whisper me your faithful answer
is it obscene to view coconuts
at night over bottles of beer
while half-consumed cigarette butts
suffocate the suburban red lights flicker?
listen to my inner soul's plight
must i not be praised and not be damned
i did not crack a nut that night
by ego’s urge i didn’t succumb
to draw some milk at a coco’s sight!
back home retired in my cubicle
moral fences kept surging alright
charging the battle of the bulge
the coco’s plight versus libido’s fight
my fencekeeper, my better judge!
what if i did crack a nut that night
did i trespass, did i transgress
the built-in breach punctuating the fence?
or does the breach carry and express
its own salvation and deliverance?
This piece poses a question to religious educators on why the breach
in the fence
remains unmended!