Rational Moral
The traditional moral of Finland in northern Europe is on strong rational grounds which can be put to the form of optimising wholes. These grounds are largely based on two simple advices which all children are given: "It is good to cultivate good health (of the individuals, of the ways of living, of the social relationships, of the society, of the environment and of the world at large)." and "It is stupid to break."
The easy principle "A HEALTHY WHOLE WORKS MUCH BETTER THAN A BROKEN WHOLE" helps you to find answers to seemingly impossible questions, like the value of peace, justice, human values, honesty, democracy, freedom, Gaia, love, beauty, sex etc. from the beneficality or efficiency optimising (military or economical) point of view. These are all charachteristics of the healthy world and thus beneficial.
Build in your mind a good picture of what a healthy whole is like: healthy society, healthy human kind and healthy living king, a healthy world. That is what to term good.
Now, compare the evil option to that picture: what is lacking, you should see as a fracture, brokedness in the whole, also malformations should be seen as brokedness of the whole.
And healthy works better than a broken one. So good is stronger than evil.
Also on the following kind of ground it is possible to find that moral is the most benefical, winning option.
What means totally value-free optimizing of benefit without preconditions:
It means interest in
what gives most force, power,
what gives protection and how,
what is the best strategy,
what must one take into account about the future,
how to arrange one�1⁄2s relationships to other powers,
which solutions win and why,
what is the most benefical thing,
what must be most feared and
how to protect oneself,
who are the benefical allies etc.
In this analyzis one needs
Extremely good objective thinking with a good holistic view
And openeyedness toward all options, both the dangerous and also the non-dangerous ones is needed in this because it is the creation of force which is important in this analyzis, so if soft means give any advantage that too must be used FULLY.
All functioning is build upon the healthy. Healthy versus broken is the pair of opposites to use in order to understand the world. I will apply this pair of opposites again and again, all through this book. With it you can understand a lot about the functioning of biological beings and societies and about the value of moral.
What about the old pair of opposites then: healthy versus ill? Ilness is a healthy function of a broken biological being, a way of it to try to cure itself. In other words, ilnesses are combinatrions of brokedness and of a curing reaction which seeks to make sure that the living being survives better in the long run by resting, having a fever etc.
In my opinion the word �ilness� isn�t as useful in understanding things as the new pair of oppoisites that I use.
So. A healthy individual works better than a broken one. And a healthy society works better than a broken one. But what are the healthy individuals and healthy societies like. What to aim at?
A healthy individual is by one�s nature a part of a healthy society. As a part of the healthy society one works best, is the happiest, has a most rewarding life. Healthy functioning at large gives the most rewarding life. That�s what the evolution � or God � quarantees about feelings.
But if the society is broken, it is the same as if in individual is broken: the healthy parts try to cure it back to full health. Each healthy individual is a center of recovery for the whole society, even for the whole human kind as a part of the biosphere. Health in this sense means healthy ways of living. Having found the true chord about the art of living, understanding deeply about life, the healthy individual is naturally a center figure in the social environment having a healthy curing kind of effect on all. This is a moral thing to do since it is for the good of all. So a healthy individual is by one�s very nature completely moral in a healthy happy natural way!
The health of a society means that it is completely morally arranged. A society is a cooperation attempt and cooperation is something which has turned out to be useful during the evolution � or in God�s eyes. Objective thinking says that cooperation is useful because it brings the force of masses. That can be seen as a vector sum: harmonical or contradictory vectors. Those with like interests can ally for the common good.
What then is moral in this sense? Moral turns out to be a relatively simple matter. It means absolute justice, objective thinking with a holistic view, honesty and human values while carrying responsibility about the whole and about all big matters.
Human values take care that the parts of the biological systems stay in good health, so it is an important thing in evolution�s competition and in God�s plan. Like I mentioned already, our feelings are connected to keeping us healthy. So human values help to give room to our feelings.
