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We propose to establish an Old Age Home and an Animal Shelter to give company & share love with each other. The Organisation has more than 25,000 Sqft of Land and Animal Shelter and Animal Hospital is under construction.

Old People supporting Animal Shelter

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Old People

An elderly people inconveniently looked upon as one more mouth to feed? The obvious consequence of this attitude and accompanying neglect is debilitating on the morale of the elderly people, and prevents them from receiving the care and treatment that they deserve. Furthermore, rapid urbanization has caused the young generation to migrate, which leaves the elderly alone, without support? financial, physical and emotional. This results in loneliness, poor medical care, and destitution for the elderly who have contributed so much to their community. 


The aim of the project is to give adequate service, love & affection to the needy aged persons irrespective of caste, creed and sex for their social, economical and psychological rehabilitation. And in return they work for our Animal Shelter to share love and give company to each other  

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Self Sustainability through Farm Animals & Rural Poor

As everyone knows that getting funds are so difficult, hence we are working in consideration of sustainability by involving the unemployed and poor community member of the rural part.
Since last more than two years we used to get assistance from our one of well wishers in United States of America for our vaccination program. But since we stopped getting funds it made us think of sustainable approach in taking up the Projects.
This Project will meet some of our Street Dog shelter Expenditure -
The project will also strive to cultivate the spirit of self-help among the target groups/community through need-specific capacity building exercises and facilitate their effective participation in the Dairy program.
It will promote community ownership and partnering in the income generation program and activities being conducted by us in Dairy Project.
We will involve 20 Farm Cows of the villagers (only Milking Cows).
The responsibility of cows including shelter, food supply & Medicine i.e. overall care will be taken by the organisation.
Milking Cows responsibility goes to the respective family members - they will maintain the daily records of milk given - our care taker and supervisor will supervise the process and collect the Milk.
At the end of the month whatever revenue generates 50% share goes to the family (Community Member - The owner of the cow)and 50% share for all our maintainance cost. (Like if a cow's daily milk 4 Liters - for a month it will be 120 Liters - so the family will get paid @ XX for 60 Liters.)

We intend to create an Animal Shelter which will be linked into the old age home.  In that way, the elderly can offer their services and support to the Animals, who in turn, will get a honest companian.   This mutual support is the cornerstone of HOPE & Animal's work, and the establishment of an Animal Shelter, linked in with the old age home, and supplemented by the work of dedicated volunteers from the local community, will assist people of all ages and socio-economic backgrounds for generations to come.

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