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Release Date: Already Released [July 26, 1999]
Welcome to the Pokemon Snap Section for N64 section!

The six Pokemon Signs are not hard to spot. But if you are having trouble this should help.

1. Beech-Sign1: Kingler This sign is located in the beech area. On the left hand side, while pasing the surf board, you can see this cave shape of Kingler. Try to capture a picture before its too late!

2. Tunnel-Sign2: Pincer First you should of gotton Zapdos out of the egg, then Zapdos turns the the light on. Then towards the end of the journey you should see a silhoutte on the wall. Capture it quickly before you are transported to the next level!

3. Volcano-Sign3: Koffing When you first come into the volcano make sure you look to your right and you will see Rapidash. When you see the Volcano, next to the Rapidash; through pester balls in there. Then smoke will come out as the shape of Koffing!

4. River-Sign4: Cubone When Vileplume is up dancing, the smoke will clear and a large tree the shape of Cubone; will appear. Be sure to get a quick capture of this.

5. Cave-Sign5: Mewtwo Just like Haunter, there willl be strange lights next to where you see Weepinbell. Take pictures of the mysterious lights then develop them and it will be the shape of Mewtwo.

6. Valley -Sign6: Dugtrio When you first go in the valley near the river you will sea large mountains. Those are accually Dugtrio hiding. This one is really easy to see and very obvious :) Finally, this is yer last sign to get!
Now that you have ALL the signs take a trip to the Rainbow Cloud! Then catpure perfect pictures of Mew!

Here is a full list of all Items in Pokemon Snap. Be sure that you have them all!
Pester Balls: Pester balls are colorful balls filled with a repellant of some sort. When thrown at Pokemon they get knocked out for a moment if you hit them, and if it goes beside them they run away from it.
Bait: You use the bait to make Pokemon happy or to make them come out of hiding spots. If you hit them on the head with it, however, they get mad or sometimes faint.
Camera: Your number one Item. This is your utensal to catch photos of Pokémon. Don't loose this ;)
Film: The Film for your Camera. You have 60 shots in each roll so feel free to go cRaZy when taking photo's of Pokemon. You want to try to get the best ones possible to pass the level.
PokéFlute: Use this to lure Pokemon. Use it on Snorlax in the beach, or Vileplume at the river! It can get pokemon to react in different ways or get them to dance.

How To Catch a Perfect Mew
Can't seem to get that perfect picture of Mew? This should help you get yer great pictures of mew!

Round One: While he is flying around ya, O.o, wack him with three pester balls or apples!
Round Two: This will be a little harder, he charges at you with great speed and he cicles around you alot. Don't try to find him, just look forward and wait til he passes; then peg em' :)
Round Three: Now he is outa his little bubble, just dont' try to hit him agian, just take pictures before he gets back into his bubble!! Then hit him again and he will fall in sure tierdness. That will slow him down, and allow you to take the best picture possible; the perfect picture of mew.

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