Red Shirt part 3
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Ron lets go of Anna, and goes downstairs to answer the ringing doorbell. Anna hears the front door open and Ron greeting his friend.

She glances at the clock on the desk, knowing full
well she has only those 15 minutes and not one extra
before Ron comes back up here to get her, and she does
not want him to have to do that! So she needs to

Anna starts by washing her tear stained face, then
looks at her dress, which is very wrinkled from being
all bunched up over her waist, tries to smooth it out,
but it's not working...she needs to change her dress.

Quickly going into the bedroom closet, grabbing the
first dress she sees, lays it on the bed and takes off
the wrinkled one, tossing it on the floor. Looking at
the clock, thinking oh no...time is slipping by too
fast!...Moving as fast as she can, slips the fresh
dress over her head, and reaches back to get the
buttons closed...then looks around the room for her
panties...can't see them anywhere...where are they???

I shouldn't have been kicking my legs so
much....remembering now Ron pulling them off of her
and tossing them aside....somewhere....just get new
ones out of the drawer...that will be faster than looking
for those ones. Felt better without any very
sore is her bottom......but knows she better get them
on. Glances at the clock again.....she still has some
time..but not much... looks in the mirror, realizes
her hair needs a good brushing...grabs the brush from
the dresser and runs it through her hair......all the
time thinking about what is going to happen when Ron's
friend leaves....the STRAP.....when he uses his hand,
it hurts...that thick ruler really really
hurt...stung very bad....rubbing her bottom
now..trying to get some of the sting out....oh
yes..she certainly felt that ruler..but the
strap..that will be the worst!....and she knows there
will be absolulty no getting out of it either!

And he said I have to go get that strap and bring it to
him..that is the worst! Ron is really upset with me
this time...why did I lie to him????

In her mind, all she can picture right now is that strap
coming down hard on her bare bottom....shuddering at the
thought.....hoping she will be able to stay very still
for it reaching back with her kicking
of her legs...she knows if she does that, it will only
be worse for I must stay still and accept
it.....knowing now that she should have thought this
whole thing with the shirt out much better than she Ron said...if I would have just told the
truth in the first place he would have gone 'easy' on

I should have told him the truth ..that I wasn't
paying attention when washing the clothes and his
favorite red shirt accidently got put in with all the
white clothes that get bleached and that's why all the
other clothes turned pink..from his red shirt...Oh's too late now....

She knows that's why she will get the strap..because of the
lie..not because of the clothes 'mishap'...she just is hoping
that the other lies about the shirt are covered under this
one...if he finds out she went out late to the 24 hour
store...but no way...anyway he must think she bought
it today when she was out...

Footsteps coming close suddenly make Anna aware of the
time and the voices...Ron's friend she can hear
downstairs, but hears Ron's voice much closer

Glancing at the clock one last time..
Oh No......she quickly grabs the doorknob and opens the door
and starts to run out of the room fast as she can and runs
right into Ron, at the top of the stairs........