Objective thinking, honesty and justice take care that each thing is treated acoording to what it is like which is very important to the functioning of the system. They make it possible to put each part to its best place in the system. Those with good sides from which others cab kearn, get a good position for the benefit of all. And those with bad sides, especially irresponsibility, get punished to a poor position so that their harmful qualities get discouraged. This means having very many partial hierargies: one for each subject, skill, thing to decide, piece of knowledge,� Always the ones who understand best and carry responsibility about the consequences are in a deciding role.
In doing things intentionally the main point is to get the main things right. That means that the biggest matters of the largest scale and of the long run are especially important. Likewise are all questions of life and death important. Here one must remember that 100 000 lives is much much more importat than just one life and that the number of people in the human kind is 6 000 000 000 lives which is about 10 000 000 000 lives which is another 100 000 times the 100 000 lives and so even an much much bigger question than the huge question of 100 000 lives. So the large scale things affect enermously more than the small scale things. Thew large scale consists of the small scale, of its added effect. Our feelings should go with the large scale!
The former explains why it is useful to be moral. So good should win over evil in a strongest one wins competition, like the evolution was. To see this clearly, let�s go through the problems step by step:
As we have already seen:
Human values bring a stronger force than no or too little human values.
Objective thinking with a holistic view brings a better arranged group than lesser quality thinking or no objectivity at all.
Honesty makes it possible to see how things are and so it is more benefical than lies as a practise in a society.
Justice gets the society arranged for the common good and is so useful while unjustices fail to support good things and support harmful things instead. So unjustice is a much less benefical practise in a society or group than justice.
Carrying responsibility helps to get at least the main things well, so it is more benefical than irresponsibility.
So good moral would win in a strongest one wins competition.
Since all do not see this themselves, there may still be some doubt left, So I will go through the problems and classify them according to the above principles and other cost-benefit analysis factors that they break against:
Here are the dangers feared and after each of them explanations why moral is a better choise than them.
Robbery, criminals, unjustice of every kind (= a fractured whole):
* give feedback to those who cause each thing (health), so you can optimize toward better (health)
* breaking (= a fractured whole) versus cultivating (health)
Slavery and other kinds of forcing (= a fractured whole):
* the human goals in life and the human needs are connected (health) + answering the human needs and the working condition of the human are connected (health)
* too much forcing (= a fractured whole) forces one to a rebellion, to extreme means, so keeping the people under control is the harder and the more unprofitable, the more artifical, unhuman and unfair the arrangements of the rulers are (= a fractured whole)
Drugs, hypnozis, torture etc. (= a fractured whole):
* less individual guidance (= a fractured whole)
* typically such means would be used against the reasoning of the individual (= a fractured whole), against the individual�1⁄2s needs (= a fractured whole) and so against work efficiency and work endurance �1⁄2 such doesn't make sense
* also if such means are used to put a wrong class of persons into power (= a fractured whole), against justice (= a fractured whole), that means against reasoning (= a fractured whole) and is harmful to the whole and to the parts;
it also centeres the lives into wrong questions (= a fractured whole) compared to the efficiency, guidability and work endurancy point of view (health)
Fakes, lies, false propaganda, ignorancy, mistaken beliefs (= a fractured whole):
* such cause that one's actions do not correlate (= a fractured whole) well enough with the reality (health),
such creates malfunctioning (= a fractured whole) in those respects
* the natural goals of human life make sense and fit together with the happiness of others too (health), so one should be able to live with the whole group in a good functioning order (health), that would give the strongest group (health)
Manipulation by the social instincts, by religion etc. (= a fractured whole):
* manipulation by the strongest instincts of humans is like manipulation by hunger,
it causes a situation where the manipulated person is in a wrong role (= a fractured whole) in the society,
the benefit of their work and ways going to different hand than which created the benefit and so the system supports some malfunction (= a fractured whole) instead of the healthy life, prosperity and good of the nation (health)
Other kinds of manipulation (= a fractured whole):
* manipulation means often that things are used to wrong purposes,
