

<Ron> "Anna reach your one hand back here and feel how hot they are."

<Anna> Reaching back to feel, "Yes they feel VERY HOT to me Ron."

<Ron> "Now Anna they're not very hot but they will be

<Anna> They feel pretty hot to me already Ron,but you know best."

<Ron> "Anna get up and remove your panties and shorts. I don't want you to rip them when I start to really spank hard."

<Anna> Crying, "but you have been spanking hard Ron. Anna gets up and removes shorts and panties completely for Ron and
lays them on the floor beside her.

<Ron> "Now don't just leave them on the floor! Someone may come in and slip on them. Give them to me Anna!"

<Anna> "Sorry," as she hands the clothes to Ron.

<Ron> Ron starts to fold them neatly then sees the label, "Anna does that say extra large on those panties?"

<Anna> "You are MEAN. I think I mean. I think you misread it Ron. Maybe...maybe they are extra large..they shrink in the
dryer sometimes, you know."

<Ron> "Maybe I should wet them and then spank them to shrink them."

<Anna> "Spank just the panties? Okay, that's better than spanking me!"

<Ron> "NO Anna. While your wearing them we'll shrink
them to form fit."

<Anna> "No...that's not such a good an idea. It might hurt even more."

<Ron> "What color were they before you washed them? They're kinda faded out. What did you wash 'em with my shirts? I haven't seen my red shirt lately come to think of it. Where is it?"

<Anna> "I'm sure it's in the closet, hanging up. You can't find your red shirt Ron?"

<Ron> "Well to me these look like they are the white panties I bought you for your birthday. Now they are very pinkish."

<Anna> "I'll go look for it now if you want."

<Ron> "Okay, and bring it here."

<Anna> "Well, maybe I will look later. Itmight be at the cleaners, maybe that's where it is. I wouldn't wash it wrong Ron! That's it!...the cleaners must have it!"

<Ron> "Anna what did you do to my shirt? Confess before your bottom pays the price tomorrow."

<Anna> "Really Ron, I will look for it...and if it's not at the
cleaners, maybe YOU lost it!"

<Ron> "You will bring it tomorrow, now get back over my knee."

<Anna> "You know how you are always throwing your stuff
all over the place."

<Ron> "Anna that is ENOUGH!"

<Anna> Anna quickly gets back over Ron's he forgets about that red shirt. "Sorry Ron...but you are messy."

<Ron> "Now how many spanks have you received?"

<Anna> "Let me think!"

<Ron> "I may make a mess of your bottom just for you while you thinkin'!"

<Anna> "64...right count.. so no mess of my bottom
because you lost your red shirt!"

<Ron> "Anna you have until tomorrow to get me my red
shirt OR ELSE!"

<Anna> "All right Ron. I will look for it .. and probably find it in your car or someplace...all crumpled up, or maybe at the cleaners, or maybe it's just lost. Maybe you gave it to the Salvation Army."

<Ron> "Anna I DON'T have it, but maybe it's in that waste bag over there with the rags."

<Anna> "Nooo! I don't think so...and no need to trouble
yourself looking in that bag of rags either Ron. I'll find it. Don't you look. Tomorrow I will look."

<Ron> "Whatever... I will see my red shirt clean and spotless tomorrow or your bottom will be redder than that shirt."

<Anna> "Oh dear....Okay Ron."

<Ron> "Ready for your spanking Anna?"

<Anna> "I guess so, I'm still feeling awfully sore though."

<Ron> "Give me your hand. I don't want you to be reaching back to cover your naughty bum at all."

<Anna> Anna gives her hand to Ron. Not wanting to but she does.

<Ron> Ron folds Anna's arm back behind her back but Anna feels awkward. "Let go of my leg."

<Anna> "No! Let go of my hand then I'll let go of your leg!"

<Ron> "Anna, hold the chair rungs or the floor."

<Anna> "No."

<Ron> "Okay Anna, Ron will just have to spank until you do and
they don't count."

<Anna> Anna decides she better hold the chair rungs
just like Ron tells her to do.

