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please do so ASAP- your input is valued!

Soon the winners will be posted up.
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displayed here, please email me and I will remove
it immediately. Thanks.

Monsieur La Bloog


Favorite CK game:
1) Graphics wise, Keen4. Enemy wise, Keen6.
2) I already told you!
Least favorite CK game:
3) Commander Keen 2 - the graphics suck.

Favorite CK character:
1) The Blue Blooglet - blue is my favorite color,
and the design for the Bloog(-lets and -guards) is neat.
Least favorite CK character:
2) ButlerBot - he always pushes me to my death.


Favorite custom CK project:
1) KMO - because it is the first easy-to-use editor.
Favorite CK website:
2) Cerebral Cortex 314 - it has the most info
Keen Hopes:
3) More OFFICIAL games! From the mind of TOM HALL!



Favorite CK game:
Keen 4, definitely, absolutely, etc.
why?, cause it's deferent in scenarios unlike, 1,2 and 5
the characters are imaginative, unique, keen 3 where it's
just vorticons, vorticons etc. the story is great, rescuing
the hostages, not destroying, or fighting the arch dude or
something, and it's just fun, and you return to it every time,
and it's free!!!!
Least favorite CK game:
least favourite is keen dreams, no pogo, no zap gun,
boring story line, nothing really interesting about
most of the levels, some of them are actually pretty


Favorite CK character:
why?, cause it is unharming, peaceful, cute,
unoffending, you name it, the characters usually are
harmful on touch, or they try to attack you or
something, also worth mentioning are the red robots
from keen 2 and those Scottish geezers from 5.
Least favorite CK character:
Dopefish? arrgh!! blasphemy!!!
those yellow things from keen dreams that jump on you
and hug you to death, [gourds] whatever they are. why? read
the yorp section - they are the exact opposite.
but the most hated character is that king bubbus
tuber, I hate boss endings!!!

Dopefish 9


Favorite CK game:
Most interesting-
It has bloogs and it's different from all the
other keen games.
Least favorite CK game:
Keen Dreams
-Bad storyline
-Dumb Enemies


Favorite CK character:
-I named myself after Dopefish
-Who doesn't like a big burping fish that eats alot?
Least favorite CK character:
I don't know this one.
Some character from Keen Dreams...


Favorite custom CK project:
Keen Infinity- Most like originals
Favorite CK website:
I must say Cerebral Cortex 314
Keen hopes:
Make a OFFICIAL Keen 7



Favorite CK game:
My favourite Keen game is Episode Three:
Keen Must Die!
I really like the backgrounds
and characters in the game.
I love the world created in the game and the fact
that you get to take on Mortimer McMire at the end.
It's a shame he didn't make any more appearances
in the other games.
Least favorite CK game:
My least favourite Keen game would have to be Keen
Dreams. I prefer the good old neural stunner to
those flower power things and I found the boss at
the end a little too easy to beat (just compare him
to the Mangling Machine).


Favorite CK character:
My favourite character in the Keen games (besides
Billy himself)would have to be the Vorticon Elite
Warriors from Keen Two. They are worthy opponents
becuase they are intelligent(well, a little), fast
and can actully fire back at you. Unlike Robo Red
they aren't easily avoided either. I like their
funny looking costumes as well and the fact that
they make the game that little bit more challenging.
Least favorite CK character:
My least favourite character in the Keen games would
have to be Boobus Toober. He's far too easy to defeat
and looks pretty stupid as well (I mean a giant
potato? Yeah, right.)


Favorite custom CK project:
I haven't used any editors or played any of the Keen
projects yet so I can't really answer those questions.
Favorite CK website:
My favourite Keen wedsite is Cerebral Cortex 314
followed very closely by your own :o) [Quest]
Keen hopes:
I would like to see Tom Hall do another Keen Trilogy.
It wouldn't matter if it was 3D or 2D. As long as Tom
Hall is involved we can be certain it will be good.



Favorite CK game:
I like the format where you run around the planet
and you can pretty much go to whatever level you want
in whatever order.
Least favorite CK game:
Why: It's shareware, so I had that one first and beat
it about 100 times more than the others.


