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Hi! On this page I'm explaining the sometimes cryptic
advice messages given by the Yorp Statues (Keen1) and
the Vorticon Elders (Keen2).

This first problem can be easily remedied- Messages in
all the Keens can be translated with the SGA decoder,
found on a blackboard in the secret level of Keen3,
shown here:

or with the Standard Galactic Alphabet True Type Font.

I believe these two messages refer to the pathway to
the secret level in Keen1, further explained on Quest's
Hints and Cheats page.

These messages explain how to get rid of the Vorticon
in the last level. He cannot be killed by shooting, as
the message says, but there is a way to get him. You
must go up above him in the secret area and shoot the
rope holding the block over his head- it will crush him
and you can get the bottle and escape.

This reveals the existance of invisible blocks- which
can be found only in dark areas. Look for small grey
squares hanging in the air.

A word of wisdom from the Garg statue in one level.
When you find out what it means, let me know.


These bits of advice come from the Vorticon Elders aboard
The Vorticon Mothership in Levels "Home A" and "Home B"

The Vorticon Elder knows about Mortimer Mcmire, Keen's
nemesis, who is using his brain-belts to control the
naturally peaceful Vorticons and destroy the Earth.

In many levels you can find an on/off switch like this one:

If you press POGO when level with the switch, it will
turn the lights off. Therefore you can go overhead of
Vorticons, Vorticon Elite in safety. Baby Vorticons
can still jump in the dark, however, so be on your guard!

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