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 Environmental Activist


Concentrate your arguments on how bad pesticides and gas are for the environment.                 

You need to find: 

One way to farm that does not use pesticides
One other source of energy besides gas.   

Ask yourself, “What would happen if these laws are not passed? How would it affect the world environment?” Use the answers to these questions to help you persuade the people at the UN hearing.




Links for Everyone


Facts About Toxic Substances and The Environment

Hey!  Are your schools environmentally safe?      

Find out at this website.  It has loads of information and other links connecting you to important facts that you might find in your own home, school, neighborhood, city, or country.

National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences - Kid's Page

How safe are you from the effects of environmental pollution?  

If you scroll down to the Children's Health Section, you will find twenty different sites that will let you know. 

How do pesticides contribute to water pollution? 

Whether you are an environmental scientist, or a farmer, this website is great for finding information.  Also check out what water pollution is doing to frogs.

The Mouth

Visit this website for controversial topics relating to the environment.  This site is for people trying to save the environment and the articles discuss different views of these hot topics.




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Last modified: April 26, 2000