JUNE 2002

Get Britney, Get Updates!

Do you... YaHoo?!

June 17, 2002
More NEW pics added! Check out the In Style magazine pics in the magazine section. (thanks worldofbritney.com!) Also, some pictures were added to the family/friends gallery. Also, take a look at some new pics from this tour's tourbook here. Other pictures added through-out. I also organized the Appearance galleries a little bit. Does everyone like the new layout? Feedback...please!! Well, I'm out! OH! I just made reservations to go to Seaside Heights in a few weeks!! MTV, here I come!! :-) ~D

June 11, 2002
Five days later, and as promised....A NEW LAYOUT!!! Well? What do you think? Drop me a line and let me know. Feedback helps!! Also... anything that y'all come across as in a contribution towards "In Defense" would be greatly appreciated. If you just wanna speak out on Brit...whatever...send it my way!! [use the "write to me" section]. Anyway, some pictures were added, along with a new magazine cover (ELLE Mexico). More from me later. Sign the guestbook! ~D

June 6, 2002
Ok, so I know that it's been awhile since I talked to y'all, but that doesn't mean I've been ignoring you. Pictures are ALWAYS being added. Usually on a daily basis. A new "Dream Tour" picture gallery was opened here. There have been major updates to In Defense..., so that's something to check out. Not too much else going on. I'm working on a new layout. Although I (and you guys, from what you tell me...) love this layout, it's been up for awhile now. Time for a change. That should be up soon....let's hope. I'm out. ~D

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