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The Long Version

Meeting the Jehovah's Witnesses

Joining the Watchtower

Life as a Jehovah's Witness

Expelled! Shunned by God

A new life "in Christ"

Parting thoughts

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The Short Version

I was disfellowshipped (expelled) from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society for smoking cigarettes. I broke their law. Not a Biblical law, man's law. Actually, at the time of my expulsion, I smoked about two cigarettes a day. Two cigarettes a day cost me a religion, a family (my dad, step-mother, half brother, and six step sisters) and a marriage. Not to mention what I truly believed was a chance to enter Paradise Earth and everlasting life. All my hope was destroyed because of two cigarettes a day. Incredible isn't it? How can one describe that kind of emotional pain? The heartache? The episode nearly cost me my mental health.

After a year of secret smoking in the organization, I had  had enough of the guilt gnawing at my insides. I hated deceiving my "brothers" and I knew I wasn't fooling Jehovah. Unable to endure anymore guilt and unable to quit, I wrote a letter of confession. Shortly after that letter was mailed, I was tried, found guilty and expelled as unworthy of life.

Thank God it did not end there. Although it's quite humbling to put one's personal history out for the world to see, you are invited to read about this episode in greater detail. If one soul is helped, it makes it all worth while! At any rate, please write and share your story.

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