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H.O.P.E. and Animal


Praveen Ohal...........the founder


  • HOPE & Animal Trust�s Secretary, Vijay Massey, has served more than ten years with Action Aid -India and completed health related projects mostly in the rural sectors of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
  • Niraj Kumar Bhagat is a young rural management graduate and is working as employee with an associate NGO is the Trust�s Treasurer.
  • Dr. Himanshu Singh is a veterinary doctor is another trustee who assists in the Trust�s animal welfare initiatives.
  • Sweta Roy (Trustee) is a retired Principal who apart from guidance also helps us keep proper accounts of the organisation.
  • Dr. Nidhi Bhatnagar an eminent social worker by orientation and a Doctor by profession.
  • Mrs. Bharti Sahay passionate animal lover and doner for our animal welfare programs.
  • Dr. Sailendra Nath Roy is our supporter and guide .

    Key persons of several other NGOs have helped in formation of the Trust and continue to provide need based consultations. Other development professionals, like United Nations Online Volunteers, assist the Trust periodically to better attain its objectives by helping in project formulation, development and fine tuning of project strategy and other like activities.


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