some shortsighted technically thinking parasite like persons benefiting instead of those building the society, like farmers for example producing food (health)
Mutations (= a fractured whole):
* mutations usually create non-functioning (= a fractured whole) individuals which die very young (= a fractured whole)
* somehow benefical mutations or gene manipulation would bring new qualities which are not fitted well together to the whole (= a fractured whole), so they do not support the life of the organism and the organism isn�1⁄2t strong enough to support them (= a fractured whole), much less of being adabted to the larger environment (health)
Cool calculating behaviour (= a fractured whole):
* it is important to measure sizes correctly (health)
* humans have feelings in order to help in understanding things (health),
not using feelings as a way to guide one�1⁄2s behaviour (= a fractured whole) makes one dangerous to one�1⁄2s social environment (= a fractured whole):
a person who even alone destrous much of the society (= a fractured whole)
Selfishness (= a fractured whole):
* humans are pack animals (health), the group supports the functioning of the individual and social life is emotionally rewarding (health)
* cooperation (health) creates the force of masses, so moral is benefical: moral means cooperating for the good of all (health)
Commercial things:
* meeting human needs sells best (health)
Supercomputers, computer networks etc.:
* rationality (health) and optimizing
* the value of human ways (health) from the efficiency point of view
* feelings of humans connect to their needs (health) which in turn connect to their actions and well-functioning (health)
* differencies in the type of understanding of humans and computers: the natural understanding of humans about human functioning (health)
Technology at large, control devices etc.:
* control to only a few persons (= a fractured whole) of a certain kind versus
a correctable system (health) with the thinking ability of all used thoroughly (health) in making the arrangements of the society (health)
* real support (health) leads to safety (health), guidability (health), cooperation (health), higher intelligence of the system (health), better endurance (health), more optimized toward efficiency
Artifical living conditions and malfunctions created by them (= a fractured whole):
* the human nature s still the same, one created by the natural evolution: human needs and ways of functioning (health)
* the human being is an optimized whole: the different parts support the functioning of each other and the whole (health) �1⁄2 if one tries new combinations (= a fractured whole), they typically don�1⁄2t produce good functioning since humans are very complicatedly structured (= a fractured whole)
War, armies, militaristic ways (= a fractured whole):
* the enermous harm caused by war versus the benefits of peace and cooperation
* human values (health) are connected to well-functioning of the soldiers and civilians
* upbringing of the next generation needs peaceful circumstances and human values (healthy whole)
* a home to defend (health)
* making sense correlates with profitability, moral and cooperation
* guiding of actions (health) and correctability (health)
* alternative means (health) and optimizing
* ground for future life: fair enough, peace (health)
Short term view at the expanse (= a fractured whole) of a long term view (health):
* our thinking and our instincts demand us to take care of the future, so they do not support our actions if we do not care for the long term success. Such a deficiency in planning and motivation is a serious short term drawback.
A partial view at the expanse (= a fractured whole) of a holistic view (health):
* the first point in thinking is to get at least the main points right. That is possible only via using a holsitic view. So one using a partial view lacks the guidance of true objectivity.
Lots of allies -> the force of masses
No conflicts in the large scale -> no forces spent needlessly to war etc.
Doing things according to their nature = according to how they really function
Correct feedback optimizes and corrects errors and weak points away
Use all of your understanding in the largest scale! Remember the value of cooperation, in other words of peace and prosperity and safety forever.
Natural rationality in the major goals in life, in the workings of the society and the world at large:
the optimised arrangement produced by the evolution:
* compassion -> human values -> health,
* justice -> each thing treated according to what it produces -> health of practises in this respect,
* carrying responsibility of the things that one affects -> guidability,
* sincerety in communication -> a correct picture of how things are -> guidability,
* holistic objectivity -> things treated according to their role in the world;
in other words: excellent moral is the optimised choise.
In my opinion the world is full of evil people. Trying to punish them creates a so big counterforce that it is imposiible in practise. So trying to punish all evil just makes no sense at all. Instead one should find other methods of guiding the world toward better.
