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Our future planned activities are -

Street Dog Spay/Neuter Program.

Observation of National Homeless Animals?Day: Every year 3rd Saturday of the August

Establishment of an Animal Hospital, Shelter and an Old age home to support each other for care, love and companianship.

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Street Dog Spay/Neuter Program

"">       Every year, millions of dogs and cats left to die on the streets. The cats or dogs who die as a result of pet overpopulation whether humanely in a shelter or by injury, disease, or neglect is an animal who, more often than not, would have made a wonderful companion if given the chance. Tremendous as the problem of pet overpopulation is, it can be solved if our animals are not allowed to breed. In six short years, one female dog and her offspring can give birth to 67,000 puppies.

"">       We are currently seeking funding for the implementation of a street dog neutering program to half the escalating stray dog population, and to give them a better and disease-free life.


Observation of National Homeless Animals? Day: Every Year 3rd Saturday of the August


The International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) began National Homeless Animals?Day and Candlelight Vigils to publicize the magnitude of the dog and cat overpopulation, by increasing the public awareness of the millions of dogs and cats killed in shelters annually due to lack of homes and to emphasize the importance of spaying and neutering pets. From modest beginnings in 1992, National Homeless Animals?Day and Candlelight Vigils, commemorated on the third Saturday of August each year, have grown enormously in both number and content. Animal rights/welfare organizations, as well as individuals from around the world, have taken part in the event to increase public awareness of this issue.



We have been always doing our activities with very minimum funding support. Most of our fund was generated through our various innovative and creative fund raising activities. Since last more than four years we have never stopped our activities for Stree Dogs inspite of rejections from Government or International funding agencies.

Once again we are trying for sustainable solutions to our programs for Animal Welfare. This time we are concentrating on human resources and our human resource are Old People. An elderly people inconveniently looked upon as one more mouth to feed?  The obvious consequence of this attitude and accompanying neglect is debilitating on the morale of the elderly people, and prevents them from receiving the care and treatment that they deserve.  Furthermore, rapid urbanization has caused the young generation to migrate towards the cities, which leaves the elderly in rural areas alone, without support? financial, physical and emotional.  This results in loneliness, poor medical care, and destitution for the elderly who have contributed so much to their community. 

These factors make it necessary to provide a reasonable level of service and support to the aged. So that the elderly can spend their last phase of life in an honourable and respectable manner, in a secure and peaceful environment.

Yes - we are going to have an oldage home - But this Old Age Home will be different from other Homes

The aim of this project is to give adequate service, love & affection to the needy aged persons irrespective of caste, creed and sex for their social, economical and psychological rehabilitation - THEY WILL BE OUR VOLUNTEERS.


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Animal Shelter

At first we had problems with infrastructure but now we raised funds for our Animal Hospital and Shelter - The construction is going on and by the end of September we will have the Hospital and Shelter ready for carrying out our day to day activities.

Dogs are known to be the best friends of human.  Hence we have a dream to set-up Old home and Animal shelter to give company and share love with each other.  With the old age home we will get human resource for maintening our Animal Shelter because since begining we are adopting the self sustainable approach to our work.

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