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No. Name Rarity
142 Aerodactyl Rare Holo
181 Ampharos Rare Holo
242 Blissey Rare Holo
251 Celebi Rare Holo
169 Crobat Rare Holo
225 Delibird Rare Holo
244 Entei Rare Holo
250 Ho-oh Rare Holo
229 Houndoom Rare Holo
189 Jumpluff Rare Holo
230 Kingdra Rare Holo
082 Magneton Rare Holo
200 Misdreavus Rare Holo
233 Porygon 2 Rare Holo
243 Raikou Rare Holo
121 Starmie Rare Holo
245 Suicune Rare Holo
180 Flaaffy Uncommon
042 Golbat Uncommon
075 Graveler Uncommon
124 Jynx Uncommon
171 Lanturn Uncommon
219 Magcargo Uncommon
224 Octillery Uncommon
047 Parasect Uncommon
221 Piloswine Uncommon
026 Raichu Uncommon
119 Seaking Uncommon
213 Shuckle Uncommon
234 Stantler Uncommon
201 Unown B Uncommon
201 Unown Y Uncommon
190 Aipom Common
170 Chinchou Common
083 Farfetch'd Common
074 Geodude Common
118 Goldeen Common
198 Murkrow Common
046 Paras Common
195 Quagsire Common
211 Qwilfish Common
223 Remoraid Common
188 Skiploom Common
218 Slugma Common
238 Smoochum Common
209 Snubbull Common
120 Staryu Common
220 Swinub Common
201 Unown K Common
041 Zubat Common
Trainer Balloon Nut Uncommon
Trainer Day Care Center Uncommon
Trainer Field of Iyashi Uncommon
Trainer Rocket Hideout Uncommon
Trainer Unstable Bridge Common
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