Favorite CK character:
Foobs from Keen3
Why: They look cool and would probably be a neat pet
(as long as you didn't give it a heart attack by
petting it, heh)
Least favorite CK character:
Why: Too boring and not very original, slugs already
exist in the real world, so why also have them in the
Keen world?


Favorite custom CK project:
Favorite Project/Editor has to be CKTetris (heh)
Why: I made it (heh heh)
Favorite CK website:
Steve's (not that cool) Commander Keen and
Programming Web Site Why: I made it (heh heh heh heh)
Keen hopes:
I dunno, more cool games made I guess



Favorite CK game:
My favorite keen game would have to be Keen4.
Because i like the levels, the maps, the characters
and the plot. Basicall the Goodbye Galaxy series
is my favorite.
Least favorite CK game:
My least favorite Commander keen game is Keen Dreams.
It sucks. Period. What kind of stupid game has a kid
in his pajamas fighting agressive vegetables?
It's stupid.


Favorite CK character:
My favorite character would probably be Spot
(keen's yorp pet) my guess is he is the last yorp
in the game of keen 1. He makes performances in almost
every game. ( usually showing him on a leash
attatched to the Blaze's tree) Why he was named
spot is beyond me.
Least favorite CK character:
My least favorite keen character is Mortimer Mcmire
(M.M.) a.k.a. the Grand Intellect. I hate him because
he makes no sence. He wants to blow up the Universe
just because he's smarter than everybody else. He
makes stupid clones, and stupid androids, and stupid
armageddon machines just as a decoy. Plus, The keen
series is thought to happen over a period of half
a year. ( not in distribuations, the game itself. )
so wouldn't the McMire's be worried about him?


Favorite custom CK project:
Favorite CK website:
Cerebral Cortex 314 (well i like mine better: It's good
because it has lots of info, lots of graphics, and
lots of keen know-how.
Keen hopes:
It's Simple: Keen 7, the universe is toast... Period

Thea Gregory


Favorite CK game:
Because I'm Thea the Bloogologist, and I've got
an obligation to say that.
Least favorite CK game:
KDreams, Keen1, Keen4
They got old... FAST

Favorite CK character:
The Bloog, because they're in Keen 6 and I
dedicated Bloogology to them.
Least favorite CK character:
Any enemies you can't defeat.

Favorite custom CK project:
KMO was cool, but I like Geoff's engine, too.
Favorite CK website:
Cerebral Cortex 314
Keen hopes:
Tom Hall get the rights.

Quest King (me)


Favorite CK game:
Keen4, followed closely by Keen2.
It's so cool and original! I love it cause it's
different, yet comfortable to play.
Least favorite CK game:
KeenDreams by far. The levels are ridiculously
easy, and thought the concept is original, (even
though I don't like it) they don't take it far enough
to make it really fun. Boobus sucks too.


Favorite CK character:
Gik, almost tied with Poison Slug.
Though both of them are yellow, I like them because
they show originality and are fun and challenging.
Least favorite CK character.
Tied for Orbatrix, ButlerBot, and pointy bean guy
in Keen Dreams. They're all irritating and impossible to
really beat.


Favorite CK project:
It's REALLY easy to use, and I can use MY creativity
on it, not just play on someone else's.
Favorite Keen Website:
Guess! Quest of Commander Keen.
Why? Well, it's kinda biased, but...
Keen Hopes:
Well, like everyone, I hope to see another
real, official Keen coming out that was designed
by the original guys, ESPECIALLY Tom Hall. Just no
more Dopefishes.

Some Guy


Favorite CK game:
most replayability, along with the fact that it
has the best assortment of enemies
Least favorite CK game:
actually it would be a tie between 3 and dreams,
not very good level design.


Favorite CK Character:
Commander keen, hes cool.
Least Favorite CK character:
mortimer mcmire, he is EVIL


Favorite CK project
RKP since its the best
Favorite CK Website
DUH, geoffs. sorry tom but his is simply the best
although yours does have a nice personality to it
Keen Hopes:
I would like someone to come out with a good keen game
with a nice story, but if id made another keen game
I dont think it should be done in 3d I think it should
be a 2d sidescroller like all the previous ones.



