
Because of her abduction in the 2nd season arc Duane Barry/Ascension, Dana Scully was left barren, or was supposed to be left barren, anyway. In the final scene of 7th season's finale Requiem, we learned that Scully was pregnant. How, would not be explained until the eigth season, and even then it is still not clear how exactly she was able to conceive. In Per Manum, it is learned that Scully, with Mulder's help, tried to conceive a child through artifial insemination using the eggs that Mulder found in 5th season's Emily. This, however, did not work. It is hinted, though not confirmed until Existence, even more so in 9th season's Trust No One, that Mulder and Scully had a "romantic relationship" offscreen, or, to put it bluntly, had sex sometime during the 7th season. So, how did a barren woman become pregnant?

Supposedly, William was a true miracle from God. This is why, according to Mulder in Essence, the aliens feared him. After the birth of William, who, by the way, Scully named for Mulder's father(though he could also be named for her father and her brother), things got WEIDER. Little William, like father like son, had some sort of connection to the alien rubbings and, unlike his father, he had "powers", like being able to move his mobile by ponting at it. In the 9th season arc Provenance/Providence, William gets kidnapped by an alien cult, because of their belief in a prophesy that if he is not raised to believe in his father's beliefs, then he will fight for the aliens, but if he is, then he will fight against them. Finally, in the episode William, a deformed man, who Scully believed was Mulder, shows up and, at first, it seems that he wants to hurt William. Instead, the man, who turns out to be Jeffrey Spender, Mulder's half-brother, actually gives the baby this substance in a shot that makes him "normal." After this, Scully decides that it would be better for William if she gave him up for adoption.

Ok, so there's the background. Personal info:

Birthdate: Unknown. If the timing was down correctly, since she discovered she was pregnant in May, Scully should have had William sometime around Feburary of 2001. But, if you watched The LoneGunMen, you would know that Langly's blue face was a referrence to their own final episode, since stupid Fox cancelled them, which aired in May. Hmmm, a pregnancy that lasts 12 months? Leave it to the X-Files.

Last name: Unknown. Was it Scully or Mulder? I'm assuming that it was Scully, but I'm not sure. However, now it is Van de Kamp, since that is the name of the couple that adopted him.

Siblings: One that we know about. Emily Sim, who is his half-sister, same mother, different fathers. Emily Sim died at the age of 3, three years before William was born. Of course, there are other children of Scully's like Emily. In the episode Emily, Mulder finds a fetus that belongs to Scully(Wonder if he told her about that? It took him awhile to tell her about those eggs.). So, how many siblings do William and Emily have? Could be alot!



Queenie's X-Files