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SSI (Server Side Includes)

Say your site is non-frames (like mine is) and you want to add a new link to the side bar, you don't really want to upload EVERY page with the new link. So all you do is put the side bar's HTML into a .html file and a piece of code where the side bar's HTML was, and then upload the .html file!

1. Create a web page with an extension of .shtml
2. Take out the HTML that you would change frequently (for example, affiliates or something that are changed a lot) and put it into a .html file.
3. Make sure that you place this code in the exact place you want the HTML to appear (take out the *'s)
<*!--#include virtual="WHATEVERYOUNAMEDIT.html" --*>
4. Finally, upload the .html file and the web page with the code in it!

So all you have to is include the code on every one of your pages and whenever you want to add a new affiliate for example, to the sidebar, you just add the HTML into the .html file and save it! All your pages will be updated!

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