Favorite CK game:
Keen 5
because it was the very first Keen game I ever played.
It was a long time ago and I had just gotten into
computers and my Dad got it for me several years ago
(illegally but none of us knew that at the time -
he had gotten it off a bulletin board). I loved it
and played it a ton.
Least favorite CK game:
Keen Dreams. No pogo, gun, etc. It betrays all Keen games.


Favorite CK character:
Robo Red. He's so scary compared to the other "cute" characters.
Least favorite CK character:
Slugs. They're so annoying, pooping, etc.


Favorite CK project:
The newest Keen demo by DMsomething and Geoff [Keen Infinity]
it has the closest feel to the original Keen games. K&P
games don't even come close.
Favorite CK Website:
Quest King's site :-) It has the cool Little Known Facts page.
Keen Hopes:
I would like to see some new Keen games come out,
specifically a Doom-type Keen game :-)



Favorite CK game:
Keen 5
The monsters, music, graphics are cool
Least favorite CK game:
Keen2 and Keendreams, because they suck, in my opinion.
Keendreams is worse that 2, though. And besides, if you lose
in Keen2, the earth blows up.

Favorite CK character:
Keen and VortiNinja and Mortimer McMire, Keen cause he's
the goodguy, Ninja because he is cool and could kick the
stuffings out of the other monsters, Mortimer because he's EVIL!!!!!!
Least favorite CK character:
Anything from Keendreams, because...I mean COME ON, we're killing
giant VEGGIES in Dreams! And the only kind that actually gets killed
is Boobus! All the others just become flowers!

Favorite CK project:
KMO!!!!!!!!!! NUFF SAID!!!!
Favorite CK Website:
Quest, Bloogology, and CC314 in no particular order
Keen Hopes:
KEEN7, 8, 9, 10



Favorite CK game:
KEEN 6 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
why? It's a mix of keens 4,5 & 1. I don't like keen 5
that much, but do like keens 4&1. I like the variety
of the landscapes.
Least favorite CK game:
keen 2. why? I don't really like the mechanical look
that much. There's no variety. Also, the map is horrible.



Favorite CK game:
Keen 4, 5, and 6
They have so much more imagination and playability than
the other 4. There is background music, at least 10 different
types of enemies, and thye are more of a challenge.
Least favorite CK game:
Keen Dreams. It has many types of enemies, but none of
them STAY STUNNED when you shoot them. They just turn into
hungover-looking plants. (I like the grapes though).

Favorite CK character:
Ceilick (nospike has close second, bounder is third)
Why? The laugh it makes is so comical, and it looks rather
funny when it is stunned too.
Least favorite CK character:
Either those yellow things from Keen 6 that flip upside down, [giks]
or half the Keen Dreams characters. They aren't fun enemies.
They're annoying.

Favorite CK project:
I like RKP and Keen Infinity. They are very well done, and are the most
realistic to the original Keen games. I also like the Keen1 DOS editor
more than KMO (which is strange, I know, but I'm more comfortable with it).
Favorite CK Website:
For general info, definitely CC314 is the best, but for creativity, you have to
love any one of those -ology sites. Bloogology, Slugology, Shikology (even though
it's gone), Geology, the one about the Inchworm, etc...
Keen Hopes:
A seventh Keen game that is true to the originals in most every way. Original enemies,
original soundtrack, original world map... and way more levels.

Brandon Ayers


Favorite CK game:
Keen Dreams is my favorite.
Why? Well because so many hate it and it is a lot different.
[I also like] Billy's Pajamas!
Least favorite CK game:
Keen 7, because it isn't out yet!


Favorite CK character:
Inch worms everywhere! Why? They serve little purpose.
Least favorite CK character:
The Vorticon in Keen 1. Why? You have to smash it with the block!


Favorite CK project:
Kmo. Why? It's in windows, although I like keen to be in dos.
Favorite CK Website:
Yours. [Quest] Why? So you will like me!
Keen Hopes:
The copyright destroyed and him [keen] put under publc license.

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