WHAT TO DO You will need to write down which websites presented opinions and which had facts. Find out:
You need to present these facts to the UN so that all the delegates know the facts about pollution.
These questions and more will be answered at this site. You can find out some alternative fuel vehicles and how to save energy.
Go to Ask Dr. Questor. First, read through all the questions already asked, you may find your answer is already there. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, click on Email Dr. Questor. Ask your question and don’t forget to include your name, grade level, school, and country.
Go to The Energy Story Chapter 13 for some ideas. There’s more under Alternative Fuel Vehicles, and Renewable Road. There’s a great story called Devoured By The Dark. You can read it online or ask your teacher for a copy to read. Explore, play games, learn, and have fun!
Facts About Toxic Substances and The Environment Hey!! Are your schools environmentally safe? Find out at this website.
It has loads of information and other links connecting you to important
facts that you might find in your own home, school, neighborhood, city, or
country. National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences - Kid's Page How safe are you from the effects of environmental pollution? If you scroll down to the Children's Health Section, you will find twenty different sites that will let you know. How do pesticides contribute to water pollution? Whether you are an environmental scientist, or a farmer, this website is great for finding information. Also check out what water pollution is doing to frogs. Visit this website
for controversial topics relating to the environment.
This site is for people trying to save the environment and the articles
discuss different views of these hot topics.
Send mail to sanstein@yahoo.com with
questions or comments about this web site.