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Yellow: Surfing Pikachu
Pikachu's Beach is what the little mini-game is called that can only be accessed by a Pikachu with Surf in the house directly south of the Fuchsia City PokéCenter. The Pikachu you start with cannot learn Surf so you may ask, "How in the world do I get a Surfing Pikachu!?"

There are three ways you can go Sufing Pikachu, Entering Nintendo Power's contest for Surfing Pikachu, using a game-enhancing device, or finding Surfing Pikachu in Pokémon Stadium.

Pokemon Stadium: Surfing Pikachu is hidden in Pokémon Stadium for the Nintendo 64. To teach your Pikachu Surf (a technique it can normally not learn), you need to first unlock the R-2 (Round 2) mode. Then do the following:

Enter the R-2 Prime Cup's Master Ball division (you have to beat the first three divisions first).
Assemble a team that contains a Pikachu that does not yet know Surf. You HAVE to use a Pikachu from your Game Boy game. You cannot unlock Surfing Pikachu using a Rental Pokémon.
Do not register your team! Pick it directly from your Game Boy cartridge.

You now have to beat the Prime Cup's Master Ball division using a three-Pokémon team that always contains Pikachu. Pikachu has to be in every one of the eight battles.
You are not allowed to use any continues. If you do, you won't get Surfing Pikachu.
Once you have fulfilled all the above conditions, you are shown an award screen with Pikachu standing on a surfboard. From here on, Pikachu can use the Surf technique both in battle and during gameplay (Game Boy versions only). In Pokémon Yellow, you can now also access the hidden Surfing Pikachu mini-game. Simply go to the small hut on the northern beach of Route 19 and talk to the guy inside.

So what is Pikachu's Beach like? Well all you do is push left or right when going over the waves to do flips in the air. If you don't wipe out when you hit the water you'll get 50 points for one flip and 150 points for more than one.

If you look in the lower right of the screenshots you'll see a HP counter, it acts like a timer and is constantly going down. Whenever you score points, the points are added to the counter, so the more flips landed the more experience your Pikachu will earn when it reaches the shore.

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