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The Games

Keens 1-3: "Invasion of the Vorticons"

Keen1: Marooned on Mars

This is Mars, the location of the Keen1 episode.

Keen1 is (obviously) the first Commander Keen game ever made.
It's not the best Keen ever made, but it still has
a nice original touch.

In Keen1, while exploring Mars, The Vorticons residing there
steal four vital parts of his ship and hide them away
in secretive Martian cities. Keen must rescue them and
get back before his parents get home!

Keen1 can be made alot funner with Geoff Sims' creation
of Keen Make Over, or KMO. With KMO, you can create your
own custom Keen levels. (See the KMO section on this
very page.)

Keen2: The Earth Explodes

This is The Vorticon Mothership,
where Keen must go to save the Earth.

Though Keen2 is not the hardest Commander Keen game,
it is my personal favourite. It is quite challenging and
it introduces an array of interesting and fun concepts
not seen in any other Keen game.

The plot of this one begins in the end of Keen1, when
Keen spots a Vorticon Mothership (shaped like a Vorticon,
by the way- see the above image). He discovers that the
ship has been recruited by the "Grand Intellect", who
controls the Vorticons, to destroy Earth! Keen must
stop them before it's too late and get home before
his parents wake up!

Keen3: Keen Must Die!

This is Vorticon VI, the planet of the Vorticons,
Where Keen must travel for his final confrontation
with the mysterious Grand Intellect.

Keen3 is, in my opinion, the worst Keen ever made, next
to Keen 3.5. The levels are extremely easy, and only 3
are mandatory, I believe. It's OK for a conclusion, and
the last level is short but cool, but overall I think
Keen3 is not really worth the money spent on it.

Keen travels to Vorticon VI. His reason: rid the universe
of the evil Grand Intellect whose mind-belts control the
naturally peaceful Vorticons. He's in for a big surprise!

Keen 3.5: Keen Dreams

Keen Dreams is definitely the worst Keen ever made.
Though it's graphice hover somewhere between Keen 1-3
and Keens 4-6, the storyline, plot, and characters are
awful. Only download this one if you're desperate.

Keen Dreams starts out when Keen is sent, pouting, up
to his room after refusing to eat his Veggies. Keen
falls asleep, only to be called on in his dreams by
children eslaved by the Dream machine of an evil potato
king. Keen must rescue them! If you like seeing lethal Veggies
with legs running around, get this one. Otherwise...

Keens 4-5: Good-bye Galaxy

Keen4: Secret of the Oracle

This is a High Council Member, eight of
which Keen must save on his Quest.

This Keen, in my opinion, closely ties with Keen2 for
best. It has great enemies and lots of imaginative secrets.
I'd give it a two thumbs up!

Billy receives a scrambled ominous message coming from far
out in the Universe on his new inter-galactic radio.
What he gets is just enough for him to don his brother's
football helmet and transform into... Commander Keen,
defender of the Earth! Keen must save the members of the
high council of Gnosticus IV in order for them to activate
the Oracle and stop the hideous plot of the Shikadi,
who work for a mysterious "Gannalech".

Keen5: The Armaggedon Machine

The Armaggedon machine- set to destroy the galaxy!

This Keen has good graphics and hard levels, but overall
I wouldn't rate it too high.

After saving the High Council Members and activating the
Oracle, Keen sets out for the Armaggedon machine, which the
Shikadi plan on using to destroy the galaxy!

Special Edition Keen

Keen6: The Aliens ate my Babysitter!

This is Molly, Keen's babysitter.
You can only imagine what will happen
If Keen doesn't save her from the blood-thirsty Bloogs!

Keen6 is also an exquisite Keen. Good storyline and great
graphics contribute to the comical fun of this game.
Get it; it's great!

Keen is working on a new invention when he hears a noise
and discovers the Bloogs of Fribbilus Xax have kidnapped
his babysitter and are plnning on having her for dinner!
There's only one solution... Keen must save her!


The Shareware Episodes-


Other Helpful Things

Take your own screenshots of Commander Keen
and other games. It's freeware!

Keen Make Over
Make your own custom Keen levels.
KMO is a very easy-to-use program created by
Geoff Sims and Peder Johnson.
It's easy to operate, but you should follow these guidelines:

1: Keep the levels under 75x75 in size.

2: There is no "open" command, so if you close KMO,
your level's a goner.

3: Don't put any sprites (enemies or Keen's start position)
within a three-tile radius of the edge.

If you have any more questions or problems with KMO,
email me at
I may not be able to answer every question, though.

Keen Music

This is Keen music for listening in Windows.

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