<Ron> "Excellent choice Anna."

<Anna> "Thank you Ron."

<Ron> "Your bottom will thank you." Ron then starts eyeing Anna who seems to be getting a little bratty again.

<Anna> Anna sees Ron looking at her with that funny
look on his face...maybe she better stop talking, might be getting Ron madder than he is already, can't have that.

<Ron> "Anna my hand is now going do my talking for me."

<Anna> "Oh nooo!" Bracing herself.

<Ron> "Your bum will receive the message I'm sure on the seat of learning."

<Anna> "That is what I was afraid of, receiving the message there."

<Ron> Ron then begins to apply the message with firm
now full arm snapping spanks that echo through the room, without pause, till he reaches 100.

<Anna> " OOOWWWWWWWW!! She cries though the last 100, counting correctly the whole way.

<Ron> Now he can feel Anna cheeks bounce with every spank.


<Ron> Giving each cheek a light kiss Ron says, Are you ready for the last set?"

<Anna>" Last Set!!! Crying, "Yes Ron I'm ready and I bet you burned yourself if your hand is as hot as my bum!"

<Ron> "Are those tears I see Anna?"

<Anna> "Well, maybe. Just a few. sniffle sniffle."

<Ron> "My lips do feel a bit sore now that you mention it."

<Anna> "Well that's what you get for those hard
SPANKINGS you gave me!"

<Ron> "Well there's nothing to cry about YET!"

<Anna> "YETTTTTTTTT??? It's gonna get even WORSE????"

<Ron> Ron massages Anna bum and feels there is plenty of bounce left in them for a thorough spanking YET to come.

<Anna> "Well.....crying, If you must, crying, I know I was bad
today for Ron..sniffle..sniffle. I guess I have it coming. But
I'm already so SORE!!"

<Ron> "That's better Anna and crying it out from a good spanking will help you so much in a minute. Your bottom hasn't even got one little blister yet! What's all this sniffling?"

<Anna> "Sniffle Because it hurts and because I'm sorry I was mean to you and I don't want any blisters Ron."

<Ron> "It won't hurt now compared to what is going feel like soon."

<Anna> "Oh Nooo...Why..I've been so good during this
spanking Ron, haven't I?"

<Ron> "Since your behaved yourself I will get it over quickly for you but there all going to be on the same cheek. Which one would you like?"

<Anna> Still crying..."I don't care...well maybe the
left one." Thinking it wont hurt so much, because Ron is left-handed, and it might be harder to SPANK hard.

<Ron> Ron moves Anna out further on his lap so the left cheek is arched up perfectly now.

<Anna> Now it's really going to hurt! But I'm ready.

<Ron> Ron then starts to spank every inch of that
beautiful left cheek over and over till he finally finishes in a full force volley.

<Anna> Anna is really crying hard now. Ron was right, these last ones really hurt a lot, as she counted up to the final number.

<Ron> Ron then lifts Anna up and wipes the tears away from her eyes. Come here and sit on my lap Anna."

<Anna> Anna is having trouble sitting but does her
best...wiggling just a bit.

<Ron> Ron lets Anna cry it out while he hugs her

<Anna> Crying very hard, "I'm really sorry Ron, I will try really hard to be good all the time for you and not make fun of you. I really will try," hugging Ron back. She does feel better.

<Ron> "That's all right Anna, Ron only spanks you for
your own good."

<Anna> "I know Ron, really I do. I try SO hard, but sometimes I just can't help the things I do and say."

<Ron> Ron wipes away the last tear drop and kisses Anna on the forehead.

<Anna> "Thank you Ron. I guess I really needed that spanking to help me remember things."

<Ron> "Now Anna, all is forgiven and hopefully with your improved memory you find my red shirt."

<Anna> Oh no! Anna thinks. But she doesn't say a word. Just
gives Ron a big smile. "For sure Ron."

<Ron> Ron smiles back at Anna and holds her tightly.

<Anna> And Anna is still smiling at Ron.

The End for now