Usually it is evil people who haver a negative idea of moral: their moral is impossibly and uncomfortable to follow in practise. So people in their social environment tend to get angry at moral people, as if the moral ones were the ones forcing them and not the evil ones. But the moral people know how to live happily and be easily moral, their moral is pleasant and enrichens life instead of robbing anything - it is like a gift given to them and to others. So they have surely not deserved the attacks of the evil ones. It is the way of evil ones to rely on brute force in guiding people in their environment, regardless of its consequences, so just they are the ones whose demands make people so angry that they feel forced to attack.
The Japanese have a point of view that I, a European, do not know almost at all but which fascinates me. It is the point of view of universal love, love of the individual toward the world at large and love of the world at large toward an individual. That connects to my own view of the world which is a simple mechanical model.
Feelings affect things. In that sense they are forces in life. Knowing that those forces are products of the evolution or creations of God, one can deduce about them. They have to affect the world toward a better health. That�s also what they in my experience have always been doing. So, the repelling feelings repel away factors which are harmful to health, the moving feelings move the world toward a bigger health and the binding feelings bind the world to the biggest health. So the completely healthy world must be a world full of binding feelings: full of love and happiness.
One can unite this idea with another simple idea and get a very beautiful result. The other idea is that healthy biological wholes work while broken wholes do not work at all. If one breaks a biological whole, the level of the whole works no longer. But some of the parts may have been left unbroken. So thoser parts may still work. To all levels of biological functioning applies that healthy wholes work while broken wholes do not function at all. The functioning of a partly broken whole is a sum of the functioning of the healthy parts. Applying this to all levels, from atoms to the biosphere, one gets the result that all biological functioning is build upon healthy pieces of the healthy natural biosphere.
These two thoughts together make us notice that all the functioning of biological beings is build upon things toward we and other healthy animals feel natural healthy love.
The existence of all the artificialities in the world does not change the nature of living beings, so this result about the world being build upon the things which we love stays valid. The change in living conditions by the introduction of technology has been too arubt to allow considerable adabtation by the evolution. God didn�t recreate humans when Adam and Eve ate the apple from the tree of good and bad knowledge. So, the world is still build upon the things which we love.
But loving things is a complicated thing. It is based on our perceptions about the reality. If our minds are too confused about all ther artificialities in the world, we cannot conceive right what is the role of each thing in the world and so we do not feel love toward the right objects but are instead sometimes mistaken: love the not-so-good instead of the really good.
But one with a really healthy mind and spirit would observe correctly what to love and what to resist as harmful. And to such an individual, the world would really be based entirely on loved things. I hope with this book to teach you some of that perspective. So that you too can be one for whom the beautiful phraces are not empty words but the reality of your daily life.
Love is a force which binds things to their right places in lives. With each fracture to the state of complete health and naturality we have a less pleasant feeling.
The sense of beauty tells of the health, happiness and fracturelessness of wholes. Remember that healthy is also happy.
Natural sex is a part of natural functioning of a healthy society. So also it is a part of the health of the whole. Without it in its natural place in life the whole is fractured.
Excellent moral is the most benefical choise for any leader and for any individual or group, since it brings the force of masses and no forces spend to conflicts.
It may be that this is not so easy for all to see. That's why this page contains thoughts about the beneficality of moral compared to the unbeneficality of evil.
Some of my other pages also contain thoughts about the beneficality of moral: see the links
I am a white North-East European woman.
Kaisa Hannele Tervola
La:hderanta 11 B 25
02720 Espoo
European Union
The society agreement
Free competition, justice and human values
What is illness according to this model
Sacrifices and justice
What if we are virtual?
Carrying responsibility
What I mean by healthy
About the selfishness of genes
Torture is harmful
No drugs
Humans are not lazy by their nature
How does honestuy as a value affect things in practise?
Getting rational grounds for moral
The best soldiers
The best style
The artificialities do not change things at all
Military benefit
The benefits of long term view in the short term
Learning to think using a holistic view
Power play as a game with rules of its own
Reacting to threaths
Buy my book Power Politics Leads To Excellent Moral
Why do I use a this cynical view on moral?
Email: Hannele.Tervola@gmail.com