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Animal Welfare

                                                                       By Mr. Praveen Ohal

“Stray dog neutering and post-operative care in Ranchi District”





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Even though a dog is considered a man’s best friend, today, stray dogs are viewed as a major menace – both in terms of hygiene and risk of rabies. The burgeoning population of Ranchi has resulted in increased congestion and reduced free spaces available for humans, let alone dogs. Unfortunately, visibly sick dogs flocking rubbish dumps is an all too common sight. Due to this scenario of diminishing space and limited food availability, the cities can ill afford to support an ever increasing population of dogs. Small pups and larger dogs die of both hunger or are regularly run over and left to die. There are few to worry about their fate.


A dog shelter is not an answer, as it cannot take in the large numbers of stray dogs and their ever increasing numbers. The street dog population is estimated at 27,000 and it increases by 30% every year, which makes it imperative to control the problem now before it becomes totally unmanegeable.  What is required is a human method of reducing the urban population of dogs through medically approved methods of sterilisation.


* A duo of dog catcher and driver would pick up dogs from different areas.

* First day the dogs would be brought in to the shelter, minimum 12 Hrs fasting for the dogs and Second day the dogs would be operated/ sterilized. Post operation care should be taken for 3 days.

* Recommended sequence of activity will be - first day dog catching and fasting – Second day operation – Three days treatment.

* Medicinal cost (antibiotics – Rs. 15/day x 4days, Pain killer – Rs. 4/ day x 4 days, disposable – Rs. 4) for one dog during the 5 days course comes to Rs. 130/- Including Rs. 50/- for Rabies injection.

* Veterinary Doctors service charges is at the rate of Rs. 125 per dog includes Rs. 75/- for Medical care & operation & Rs. 50/- for travelling expenses per dog. However the service charge will not be payable to Veterinarian as he will be paid a flat retainership fees @ Rs. 4000/- per month. He would additionally be reimbursed Rs. 500 per month towards travel cost on own two wheeler.

* Dogs will be operated and cared for in batches of 15 dogs to optimise time and care expenses. In one month maximum 90 dogs will be treated.

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: * To provide vaccination and sterilisation to stray dogs within the project area.

* To introduce and promote the adoption of 25% of stray dogs in the project area so that they are owned and their welfare ensured.

* To establish Animal Welfare Clubs in schools and Residential Colonies within the territory.

* Dealing with local councils about the disposal of leftovers from hotels, hospitals, market places, and residential premises, which are believed to be a pooling factor for homeless dogs.

* If necessary, euthanasia would be supported in the case of disabled or terminally sick dogs that are impossible to cure.

* To educate school children and residents in the project area about how they could befriend dogs and other animals.

* To create awareness about dog husbandry, animal rights and the humane treatment of animals in the community by conducting workshops.

* Distribute leaflets.

* Raise money for the production of posters, stickers and T-shirts from community donations.

* To undertake a survey of the area with regard to the situation of homeless dogs and animal welfare in general.

* To build the capacity of the organisation in the context of office space and commodities if possible.


Though the HOPE & Animal Trust has faced many obstacles and difficult hurdles, due to being the first organisation of its kind in this region. Despite this, it has performed numerous activities and created awareness about the importance of caring for animals, and stray dogs in particular. In short, the following services are planned to be implemented or expanded in the near future:

* Animal Shelter;

* Food Provision Facility;

* Medical Facility;

* Anti Rabies Injection; and

* Sterilisation/Neutering. # It has become necessary to control the stray dogs to give them better life and control the various Diseases like rabies. The number of dogs increases almost 30 % every year.

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